The Week of Suffering

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{Just to explain some things because time is kind of confusing, yesterday in the story was Monday today is Tuesday. The last day of felixs transformation is Saturday, that night is also the full moon}

- Felix's POV -

Chan continued to pack my things I grabbed my phone to call jisung.

[ calling : jisungie ]

J: hello

F: hey I need to ask you a favor

J: sure I hope you've gotten ready by the way the bus will be here soon

F: yeah about that, let's just say, I'm feeling a bit rebellious and um I'm going to stay with my boyfriend this week, I won't be at school, I need you to convince my parents I'll be sleeping at your house this week

J: HOLD UP! you want me to LIE to your parents

F: don't make me feel worse than I already feel

J: of course I'll help you out your my best friend but if I decide to run into the sunset with minho you better back me up

F: haha I promise thanks a bunch I'll try to keep in touch

J: yeah yeah, but what will you do about your absences they'll call your parents if they don't get excused

F: well isn't minho president of the student committee

J: I mean yeahhh whyy? oh no don't tell me!

F: pleaseeee jisung, have him edit my files saying I was present he's the only one that has access to the faculty room

J: your really pushing it I barely know him and your asking me to have him sneak into the faculty room and forge your attendance

F: yes please

J: fineeee, I expect food video games and a massage after all this

F: haha sure thing thanks again I'll talk to you later

J: bye man

[End call]

I hate this feeling of using and lying to others but I had to

C: is everything good

F: yeah..

C: hey don't look like that everything will be ok.

F: let's hope. Your gonna have to go through the window take the suitcase with you, I'll go out the front and meet you a couple of House's down

C: ok see you there

Before I could walk out the room Chan cupped my face in his hands and kissed me before climbing out the window and down the ladder with my suitcase. I smiled and I walked downstairs and pretended I was walking to my bus stop and bidded my parents goodbye, this time hugging them and telling them I love them. Just in case its the last time I get the opportunity. As planned I met Chan down the street and we headed into the woods to his den. We walked inside and woojin and seungmin welcomed us

W: oh hi Felix good to see you again

S: back already, might as well live here

F: haha hi you guys, Chan thinks it's best I stay here for the week while my body trys to get through the venom

W: that's no problem

I unpacked my things in chans room and the week of suffering began

(Day 2) [Tuesday aka today]

The day progressed slowly I spent it mostly watching movies with Chan on the couch, my bite wound hurt but nothing super severe. My body temperature increased substantially and I coughed blood a bit more frequently

(Day 3) [Wednesday]

Things were starting to get worse I woke up in the middle of the night crying in pain, Chan was there to hug me but I could see it pained him to be unable to help me. Seungmin studies medicine in his free time so he decided to check on me, from what he could see the venom was eating at the lining of my organs, I was disintegrating from the inside out. That explained why I felt like I'd been dipped in liquid fire.

(Day 4) [ Thursday]

Things had escalated, I was now bed ridden, I could not move, each movement was excruciating. I couldn't sleep nor eat, it was just constant pain. Woojin thought it was smart to get me an IV to keep fluids in my body so Seungmin snuck into a hospital and stole one. I was to the point of wanting to give up I felt death would be less painful. But I couldn't give up, I promised Chan I wouldn't I promised jisung I'd see him again as well as my parents. I need to live

(Day 5) [ Friday]

My vision was blurry and I had constant dizzy spells, staying conscious was almost impossible but honestly at this point it wasn't welcomed at least when I was unconscious I didn't feel the pain. Seungmin and woojin would come in every 2 hours to change the wrap on my wound. The flesh around the bite mark was disintegrating along with the rest of my organs. I refused to see Chan, I knew how much it hurt him but I looked disgusting and felt disgusting. My voice was almost completely gone from screaming in pain throughout the day and night.

(Day 6) [Saturday final day]

It was the final day I almost felt numb the pain had become normal to me now, I had run out of tears to cry. However my body still reacted as such to the pain causing me to suddenly jolt at random periods of time. It was a relief I would survive I could do this it would all be over soon. I was attached to an IV and a heart monitor, my heart beat had started to stop suddenly or speed up several times throughout the day. Finally it was starting to get dark, according to woojin the change is the most painful part. It almost made me laugh, all this suffering to get to that point just to suffer even more. However I started to have hope I hadn't died yet and I only had about thirty minutes left. Since I had made it this far I figured I'd see Chan now knowing I'd be fine. I ushered to seungmin who was checking the IV to let him in. Seungmin went to fetch him and he ran in with a look of relief

C: I thought you'd never let me in here til after it was over

My voice was reduced to a whisper

F: that was almost the plan

C: well I'm glad I get to see you now, your gonna make it through, this just a little longer

F: told you I'd be fine

Chan grabbed my hand and I squeezed as hard as I could which probably felt like nothing seeing as I was so weak. Just a bit longer.... I held chans hand but something felt wrong I couldn't breathe my surroundings felt like they were caving in on me like a black hole. This can't be happening I'm so close just a bit longer! I'm almost there!!! Please please stay awake I can do this come on, I pleaded internally but to no avail suddenly everything was black I could no longer hear or see anything

- Chan's POV -

I held Felix's hand and felt relieved, everything would be ok again and we could start over. Until Felix's already weak grip on my hand was gone I looked down and his eyes had dilated, suddenly the cursed ring of the heart monitor rung throughout the room, woojin ran in the room

W: its time! The full moon is at its peak!

C: Felix please wake up!

S: this can't be happening!!

W: oh god!!



(I have nothing to say except look forward to the next chapter)

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