Why Now

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- Felix's POV -

The ferris wheel returned to the bottom, Minho and jisung stood waiting whilst holding hands. I don't think I've ever seen jisung so happy, and even Minho looked ecstatic.

F: where are the others?

J: they haven't gotten down yet

F: oh ok

We waited a few minutes it was on its final rotation with Hyunjin and Jeongin at the top, suddenly the ferris wheel made a devastatingly loud screech.

F: what just happened!

C: I don't know

M: did it stop moving!

We all ran towards the person controlling the ferris wheel

F: what happened that didn't sound good

???: oh uh i'm not so sure, the gears appear to be stuck 

S: well get them unstuck

Seungmin walked towards the staff worker about ready to rip his throat out when woojin grabbed his arm

C: listen our friends are up there is there any way to fix this

???: I'm not sure we might just have to call 911

W: how long will it take for them to get here

???: well the town hospital is under maintenance right now so it's unable to receive calls the closest one is about 2 hours away

2 hours was definitely too long it was already getting really late

S: 2 HOURS!?

W: calm down seungmin

S: tch fine

C: is there any other way to get them down

???: well are they at the top?

C: yes

???: if they can manage to open the safety latch they can climb down from a ladder placed for repairmen

C: ok thank you

We all walked back towards the ferris wheel looking up, it was extremely high

F: your kidding right, you can't be considering having them climb down from that height!!

C: well its not my best idea but it's an idea

J: what if they fall

M: I doubt they're stupid enough to not be careful

J: still anything could happen

F: jisungs right

W: it's a risk we have to take

I sighed to myself but this was probably the quickest method to get them down

F: fine I'll text jeongin of the plan

- Jeongin POV-

The ferris wheel yanked to a halt and I immediately knew this wasn't good

I.N: somethings wrong isn't it

H: it looks like somethings broken the ferris wheel stopped moving

I.N: oh god so what now

H: I see them all going to the worker controlling the ferris wheel I think they're asking for help.

A couple of minutes later I received a text from Felix.

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