24.Truth and Dare

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Sarah's POV

A week later:

It was the day of Carter's birthday. A week had passed since the picnic. After that, we didn't meet each other except for in school. I hardly had seen Noah and Leah these days but right now that didn't seem to matter so much to me.

"Are you ready yet Sarah? We are waiting," Lily said knocking at my door.

"Yes just the zip," I said struggling to pull it.

I wore a yellow dress paired with yellow heels. My hair was tied in a ponytail and a very light makeup completed my look. I looked into the mirror for the last time and looked very satisfied with my look.

 I looked into the mirror for the last time and looked very satisfied with my look

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"Sarah are-"

"Yes bro, let's go," I said instantly opening the door.

"Girl you look damn hot. Carter will be head over heels for you."

"Lily I said-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Let's not waste time. Alex and Mike are downstairs and Mike is giving us the ride today."

I nodded and followed Lily downstairs.


On the way:

"So Sarah tell me the address that Carter texted you."

"Oh yeah," I said handing over my phone to Mike.

"Ok, I know the place. Let's go," Mike said turning on the engine.

Lily was sitting in the front seat with Mike and I sat at the back with Alex.

"Does anyone know why is this asshole Leah not picking up her phone?" Lily said irritated.

"I really don't remember when the last time we saw her," Alex said.

"True, she even didn't join us for the picnic," I said.

"What's with her nowadays? I really don't understand. Last time we had a proper conversation was ages ago. She doesn't even text like before," Lily said with a sigh.

"Let's catch her at school on Monday and give her a piece of our mind," I said.

"Good Idea Sarah. I am definitely in," Lily said with a light laugh.


We pulled up outside a big house after a 20 minutes drive. The place was freaking huge. I really did not think Carter was so rich. We parked our car and went up to Carter's front door. Alex rang the bell and immediately the door was opened by Carter.

"Oh bro, that was way too fast," Alex started giving Alex a bro hug.

"I was waiting for you guys only. Come inside," Carter replied.

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