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[ Notice: the last chapter ended with changbins POV so it shall continue in his POV as well ]

- Changbin POV -

A made my way through the forest and hid in a few bushes across the street from felix's home. Knowing Woojin he's probably alerted chan of my extended absence, meaning chan will track my scent and make his way here in 30 minutes if not less. So I need to act fast what can I do to get close to this Felix. I phased into my human form and tried to be rational, knowing chan will be here soon I decided on something quick n simple hoping to start things slow, I walked to his porch and slipped a note in his mailbox reading

{ secret admirer- 008-***-***🖤}

Hopefully I'd be receiving a message from him soon and my plan can begin. I must succeed. Chan doesn't deserve even the slightest bit of happiness, not after everything so far has been handed to him. I rang the door bell and shifted back into my wolf form quickly retracing my steps to return home.

- Chan POV -

After woojins notice I quickly ran out of the cabin shifting into wolf form mid sprint, anger shot through me like a hot pulse through my spine something was off I just couldn't place it. The confusion only heightened my frustrations and anger, I ran as fast as I could my paws pushing out dirt from behind me. Using my strong sense of smell I picked up changbins scent immediately, his scent trailed off in a very familiar direction- Felixs house. I suddenly felt sick. I quickened my pace only to run head first into changbin, knocking us both to the ground I quickly regained an upright position pinning him down, unable to control my emotions my mussel lifted exposing my canines as a growled out the next few words

C: where. were. you

Bin: calm down Mr. Alpha I can smell your dog breath from here

C: nows not the time for games we never tread near civilization in case we get spotted you know this

Bin: yeah yeah look I was just taking a stroll and got distracted

Changbin pushes me off of him now, shaking off the dirt from his silky black fur staring me down. Me and changbin have always had our slight rivalries, seeing as he's always wanted to be chosen as alpha, but you need to have the blood of our past alphas, which he doesn't have. But I do. Ever since I was chosen the tension between us has only increased. We used to be best friends but now here I am attacking him in the forest. I sighed to myself I had no right to accuse him of anything yet, but I'll trust my instincts and I will find out what he's been sneaking around for.

C: go home now

Bin: I was heading there anyways

He ran home making sure to slightly push past me, out of the need for some peace of mind I ran to Felix's house to just peak and make sure he's alright, I hid behind some bushes long enough to witness him go outside and check his male grabbing a letter and returning inside, it gave me great relief to see he was safe and with that I knew I'd never be able to avoid him. After that I returned back to my den.

- Felix's POV -

I heard someone ring my doorbell but I was in a fierce battle of Mario Kart with jisung and Jeongin, whoever loses this round has to pay for pizza. Without losing focus I won and let them rock paper scissors for whose wallet must suffer, while they did that I finally went downstairs to check who rung my doorbell just to see a letter sticking out of my mailbox, I grabbed it and went back inside and up to my room.

J: hahaha I'm safe you lose!

I.N: come onnn I don't have money for this

J: I already had to pay for burgers and a movie this week please understand the struggle innie

I.N: yeah yeah *sighs*

F: sorry innie haha

And with that Jeongin ordered pizza and we ate pizza and played more video games til Jeongin finally had to go home. His mom picked him up and jisung also had to return home. I was now home alone and took this time to open the letter, it was labeled secret admirer and a phone number, this was kinda creepy but peaked my interest. I pulled out my phone and texted this secret admirer

{Text message}

Felix: hello?

                                           ? : hi~

Felix: do I know you?

                              ? : no but I know you

Felix: umm alright haha what's your name

                             ? : you can call me bin

Felix: that's cute nice to meet you binnie (*^^*)//

                      ? : I'm glad you responded
Felix: well I'd feel rude if didn't

                   ? : well I have to leave now let's talk more tomorrow

Felix: alright binnie have a goodnight

{Contact updated: Binnie}

                          Binnie : goodnight ~

I threw my phone on my bed slightly blushing at this binnie person, I'd hoped to meet them one day in person. I've never had someone interested in me before. I mean there's Chan but he's forced to like me because of his instincts, I kind of feel bad honestly, I'm human so I can't reciprocate his feelings. However I don't think it'd be hard he's so attractive and seems kind. Oh my god what am I thinking! I slapped my self lightly. I barely know the guy! Ugh and I barely know this bin guy either, am I just that desperate for a relationship. I sighed and slumped in my bed. I'm an idiot.

- Chan's POV -

I arrived home and changbin was locked in his room, seungmin and woojin had fallen asleep together on the couch, I smiled to myself, no matter how broken this pack was, it was still my pack. And I loved each member, I went to my room with the thought of love on my mind, I laid in bed and sighed, I guess maybe thats the one bad thing about being a wolf that choice of love is taken from you, once you imprint all of your feelings of compassion are owned by one person. Maybe it's not a bad thing I imprinted on this human maybe I can experience something different seeing as though he doesn't automatically feel the same, maybe I can build up actual love. Ugh who knows I rolled over hoping my insomnia would spare me this one night.


(Awe they just wanna be loved- maybe they can love each other- will changbins plan continue to prevail will chan become closer to felix:
sorry for the late update (◞‸◟ㆀ)--- I promise I'll update more often)

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