first encounters

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I couldn't believe what was now pinning me to the ground, I couldn't move only stare into the golden eyes of this wolf staring me down. I would've expected it to tear me to shreds but instead it just stared suddenly it started to growl I closed my eyes awaiting the soon mauling I'd receive but instead when I opened my eyes the wolf was now a man with white wolf ears atop his head that twitched at the sudden cold breeze. His stare however didn't faulter

(Y'all I know this picture is cringe af I wrote this story going on like 2 years now don't make fun in the comments 😭

Edit: I deleted the image 😞)

I couldn't believe my eyes this couldn't be real, I was at a lost for words, as if he could read my mind he spoke

?: who are you

I couldn't muster a word

?: are you human?

F: y-yes

He made a face almost of confusion like what I said was impossible he stared me down before the snapping of twigs could be heard. He suddenly pulled me to my feet and shoved me

?: hurry! go that way

He gestured towards the direction away from the approaching movement in a blink of an eye he phased back into a wolf and swiftly ran towards the direction of the noises he stopped for a minute and looked back at me I took this opportunity to run. I made my way back to the arcade safely where a panicking jisung stood pacing. He quickly hugged me as I made my way through the bushes

J: oh my god I thought you died!! What happened!! You were in there for 20 minutes!!? I wasn't sure if I should call 911 or what!

F: calm down I'm fine

J: what's with the leaves in your hair why is ur shirt torn!?

I looked down and surprisingly there was a slight tear in my shirt near my shoulder where that wolf.... Man?... Whatever! Pinned me down

F: it's nothing I heard something moving and ran but I tripped and I guess I tore it on a branch

As much as I wanted to tell jisung everything I couldn't bring myself to it I'd probably have sounded insane. Jisung sighed and just stared at me before patting my head

J: I'm just happy your ok

F: well maybe if you didn't make me go in there in the first place none of this would've happened!!

He smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head while avoiding eye contact

J: I know I know I'm sorry

He smiled at me apologetically

J: did you get that photo though

I punched him in the arm

F: ugh yes now let's go home my parents are gonna freak!

J: oh shit your right!

We ran back to our neighborhood, jisung was my neighbor, we went to the backyards of our houses and hopped the fences- and bided one another farewell. There was a ladder in my backyard that led to the window of my room just for situations like this, I sped up the ladder and quietly snuck into my room through the window. I could here my parents down stairs luckily for me I hardly ever left my room so they probably didn't notice my absence. I quickly showered and sat on the edge of my bed, I took this time to go over what just happened. One things for sure is I'm not crazy I know what happened was real and I'm not on drugs. Just how is this real, a what would you call it. Werewolf it sounded like something out of some fantasy novel. As crazy as it sounded I wanted to go back I want to see him again I had so many questions. I had already planned on skipping school tomorrow with jisung this could be my one opportunity to see him. I fell asleep with determination I will see him again.

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now