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- Felix's POV -

Chan appeared along with another wolf by his side, it's fur was a golden brown, I assumed it was woojin. Changbin shifted into his wolf form, it seemed almost as if he had snapped he no longer formed words he just growled and snarled baring his canines. I was scared, not only for myself, but for Chan and woojin, they could get extremely hurt and it'd be all my fault, I should've never got involved with that "secret admirer" I should've known it was sketchy. Chan and woojin stood on either side of changbin I'm guessing to attack him from both sides.

- Chan's POV -

Felix looked terrified, he stayed tied to the tree I could see tears streaming down his cheeks, it infuriated me, I should've done something sooner I knew changbin was acting different and I knew imprinting on a human would bring problems. But you know what I did... Nothing... After this I promise I'll do everything in my power to protect Felix and the rest of my pack for good. Woojin noticed my sudden rage I had acted on impulse and started to approach changbin, woojin growled to snap me back to reality, we have to be smart. A wolf thats lost their humanity is 2 times stronger than any normal wolf. Before I could think any longer changbin lunged at me pinning me to the ground, woojin pounced knocking him off of me, I quickly got back up to join woojin. It was bloody, I felt the skin in my sides tear as changbin clawed and bit at me and woojin. He was completely feral. It was a back and forth battle changbin had knocked woojin into a tree, when woojin didn't get back up, I could feel heat surging through my body suddenly all I saw was red from anger and shoved Changbin to the grown biting and tearing into his neck until suddenly. He was human again and he was covered in scratches and blood he looked about ready to die.... But I couldn't kill him he laid under my paw coughing up blood, after everything he's done... I can't... Kill him. Just as I went to remove my paw woojin ran over to me biting into changbins neck and with that I heard the snap of his neck in woojins mouth.... Changbin was dead... I couldn't think straight he's... Dead he's gone. I phased human and collapsed.

F: Chan!!!

I could here Felix calling out to me, woojin phased human and limped over to me

W: I'm sorry Chan.. I knew you couldn't do it... So I did

C: w-why

W: he was dangerous and bound to die anyways from those wound, I just made his death quick and less painful

I knew woojin was right but I couldn't control my emotions and before I knew it I was sobbing.

- Felix's POV -

F: woojin please untie me

Woojin limped towards me and untied the rope bounding me to the tree, as soon as I was realised I ran over to were Chan laid on the grown covered in blood, tears covered his face. I've never seen him in such a fragile state before I carefully placed his head on my lap, and allowed my emotions to consume me as well and began crying

F: thank you so much for saving me, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble this I all my fault

C: shhh it's not your fault

Even though I know he's weak he lifted his hand to my cheek and wiped away my tears, I grabbed his hand, holding it in both of mine.

W: I'm going to get rid of the body Chan

Woojin phased into his wolf form picking up a lifeless changbin in his teeth disappearing far into the woods.

C: I promised you I'd keep you safe... And I failed

F: no you didn't, I'm here aren't I, your the one who's hurt along with woojin and it's all because I got involved with someone I shouldn't have!! I'm so sorry

C: calm down, it's not your fault you didn't know changbin was the kind of person he was ok. But... He's gone now, and I'll continue to protect you no matter what.

F: I'll try my best to protect you as well

C: haha alright you do that

Chan sat up and turned to me

F: no wait don't sit up your in bad shape!

Before I could attempt to get him to lay back down he put his hand on the nape of my neck pulling me into a passionate kiss. It lasted for what felt like a lifetimes bliss before he pulled away

C: let's go back to my den

I smiled and nodded, I helped Chan up on to his feet and we made our way throughout the forest and to his den. This was my first time ever seeing his den. It was a nice modern day cabin. We walked in side and I laid Chan onto the couch. Seungmin came running from his room covered in bandages but he looked seemingly normal otherwise.

S: oh my god is he ok!? Where's woojin!!!?!

F: he's in pretty bad shape... Woojin went... To dispose of the body

S: dispose of the body...?

C: changbins dead seungmin

S: oh god

Seungmin lowered his head, I saw a single tear fall down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away

S: let me get the med kit

He disappeared and returned with a med kit and began treating Chan's wounds

C: thank you so much seungmin

S: no problem, your our alpha remember, can't have you dying

I stood next to Chan as seungmin tended his wounds

F: will he be alright

S: give him a week or so and he'll be good as new

I sighed in relief and smiled at Chan

F: good..

After seungmin had finished bandaging up Chan woojin came limping through the door

W: mind fixing me up as well

S: what do I look like your personal nurse

W: haha yep

S: shut up and sit down

It's crazy how woojin could laugh after everything that just happened, he just buried a pack member for christ's sake.. But I think he was doing it for the rest of the back, I could sense his laughter lifted some tension. Chan sat up and woojin sat next to him and seungmin began tending to his wounds

F: your den is really nice by the way

C: thank you, it's passed down through the alpha bloodline

F: oh crap

C: what's wrong

I had just realized how late it was and I never I had never texted my parents where I was

F: my phone I need my phone

C: oh um

Chan dug in his pocket and pulled out my phone

C: you dropped it when you were attacked, it's a bit cracked

F: no it's fine thank you so much

I took it and opened it to see 10 missed calles from my mom 11 from jisung 10 from jeongin and 7 from hyunjin. I felt my heart drop, I looked at my messages and jisung had texted me

Jisung: WHERE ARE YOU!!??

Jisung: you mom called I told her you slept over at my place, I expect an explanation tomorrow

Jisung: please at least call and let me know you're safe!!!

I quickly texted jisung and told him I was safe and I'd explain everything tomorrow, after pressing send I suddenly felt dizzy and my body was on fire...

C: hey Felix are you ok

F: Chan i-

Suddenly everything went black.


(Can Chan and Felix start over now that changbins out of the picture, why does Felix suddenly feel Ill)

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