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Hi, I would love to tell you my life story but I don't have time for that, lets start with introducing myself. My name is Michael Gordon Clifford (Hood) and I love bands. My favorite food is pizza, I hate human beings, and I'm the most punk rock kid you'll meet. I'm 18 years old and I'm living in my best friend Jasmine's basement because my parents said I needed to start a life of my own. They kicked me out and so  I spend my time playing video games or reading fan fiction. Speaking of fan fiction, I haven't updated my story in a while. I am a gay teenage boy that has a straight teenage girl for a best friend. Ninja turtles are sort of my thing. P.s. if you go in my room you might just see 5000 pictures of 5SOS (mostly Mr. Calum Hood) on my walls.

Now that that is over I will probably just go on with my life (and by that I mean do nothing.) My life is basically the same thing everyday. I wake up around 12 PM, eat fruit loops, brush my teeth, change into a different pair of sweatpants, bicker with Jasmine about getting a job, go to my room, read fanfiction until I need to pee, spam 5SOS, scroll through Twitter, eat dinner, read more fan fiction, go to bed at 3 AM. If that isn't sad I don't know what is. Jasmine is honestly the best to me for letting me live in her parents' basement, but I can't help but call her dorkface sometimes. All the time. I can hear her mutter in my head. Can we get onto the subject of my favorite band again? Ah, yes 5 Seconds Of Summer. They know how to make a guy (and thousands of teenage girls) happy. Although I've never seen them live before they are probably the best. If 5SOS wasn't a band I would probably be in a cardboard box on the side of the road considering my past, but we won't get into that. The man who saved my life is in that band, Calum Thomas Hood. Doesn't his name sound beautiful? It rolls off my tongue so easily. His voice gives me chest aches, wow I'm really gay. I would probably let him-


Uh oh. I gulped and spit the rest of the toothpaste I had in my mouth into the sink and raced out into the living room. Jas stood there with her camera in her hand, and I could tell it was rolling. I groaned and took a pillow off the couch, throwing it at her.

"Jasmine I told you not to film me!" She rolled her eyes turning it off,

"Okay fine, I guess you don't want to meet Cal-" I cut her off by a scream.

"CALUM HOOD?!" She nodded, looking un-interested and muttered

"But, you don't want to be filmed so I guess you can't." I shook my head enthusiastically and shouted

"Whatever it is I'll do it!"

"KIDS BE QUIET!" I heard her mother call.

After about an hour of her going over the things we needed to do on camera to win the contest I decided to go on Twitter. The thing about Twitter is that all of my mutuals think I'm a girl, and I'm totally fine with that. I logged into my account and decided to tweet something random to Calum.

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS do penguin have knees?

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS can you make my bed rock?

*New notification*

@Calum5SOS: Having an awesome day in the studio, send in some smiles. *file attached*

I giggled and clicked on the picture to see him with a giant smile on his face and a thumbs up. I quickly screenshotted the picture and decided to tweet one back. I pulled up the camera on my white IPhone 5c and smiled widely, holding up my thumb. I went back to Calum's tweet and pressed reply.

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS see that smile? It's for you

*Cue all my mutuals flipping out over me being a boy*

I smiled once more before opening up the Wattpad app and reading my favorite Cake fanfiction.


//this story is currently in major editing//

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