the park

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After yesterday I forgot to set my alarm and ended up waking up late, I rushed to get ready and left my home running to school seeing as though I missed my bus. Hopefully I could at least get there around the middle of first period, the cold air hurt my lungs but after 30 minutes of running I made it to the school gate. I rushed inside just as my teacher finished her lesson

Ms. Sue: your late Mr. Lee

F: I know I'm sorry I over slept

I bowed to my teacher apologizing whilst being extremely embarrassed as all my students stared at me and giggled

"He's always late"
"So irresponsible"
"I'd hate to be him"

I felt my face getting red as I heard everyone talking about me and the situation I was in until someone from the back of the room in a hoodie spoke up

?: can you all shut up already so we can continue the lesson

And with that everyone was quiet

Ms. Sue: yes very good take your seat Felix.

I nodded and took my seat which was a few seats away from the stranger who helped silence the class. Something about his voice was a bit familiar but I could be imagining things. Sadly enough I didn't have jisung in this class period so I just stared out the window bored, luckily I'd see him next period.

{Next period}

J: lix!!

Jisung ran up behind me wrapping his arm over my shoulder as we both entered class.

J: I tried calling you I didn't see you on the bus I figured you overslept good to see you made it though

F: yeah haha

J: so did you find that thing you were looking for yesterday

F: oh um yeah I did

I unconsciously smiled to myself seeing as though I'd get to see that thing again after school today

( I've seen so many comments getting confused thinking Felix was calling chan a thing as an insult- he's saying "thing" as a reference to jisungs question "did you find the Thing you were looking for" when he actually went back to find chan... Aka thing = chan so when he says thing again he's just relating to jisungs question knowing he never went back for a thing at all but his wolfy boy)

J: well someone looks happy, seeing as though we have a test today

F: oh yeah about that

I quickly got out of his grasp before saying the next part

F: we don't have a test haha

J: what!? I was up all night studying!!

F: sorryyyy I uh got the days mixed up

Jisung attempted to hit me but luckily the teacher called attention to class ordering us to take out our textbooks

J: this isn't over

I laughed and began working. -
School went by fairly quick, jisung attacked me during lunch and I promised him it wouldn't happen again. We went to our last couple periods and walked home together after school.

J: ughhhh school sucksss

F: yeah but we have to go so get over it

He stuck his tongue out at me and we continued to talk about our days or other students at school. When we finally arrived to our houses we parted ways I walked inside to find my mom waiting for me in the living room

//That Fateful Night\\ (chanlix ff)Where stories live. Discover now