trouble in paradise

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- Felix's POV -

It felt like fireworks were going off inside me, like I had been waiting for this moment for forever.. Maybe I was, the kiss only lasted a few seconds when I wished it'd last an eternity

- Chan's POV -

After Felix obviously ignored me today I knew I needed him to know how I felt, that my feelings went beyond my instincts and that I felt the same way as he feels for me. So with that in mind I claimed him for good right here and right now

- Felix's POV -

All good things must come to an end and we both pulled away I couldn't help but stare in his eyes in disbelief, how could someone like me deserve something so perfect

C: that's my response

F: can you maybe respond.. One more time

C: Felix, will you be my boyfriend officially, I want you to be mine-

This time I initiated the kiss I didn't want anymore talking I just wanted to feel his lips on mine.

C: I'll take that as a yes

At this point I was probably a blushing mess but I didn't care, I've never felt so happy.

C: I don't want to ruin this moment but I need to talk to you about something, I need to ensure your safety and to do that you have to tell me if you've met a person by the name of changbin recently?

F: oh um, it doesn't sound familiar

C: are you sure?

F: no I don't think so

C: alright then please let me know if you later remember something it's really important

F: of course I will. Am I like, in danger?

C: I'd never let you be in danger so don't worry

Chan placed his hand on my cheek reassuringly, and I'd never felt more safe

C: now how about you eat whatever is in that lunch box before the bell rings

F: oh crap your right

I ran over to where my lunch box was and opened it to quickly eat some rice and grilled tripe I brought from home, Chan sat next to me and we chatted till the bell rang.

F: please tell me I'll see you more often and you won't disappear

C: I promise I won't disappear haha

F: alright I'll see you soon then, I hope

C: you can count on it

After that me and Chan split ways to go to the rest of our classes

- Chan's POV -

After lunch with Felix I ditched the rest of my classes and returned to my den, I want to give Felix as normal of a life as possible and to do that I need to figure out what to do about changbin. I arrived at my den and ran in to find woojin and seungmin, what I saw was devastating, woojin was curled over seungmin who was laying on the ground covered in blood bite marks and scratches covered him

C: oh my god what happened

W: changbin attacked him

C: what do you mean why!?

W: seungmin found him pretty far out east he'd stayed phased as a wolf this whole time since he couldn't afford a place to sleep and-

C: he lost his humanity...

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