In Need of Answers

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- Chans POV -

I ran back home with several thoughts on my mind, but the main thing being I needed answers. I need to make sure Felix is safe, and if that means I have to- no I can't think like that I shook my head as I ran aimlessly through the forest making my way back to my den, changbin is apart of my pack even though things are complicated I have to solve the situation rationally I don't want to hurt him. I arrived to my den and phased back human as soon as I reached the porch, I stormed inside and woojin sat on the couch as if he was waiting for him

C: where's changbin!?

W: calm down he isn't here, seungmin said his room was empty none of his belongings are there anymore.

C: what....

W: he's gone chan..

C: where's seungmin?

W: he says he caught his scent a few miles east he's going to attempt to find him and bring him home.

The sudden news was overwhelming, I collapsed on the couch next to woojin and sighed holding my head in my hands

C: I don't know what to do woojin, as the alpha I have to protect you all, but I also have to protect Felix.

W: I know you don't want to hurt changbin, and you won't have to.

C: whats that supposed to mean

W: don't worry about it. Go get some sleep, or at least try, me and seungmin will focus on locating changbin, you can just focus on Felix

C: I shouldn't have to depend on you guys i-

W: shut up and go to sleep already

I sighed woojin and seungmin and even changbin at times have always been there for me, why must things go down hill now. I nodded and went to my room and laid down please insomnia spare me, I can't risk over thinking right now... It took an hour but soon sleep consumed me away from this awful reality.

- Changbin's POV -

I decided to runaway from the den, sooner or later chan would smell my scent on Felix and he'd come looking for me. I know he'd never kill me with his big dumb caring heart, so to avoid a pointlessly long and dreadful conversation with him trying to make me back off.. I ran.. Much easier. Of course I can't afford a house or hotel so for now I'm staying in my wolf form for a bit and sleeping in the woods far east. However I can't stay like this forever staying in wolf form for too long risks me losing my humanity and that's the last thing I need especially since my plan has already hit one wall. I find Felix quite interesting so making him leave chan and fall for me to then disappear is too hard, so things have changed. I want him, and I'll make him mine, in the end chan gets hurt and I get a brand new toy. Honestly better than my initial plan, I wonder how long til they find me. I curled up under a tree and fell asleep my belongs in a suitcase beside me, I'd head farther east in the morning.

{Next morning}

- Felix's POV -

I woke up this morning and all the memories of last night flooded my mind. I can't believe I confessed to chan, and to make things even worse I fell asleep before I could find out if he likes me back. Ughhhhh I slammed my face into a pillow before I finally noticed the time. I had less than an hour to get ready for school, luckily after today it's summer break and I can get a break from all this. I ran and got ready but ran a bit late after my family confronted me about the excessive amounts of meat packages in the trash and half of my allowance missing. I played it off saying I had all my friends over and we were reallyyyy hungry. I ran past my parents and out the door hoping I didn't miss the bus.
After turning the corner I could see jisung telling the bus driver to wait for me, luckily I made it on the bus.

J: why are you always late

F: listen I lost track of time

J: I swear I'll just start showing up at your house early as hell in the morning.

F: and I'll lock the door.

J: you still have a window~

I.N: you guys are a mess

F: oh wait where's hyunjin

Jeongin pouted at my comment

I.N: he's home sick, I told him I'd drop by after school with some soup so I won't be walking home with you guys today, I'm sorry

J: it's fine innie, I'm uh.... Goingtominhoshouseafterschooltostudy.......

F: huh I couldn't hear you

I.N: yeah you mumbled

J: I'm.... Going to minhos house after school-

F: minhos house!?

J: yeah to study

I.N: oooo studying~~

Jeongin wiggled his eyebrows at that last comment making jisung punch him in the arm, I stayed in shock

J: lix you good?

F: my baby squirrel is growing upppp

I pretended to cry dramatically

J: ugh shut up I'm older than you!

F: by a day!

J: still counts!

We finally arrived to school and split ways, I raced jisung to class and we both attempted to go through the classroom door at the same time causing us to collapse. Before I could feel the impact of the floor someone had grabbed my backpack preventing me from falling, jisung on the other hand met face first with the floor. I looked behind me and chan stood holding onto my backpack

C: you should be more careful.

After last night I was too scared to look him in the face, I didn't know if he felt the same and it was driving me crazy. I pulled away and laughed awkwardly running past jisung to my seat.

J: you could've helped me ya know!

Jisung stood up dusting off his pants and made his way over to his desk next to mine. Chan attempted to approach me but I pretended to read my textbook, so he walked past me and went to his desk. I knew avoiding him was stupid but I was scared and embarrassed. The class went on painfully long and so did the class after that and after that till finally it was lunch, jisung apologized and ditched me to go eat lunch with minho, and there I was about to eat alone again, till I remembered chan was here. I was hesitant, I had avoided him every chance I've had, during class in the hallways even in the bathroom today. But I can't avoid him forever just because I embarrassed myself, I made my way to the rooftop and opened the door, as expected chan stood looking over the rooftop, he didn't even flinch when he heard me open the door. Did I piss him off... I placed my lunch down on an air vent and made my way over to him

F: listen chan... I don't know if I upset you but I'm sorry, I said some embarrassing things last night and I fell asleep before you could respond so i-

C: so you avoided me.

F: yeah... I'm sorry

C: can I respond now then?

F: i- I mean yeah sure of course-

Before I could say another word chan pulled me to him and

Kissed me


(Oop now would you look at that👀,

also just to clear things up, earlier in the story when changbin mentioned losing his humanity I didn't know how to explain it in the story so I'll explain it here, basically if a werewolf stays phased in their wolf state for too long they risk staying wolf all together losing human emotions and just becomes a big bad wolf with a killer uncontrollable appetite

Now that that's cleared up thank you so much for reading please look forward to the next chapter😇❤)

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