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I looked down and wiped my face from any tears, not being able to look up to his face. My body shivered and the lump in my throat was immensely painful I couldn't push back my tears.

I looked up at Dr. Khan as he looked at Mariam, my heart broke further and further as they locked eyes longer and longer.

"Mariam, this is-"

"Humza is it me or her," Mariam said sternly.

Dr. Khan remained silent.

I looked up at him to see him looking back at me, and I felt self-conscious from his intense stare.

Mariam looked at him impatiently waiting for an answer, I wanted to tell her to stop because it would give Dr. Khan stress and it wasn't fair for him to choose like this.

A sense of unease bloomed in my heart, as my thoughts convinced me to back out once again.

"Dr. Siddiqui please report A210, Dr. Siddiqui report to A210." The P.A sounded.

I looked at Dr. Khan one last time, before leaving his office.

My anxiety kicked in as a strange bothersome feeling surged in me. I put my hand on my chest to calm myself down.

I rushed to the room entering it as I saw the teenager sweating and wheezing.

"He was given Ibuprofen." The nurse informed me

"Get me an epinephrine auto-injector stat!" I shouted.

The nurse ran and came back with the EpiPen as I quickly injected his thigh.

I put on his oxygen mask, as he calmed down.

"Who gave him Ibuprofen?" I asked with a severe tone.

Nurse Jennifer stepped forward- and I knew she was an intern as I looked at her badge.

"Follow me," I said steping outside.

"His information sheet very clearly states his allergy to Ibuprofen. What crossed your mind when you gave him one." I asked.

"Dr. Siddiqui, I forgot to check. I came to check him up and ask for his symptoms when he told me his head was hurting-."

"Forgetfulness is prohibited in a hospital, Jennifer that could've KILLED him."

"You are suspended until further notice, just hope his family doesn't take legal action- or it will be a very grave situation." I added.

She looked down and I noticed her crying. I remembered my mentor when I was an intern, and he was a very strict doctor who had no patience. He suspended everyone for weeks over very small mistakes such as filing.

I didn't want her to to be sad, because I always wanted to take away everyone else's pain.

"It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes, learn from them okay?" I said gently.

"Thank You." She mumbled.

I walked away from her and started to do my rounds, and then my appointments. I distracted myself enough to not be able to dwell upon who Dr. Khan would choose. The day went by as usual, and when my shift was over I went down to the parking lot.

I heard muffled noises from the lot, as I tried looking for the source. In the middle of the parking lot were Dr. Khan, Mariam, and this middle-aged unknown man.

"Humza, he used to come to the diner. He always harassed me, Humza." She cried.

"What the hell do you want?" Dr. Khan asked.

"I should be asking you. Back off man, she has nothing to do with you." He said trying to reach for Mariam, but Dr. Khan pulled her behind him by her wrist.

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