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Prom night continued.

Sarah's POV:

"He is your date, but why?" I asked. I was definitely shocked. Never in my life did I think Noah will be Leah's prom date. Didn't she take him as a friend?

"What do you mean, why?"

I looked towards Noah when Leah asked me this question. It just shocked me to see him as Leah's date.  I could not answer Leah's question.

Noah was wearing a light blue coat with a white shirt. His veins were visible as he had pulled up the sleeves. He definitely looked hot. Leah and he were just a perfect match. 

I seriously didn't have the right to ask her why. They were just so perfect.

"Perfect match, huh," I thought

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"Perfect match, huh," I thought. 

Something was not right. Somewhere, something broke in my heart and I was hurt. But I just could not figure out what and most importantly 'why'?

Noah' POV:

If you are asking me how did I end up being Leah's date, then here is the story.


I was in the gym when I got Leah's call. I was still hurt and upset at what Leah had said to me.

"Hello, Leah this side," Leah said.

"Yes, I know. Speak".

"Ok. So this will be awkward, but Noah will you be my date on prom night?"

My brain took some seconds to process what I just heard.

"Noah speak up. Don't remain silent. I know you are angry but..."

"Yes, I will be your date." I cut her before she could say anything more.

"I know you are angry. Wait. What did you say?"

"I said I will be your date".

"I heard that. Are you serious?"

"What do you think?"

"Thank you, Noah. You are a lifesaver. Free lunch from my side".

"Done. Then when am I picking you up?"

"Pick me up at 8 on prom night and thanks".

"Anything for you sweetheart. I am all yours".

"Don't dare flirt with me".

"That's my job sweetheart".

"Ok bye Noah".

"Bye," I said and ended the call.

I was so happy. A huge grin appeared on my face. I was so excited about my prom night and guess who is my date, Leah the girl I liked. 

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