"Wake up Adelaide! We're going to be late! " Penelope shakes Adelaide's sleeping form. Adelaide groans, "Okay, okay I'm up," Adelaide opens her eyes and gets up. She observes the room and for a second, she forgot where she was. She was used to sleeping somewhere else other then her room back home.
"Well you two hurry up!? I swear if Slytherin loses points because of you Mudblood," Parkinson said, "I still can't believe a Mudblood like you could be placed in Slytherin!" She adds before walking out the door with Daphne.
Adelaide tried to get dressed fast and when she was done, her and Penelope headed to class. "I'm sorry if we're late," Adelaide said with a hint of guilt in her voice. "Don't worry about it," Penelope smiles.
Adelaide and Penelope got to class in time. When Adelaide walked in the classroom, the other students looked at her and whispered amongst themselves. "No way? She's a mudblood in Slytherin?" "That can't be possible! They are all purebloods!" She tries to ignore the whispers from her classmates. Adelaide followed Penelope and sat down next to her.
Professor Mcgonagall, whom Adelaide finally learned the name of, had the students write up some notes before they started. She was currently in her cat form. Suddenly the doors burst open revealing Harry and Ron panting out of breath. "We made it!" Ron exclaimed, "Can you imagine the look on old Mcgonagall's face if she saw that we were late?"
Adelaide mentally facepalmed. Professor Mcgonagall turned back into her human form leaving Harry and Ron astonished. "That was bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaimed in amazement. "Perhaps it would be better if I transfigured yourself or Mr. Potter into a pocket watch, then maybe one of you would be her on time," Professor Mcogonagll said.
Harry looks at Professor Mcgonagall nervously, "We were lost Professor." "Then a map maybe. I trust you don't need one to find your seats," she said looking at them. Harry and Ron looked around and saw the only two seats that were open. They quickly took their seats as everyone else continued to finish their notes.
Class ended shortly after. "I can't believe those two Gryffindors were late on the first day already," Penelope said. Adelaide and Penelope were now headed to their next class which was Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Adelaide wandered her mind off once class started. She wondered if anyone missed her back home. She didn't like the way the students we're treating her at Hogwarts, especially Slytherins. Their houses were supposed to be like their family, but she felt nowhere near welcomed. Adelaide snapped out of her train of thought when she heard Penelope getting up, "Come on, we have Flying lessons next," she told her. Adelaide nodded and followed close behind.
Everyone got outside and lined up in two lines, Slytherin facing Gryffindor. They all took their places besides a broom. Adelaide looked up and saw that she was across from Ron. She looked at Harry and turned to see who was across from him. She quickly looked back down when she realized she was next to Draco Malfoy.
"Good afternoon class," Madam Hooch said walking between the two lines while putting her gloves on. She had short hair and hawk yellow eyes. "Good afternoon, Madam Hooch," everyone replied in unison. "Welcome to your first flying lesson," she said smiling, "Well what . are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broom stick," she instructed. Everyone did as they were told. "Stick your right hand over and say, 'Up!'"
Everyone started yelling to their brooms, "Up!" Adelaide has a little trouble at first. She looks up and sees that Harry was to successfully summon his broom. Malfoy summoned his broom successfully after as well. "With feeling!" Madam Hooch yelled. Penelope summoned her broom, "Adelaide! Look, I did it!" she said happily.
"Having trouble there, mudblood?" Adelaide hears Malfoy besides her. Adelaide looks at him, then looks at Hermione. She sees that Hermione has summoned her broom as well. Adelaide knew if Hermione could do it, she could do it as well. "Up!" she tries again, determined as ever. She instantly feels the broom in her hands. Adelaide smiles and turns to Malfoy glaring at her.
Their attention was turned away when they saw Ron trying to get his broom up and resulted with a hit in the nose. Everyone laughs at Ron. "Oh shut up," Ron said with red ears.
Madam Hooch instructed us again, "Now once you've got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end." Everyone followed once again to the instructions. "When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep you broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle, 3... 2.. -"
Suddenly the Neville boy's broom flies up without his control. "Get down Mr. Longbottom!" Madam Hooch yells for him, "Mr. Longbottom!" Neville didn't know what to do and his broom flies out of control. Neville yells for help while soaring away. "Come back down this instant!" Madam Hooch continues to yell for him. Neville started doing flips and spins in the air. He bounced off the wall multiple times and started to head back to the groups out of control.
"Mr. Longbottom!" Madam Hooch continues to yell once again. The group scattered to avoid getting hit. "Why isn't Madam Hooch doing anything?" Adelaide anxiously says quietly.
Neville then made his way up to the tower. He was flipped off his broom and got his robe caught on the spear of a statue. He hung there until his cloak ripped. In the end, he fell to the ground with a hurt arm. Adelaide winced when Neville hit the ground.
"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch yelled. She ran through the group and got to Neville helping him up. Madam Hooch looks at Neville's wrist. "Oh dear, it's a broken wrist." Hooch quickly leads Neville away from her. She warned everyone to not fly on brooms without her there, "Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the Hospital Wing, understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts."
Malfoy starts to snicker and the attention then turns to him. "Did you see the look on his face? Maybe he had given this a squeeze," he said, holding up a ball, "He would've remembered to fall on his fat arse."
"That's Neville's Remembrall," Adelaide hears a girl whisper. "Give it here Malfoy," Harry demanded as he came up to Malfoy. Malfoy smirks and looks at the remembrall, "You know what? Maybe I'll just leave it somewhere for him to find it," Malfoy then jumps on his broom, "How about the roof?" He then flies off.
"Oh no," Adelaide whispered to herself. "What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" Malfoy said provoking Harry. "Harry don't," Hermione told Harry, "You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly," but it was too late. Harry was already on his broom and flew into the air. Hermione facepalmed, "What. An. Idiot."
"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom," Harry yelled. "Is that so?" Malfoy said. Harry attempted to get the remembrall, but Malfoy twirled his broom in a circle. "Have it your way then!" Malfoy yelled as he threw the Remembrall into the air. Everyone watched as Harry chased after it. Harry was about to hit a window, but he caught the Remembrall before that happened. He headed back to the group with everyone cheering for him. Malfoy scowls.
"Harry Potter?!" Everyone turned around to the source of the voice. "Oh no, it's Professor Mcgonagall," Adelaide hears Penelope whisper. "Follow me," she tells him. Harry hands someone the ball and sadly followed her. Adelaide felt bad for Harry. "It wasn't his fault," she whispered to herself.

Love Me Till The End. || D.M
RomanceAdelaide Rosewood is a muggleborn who was put in Slytherin. Oddly enough, Draco Malfoy, the well-known pureblood Slytherin, had offered her friendship. Due to his curiosity with her, they both unknowingly find themselves falling for eachother. --- "...