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- Felix's POV -

I got up from my bed and walked over to window where I saw chan throwing pebbles at my window I opened my window and shouted down below to him

F: if this is your way of swooning me it's a bit old fashioned

C: I wanted to see you

F: the front door works to ya know

C: well maybe I am old fashioned

This side of chan was cute it made my heart flutter

F: use the ladder over there and come up

C: will do

Chan grabbed the ladder and I backed away from the window so he could climb up. He came through the window closing it behind him. I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me for him to sit

F: so what brings you to my humble abode

C: well... I missed you

Sure he was my boyfriend now but small things like that made me so happy

C: I didn't see you during lunch and I only have first period with you

F: I'm sorry I promise I'll eat lunch with you tomorrow

C: you don't have a choice haha I need my daily fix of Felix or I might go crazy

Chan suddenly pounced on me pinning me down to the bed, it startled me but it also made me laugh

C: what's so funny you should be scared I'm the big bad wolf

F: oh no I'm so scared haha your more like the big bad puppy

He growled at me and I continued to laugh but the next thing he did was unexpected. He bit my neck

F: ahh what the heck

He didn't just bite my neck though I felt him leave a hickey

F: what are you doing!?

C: claiming what's mine

F: but my parents! what will I say if they see a hickey on my neck!!

C: tell them it's a mosquito bite haha

- Chan's POV -

I knew leaving a hickey on Felix was kind of stupid but I couldn't help myself, his pout was adorable as he laid helplessly under me

C: Felix

F: what you big jerk

C: I love you

Felix was suddenly quiet he stared up at me with stars in his eyes and his cheeks a light shade of pink

F: I love you to chan

I never knew what true love would feel like, but now I did and it was amazing, who would've thought a little human could effect my life so much. But this moment didn't last long Felix squirmed from under me and ran to the bathroom in his room

- Felix's POV -

I hated my body so much for ruining this moment, I suddenly felt nauseous so I ran to the bathroom and threw up whatever food I had consumed that day including some blood.

F: oh god..

C: Felix are you ok

I could hear Chan coming towards the bathroom

F: no don't come in here!

C: don't do that don't push me away I'm here for you

F: i-i know but I don't want you to see me like this

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now