After the Transformation

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- Felix's POV -

F: Its all kind of a blur

C: take your time

Chan held my hand and I began to remember everything before the change.

F: well I remember laying in that bed with you by my side, I felt like everything was gonna be ok, but suddenly everything started closing in on me like my life was being stripped away and I could do nothing about it. Everything went dark I felt a surge of heat like I was literally on fire I felt everything inside me shift and before I knew it I saw the full moon shining through the window, I felt hungry I had forgotten where I was, I just knew I wanted to go home. I jumped out the window and began running, I felt the urge to go faster and suddenly I was but I was now on all fours I had paws and my senses were tripled along with my hunger. I ran till I could see my house I went around back when I saw jisung come outside, I acted I guess on instinct and before I knew it I had him pinned to the ground, all he looked like was food to me. If it wasn't for chan I probably would have... K-killed my best friend.

C: it's ok Felix you snapped yourself back, jisung is safe. Soon you'll be able to control yourself and everything can start over.

F: I know and it's thanks to you

I held Chan's hand tightly and he smiled at me

S: so what are we gonna do about his friend

W: well we can't kill him

F: why would you have to kill him!?

C: well he knows too much Felix, people don't know werewolves exist if they did they'd either have us killed or captured

F: oh... I understand, look just let me talk to him In the morning, I'll explain everything. We can trust jisung sure he's obnoxious but he knows how to keep a secret when he has too especially if he thinks he life is at stake

C: alright I believe you, for now let's get some rest, It's extremely late

F: your right

Me and chan went to his room and bidded Seungmin and woojin goodnight. I sat on the edge of the bed, and stared around dragging my hand across the covers

F: this is insane

C: what is?

F: everything, I can see everything,  smell everything, and feel everything. It's insane, is this how it's always been for you

Chan sat down next to me

C: yep I was born a wolf along with the others, we once had someone in the pack who was turned. But he disappeared, no reports came back saying anyone had been harmed so he must of found a way to control himself and live a normal life.

F: what was his name?

C: I can't remember to be honest, try asking woojin in the morning, he probably remembers

F: alright, and chan

C: what's up?

- Chan's POV -

Felix had wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss before pulling away and looking me straight in my eyes

F: is this what it feels like to be imprinted with someone

C: yeah the constant feeling of love and-

F: lust......Is this why you constantly left? Was it hard to control your urges?

C: well since you were human you didn't immediately reciprocate my feelings so yes, I'd leave constantly in fear of moving things too fast

F: you don't have to anymore, I love you Chan even more than before

C: it's late Felix don't tempt me right now

F: please..

He looked like an animal in heat and he was all mine

C: are you sure

F: positive

I pinned Felix down on the bed he looked up at me with a look of longing

F: wait one thing

C: what is it?

F: it's my first time

C: I'll be gentle

And with that we spent a night of passion together as one

[Next day mid afternoon]

- Felix's POV -

I woke up in Chan's arms he was fast asleep, last night was insane it felt amazing and with these heightened senses I couldn't imagine it getting any better. I wiggled out of his grip blushing at the memories of last night and hopped in the shower, I got out to find a half awake Chan rubbing his eyes

F: good morning

C: haha I think you mean afternoon

F: seriously!?

C: yeah, didn't you check the time

F: no I just got out the shower

C: you should've woken me up I could've joined you

Last night I had a burst of confidence but right now it was gone just the thought of last night made me a blushing mess and I knew Chan wouldn't let me live it down

F: haha I'm gonna go I'll be back later

C: where are you going, it's Sunday you don't have school besides its summer break

F: I have to explain things to jisung remember

C: oooh alright well be careful also don't forget, the ears

F: ears? Oh ears!

I felt the top of my head where two fluffy hears twitched at the different sounds

C: you can use my hoodie

F: alright thank you, I'll be back later.

C: be careful, if you get hungry come straight home

F: so this is my home now

That comment made Chan blush

C: i- I mean

F: haha bye Chan

I ran over to him and kissed him before leaving to head to jisungs house. As I walked I tried to think of how to explain everything in a way jisung could 1 understand and 2 not freak out, however I think he's gonna freak out regardless. Finally I made it to a street I was all too familiar with and walked a few house down til I was standing on jisungs porch


(Sorry soft stans, and hard stans your welcome 👀, how will felixs explanation with jisung go, also who's this new runaway wolf)

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