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- Minhos POV -

I had heard the voices of Felix and others enter jisungs room, the voices sounded familiar but nothing could have prepared me for who was accompanying Felix

J: minho you finally came out of the bathroom I thought you died in there

M: sorry no

F: hey minho

M: hey

J: well since everyones here let's decide on what we're gonna do

- Felix's POV -

Hyunjin and jeongin sat together on the bean bag chair, minho and jisung sat next to one another on the bed, chan stood behind me his arms wrapped around my waist with his head resting on my shoulder and woojin and Seungmin sat next to one another on the floor. Awkward silence as well as tension between minho and chan filled the air, I could sense they wanted to talk but they couldn't say anything with humans in the room.

J: come on guys silence isn't gonna get us anywhere

I.N: how about an amusement park

J: hmmm amusement park

F: that's actually smart theres one not far from here like 30 minutes

H: yeah but none of us have a car or know how to drive

C: I actually know how to drive

F: seriously!?

C: haha yes

J: well my parents have two cars they took one for the business trip I know where the keys are for the other

M: are you sure we all wanna do this

J: I mean we can vote if you want, if you vote amusement park say 'I'

(Everyone says 'I' but minho)

J: it's been decided

M: ugh fine

I.N: yay let's go!

We all headed down stairs, jisung went into his parents office room and grabbed the keys for they're second car, which was luckily a van large enough to contain everyone. Chan got in the drivers seat I sat passenger, to make room for everyone else I.N sat on hyunjins lap and we were off.

J: can you change the song I wanna listen to hiphop

S: sorry squirrel I want ballads

H: I'm hungry

I.N: how much longer

M: I have to use the bathroom

The complaints filled the car till finally someone spoke up and the person who did surprised me

W: listen up!! We have 20 minutes left in this car together, minho you can hold it! Hyunjin here have these chips, jisung and Seungmin you will both take turns using the aux cord or so help me God I will have chan turn this car around and we will all go our separate ways!!!

M: ok

J: yes sir

S: fine

H: thanks for the snacks

I.N: understood

W: very good

The car was quiet and chan chuckled to himself while driving, I whispered to him

F: I've never seen woojin like that before

C: it's his momma bear mode it's dangerous, he can snap anyone into shape in seconds

F: noted

20 minutes had gone by and We'd arrived to the amusement park it was late afternoon so it wasn't super hot, we all brought some cash and so we purchased our tickets and headed inside we decided to travel in pairs to avoid getting lost- minho and jisung, me and chan, jeongin and Hyunjin, and woojin and Seungmin. My goal was to switch partners with jisung before the end of the night, I wanted to squash the tension between minho and the other wolves, I wanted everyone to get along. We all split up and promised to meet back up by the ferris wheel to ride it together.

C: what do you want to ride first?

F: bumper cars!

C: haha alright

Me and chan road a bunch of rides he won me a cute plush wolf at a ring toss game.

- Minho POV -

It was painfully awkward meeting chan and his pack again after I had ran away, luckily we all split up and it was only me and jisung, but I knew I'd have to confront chan about why I ran away eventually. But right now my bigger problem is confessing the truth to jisung, both about my feelings and the fact that I'm a werewolf. After having been turned I stopped trusting people and shut myself off from the world but jisung has changed my perspective, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life looking at he bright smile and listening to his cute laugh. After we all split up jisung started bouncing up and down excitedly

J: what should we do first

M: whatever you want

J: come onnn I don't wanna be the only one having fun

M: then I chose the animal exhibits, I um don't really like heights

It was so embarrassing but I needed to tell him before he made me ride some kind of roller coaster.

J: The Minho is scared of heights

M: yeah yeah shut up let's go

I grabbed his arm and he giggled following behind me to the animal exhibits. I had decided when we were on the ferris wheel I'd tell him everything

- Hyunjin POV -

Jeongin stared at all the attractions with big sparkling eyes, I'm happy we all decided to come here I'd pay whatever amount to see jeongin this happy,

I.N: let's go on the pirate ship!

H: haha alright

We road everything and went through a little haunted house where he clung to me the whole time. To be fair I probably clung to him just as much, I'm so happy to have met him

- Seungmin POV-

Personally I think this idea was stupid but it later turned out to be more fun than I had expected

S: aren't you too old to come to an amusement park

W: I'm not that old!

S: haha you sure about that grandpa

W: why you!

It was fun teasing woojin cause he was such a softie, but he was stern when he had to be. Before I joined chans pack I was actually lost, my family abandoned me. Woojin found me in the woods starved and sick, and he took me in and let me meet chan. He gave me the family I never had a chance to start over and for that I'm forever grateful. We spent our time doing a bunch of kiosk games and killed it at a small live karaoke booth.

- Felixs POV -

It was finally late evening and we all met up at the ferris wheel as planned the sun was setting so it was a perfect time to ride it. My earlier plan to seperate Minho was starting to faulter he looked nervous like he might puke at any moment. Only one thing could bring about such nervousness and that was a confession, right now would be perfect to. I decided to hold back trying to get the tension between chan along with the rest of the pack and Minho to dissipate but instead gave Minho a thumbs up, he rolled his eyes at me and got on the ferris wheel with jisung, the rest of the pairs getting on after.


( some background on seungmin- a romantic ferris wheel ride awaits, how will minhos confession go, will Felix be able to bring all the wolves back together)

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