13.Dream it is!

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Hello, all the lovely people out there!!!!

Again a HUGE SORRY for my late updates.

[I am too lazy to write actually.] ;)

Anyways, ENJOY!!!!!

Sarah's POV

"I love you, Sarah," Noah said.

Omg, did he just propose me?

This is the best day of my life.

This is what I wanted to hear my whole life.

"I love you too, Noah. I love you so much. This is what I always wanted to hear from you," I said hugging him.

Tears began to pour down my cheek.

"Oh, sweetheart don't cry. It pains me to see you crying," he said.

We were very close to each other now.

He is going to kiss me. Wow!!!

He touched my lips with his.

His lips are so soft.

Our lips started to move in sync. This is surely the best kiss I ever had.

But suddenly he pulled off.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked him confused.

All of a sudden he started shaking me.

"What's wrong with you Noah? Stop it. Stop doing this," I said. No,  actually shouted.

Everything started to blur now.

I could hear a noise coming from a distance.

'What is happening to me?


I opened my eyes and looked around myself.

The light green coloured walls, creme coloured curtains, my cupboard and dressing table, and my MOM.

I was in my room.

'It was a dream. But I would have liked it real,' I thought frowning.

'What? No. You are becoming too horny Sarah. What are you even thinking?'

"What are you thinking and making weird faces on your own? Move that lazy ass of yours and get ready for school," my mom said snapping her fingers in front of me and bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, yes I am getting up," I said groaning.

"Better come down fast," she warned and left.

I am not a morning person, so getting up in the morning sucks for me.

Anyways, I got up.

I looked at my phone to see the time.

'Oh shit. I am fucking late, AGAIN.'

My phone suddenly started beeping.

You have a low battery.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I just fucking forgot to charge my phone last night.

This is all because of those stupid Chinese dramas.

I quickly opened my day planner to check my plans for today.

"Today is 19th," I said panicking.

Oh, sorry. Let me tell you the reason for the panic.

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