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- Felix's POV -

It has officially been 4 days since the plan to turn hyunjin was set in place, we all take turns watching over him to make sure he doesn't flatline. We informed Minho of our choice since he lives with us now, he doesn't stay often though he's constantly hanging out with jisung. No one has heard from jeongin and I'm really starting to get worried, but I try to tell myself he's alright probably just hiding from the world. I mean I would to if I was in his situation. Hyunjin has gotten deathly skinny now and his breathing is labored, we continue to try and put food in his body but nothing, good thing is his body isn't rejecting the fluids so it gives us some hope. I sat next to hyunjins bed and stared out the window, chan walked in whilst I was deep in thought

C: hey your shift is over I can watch him now

F: it's fine, go out you haven't hunted in days I'll be fine

C: I'm fine as well don't worry I got this

F: you know there will be no point if you eat him

C: I won't!

F: better to be safe than sorry, so go hunt, not to mention you have to take care of yourself, we have healing properties but that doesn't mean we you won't die from starvation

C: fine but after I hunt we're switching spots you look exhausted

F: I'll be fine go eat

Chan walked out, he was right I am exhausted but I'm not gonna watch Chan starve himself for me, I'm sure he thinks he's made my life a living hell but he's helped me in more ways than I can count. He showed me what love feels like, if minho never met Chan I doubt he'd have ever met jisung and my best friend wouldn't have ever known true love and happiness either, not to mention he's trying his best to save my other friends life. He doesn't realize how kind and caring he is and continues to think less of himself. I sighed to myself and continued to stare out the window, we had 2 days left till the full moon, we're so close. I looked over at a dying Hyunjin but the only thing I cared about was the sound of his heartbeat, it gave me hope. Because as long has his heart kept beating I knew he'd survive.

Hours went by and soon hours turned into days, Hyunjins heart had given out twice already and it scared the life out of me luckily enough after having experience from my transformation we acquired a defibrillator and managed to start hyunjins heart back up the two times it gave out. It was now the final day me and Minho stayed by hyunjins side while seungmin and woojin went hunting, I convinced Chan to take a nap since he hasn't slept in days, to be fair neither have I

M: you look terrible

F: wow that means alot.... Thanks

M: haha no need to be so snappy I'm just saying you need to take better care of yourself, your yelling at everyone around you to eat and sleep when you aren't even doing it yourself, kind of hypocritical if you ask me

F: yeah... I know, it's just this is my problem, this is my friend and maybe if I didn't agree to let them climb down from that ferris wheel none of this would have happened

I felt my voice break when I finally said the things that were eating at the back of my mind, this guilt that's been weighing on my heart since that day of the incident

M: it's not your fault, no one could've predicted jeongin was going to slip, sure it was dangerous but you just wanted your friends home and safe as soon as possible.

F: don't try and make me feel better it won't work I've made up my mind and to make up for what I've done I won't allow Hyunjin to die

M: that's a mighty big proclamation you've got there

F: and I mean it, theres only 6 hours left til midnight when the full moon is at its highest

M: you really think he'll survive

F: he has to

I heard the front door open and close seungmin and woojin were now home, Minho left switching shifts with woojin.

W: still refusing to leave his side I see

F: not until he wakes up

W: and if he doesn't

F: then I want to witness my failure

I clenched my fists at the thought it brought great fear in my heart to think about failing to keep Hyunjin alive

W: your being too hard on yourself, Chan wouldn't want you to suffer

F: it's not his choice

W: you shouldn't want yourself to suffer

F: it's what I deserve for letting this all happen in the first place

W: well I won't say what I'm sure everyones already said

S: yeah which was all lies

Seungmin walked into the room

S: Everyone says "oh don't worry it's not your fault" I'm not here to blame you I'm hear to tell you the truth, and yes if you didn't agree to let them climb down that ferris wheel none of this would have happened, but hurting yourself is selfish, because your hurting all of us in the process, no one wants to see you suffer Felix, so don't put yourself and anyone else through anymore pain and focus on bringing back happiness to those around you. If you fail don't make yourself suffer use that God awful bright smile of yours and fix it

I couldn't reply before seungmin walked out of the room. His words had changed my whole point of view, woojin smiled to himself like he knew exactly what seungmin had done. I bit my lower lip with a new resolve in mind.

It was the final hour I paced back n forth in front of hyunjins bed, he has to survive. Minutes felt like decades but finally the moon was at its peak. Everyone gathered in the room and surrounded the bed suddenly Hyunjins heart raced at immense speeds, but the color of his skin started to return the injection sight of the venom had healed and looked normal again I couldn't help but smile to myself witnessing all of this, the only disturbing part was the sound of his bones healing back together. The moonlight shun on his skin when the moment we've all been waiting for finally arrived... His eyes.... Opened


(He survived!! what's the first thing hyunjins gonna do when he wakes up will his memory still be intact

a/n: we're nearing the end of this fanfic thank you so much for reading this far❤)

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