30.A final goodbye

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Sarah's Pov

"Mum," I froze in my spot.

What she doing here. Wasn't she supposed to be on her business trip?

"What is happening over here? Who is he?" she questioned.

"He-is, he-is," I sluttered. "Weren't you supposed to be on your business trip?" I asked diverging her question.

"We thought of giving you a surprise but the ones surprised here is us. Can you please introduce yourself, gentleman?" She asked Noah.

"Uhm, Mr. and Mrs Williams, I am Noah and I am dating Sarah," he spoke with such a cool air.

Like how can he be so cool. Can't he feel the tension in the room?

"For how long?" my father asked from behind.

"Not for so long," I answered and looked down. I was expecting my parents to freak out or something but the next thing that happened was totally unexpected.

"Please come and have breakfast with us Noah. It was great meeting you. I want to know everything about how you both started dating," my mother said with such a cheerful smile.

I was dumfolded and speechless. "Hey aren't you supposed to yell at me, ground me and throw me out of my house," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And why exactly I will do that?" My mother questioned back.

"Cause- cause, I-you know," I did not have the answer for what I said.

"Oh, leave her. Come on son. Let's go," she said so sweetly. "Come down after freshing up," she turned and said to me so sternly.

"How do you even tolerate her?" I could hear my mom asked Noah while going  towards the dining room.

Is this thing real? Are they really my parents?

After a year

"Come on Sarah, its time for the funeral," Noah called.

It has been a year, a year since we are dating. But the most sad thing was that Alex was not with us anymore. He passed away after 3 months for battling through his cancer and I was currently at his funeral ceremony. After his death, I became like a lost soul. I quit eating and cried the whole day. My parents, Noah and Lily continuously supported me. If you ask me what happened to Leah, well, we don't have any idea. She just disappeared and we really didn't give a fuck. Noah and I moved in our own apartment closer to our college while Lily and Mike decided to do the same and we were successfully graduated now.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked squeezing my hand and I nodded.

"Now I would like to call upon Sarah, Alex's best friend to give a speech."

"All the best," Noah said. I got up from my seat and went towards the podium.

"Alex was a great friend," I spoke into the mic, "He was always there for me from the start. I still remember us as kids playing at my backyard. He was there in my ups and down. He has been with me through all my difficulties. I just wish wherever he is he is fine. I wish he was with me through the end of my life. He was so much more to me than a friend. He was my family, a brother that I never had. If you are listening to this Alex, I want to say, I love you, we all love you. Please be fine," with just I busted out crying. "Thats all, I wanted to say," I said and came down.

Noah pulled me into a a hug while I cried. He started to consoled me by rubing my back and whispered in my ears, "Everything is fine."

I was not feeling well over there so Noah brought me home. I skipped my classes after the funeral ceremony cause I did not feel well at all. 

Overcoming Alex's death was very hard for me.

Noah spent the whole time with and refused to leave my side. 

It was then I realise, I love him more than anything and I could really not survive without him. Alex was right, Noah loved me more than anyone.


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