Chapter 20: Pregnant?

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I can't be preg- oh god. I can't even finish the damn word. Stephanie waits for me to answer, "Jas its a wonderful thing.." she rubs my lower back. I shake my head, "Steph I'm only 19, I'm not ready for that much of a step. I'm sure Sam isn't either."

I think for a second, "Maybe, I shouldn't tell him!" I say aloud. She covers my mouth "Well don't yell it, gosh," she laughs then speaks again. "That's a good idea...not. Jasmine what about when the bump starts coming in? You have a small skinny figure. He'll tell right away." I think for a second, "Instead of just assuming, maybe I should go to the doctors. Uhm just please don't tell anyone. At all." I say grabbing my bag. She nods and I walk out the door.


I've been waiting 2 hours to see a doctor. I should've made an appointment. "Mrs. Roman?" A doctor asks behind me. I nod and get up following him to the back. "So you've been having pain in your stomach?" I nod again. He looks through his paper work. "Okay, Mmm when was your last period?" He asks with a pen in hand. I think for a second, "Well come to think about it, I'm 2 weeks late." He writes on the paper work and my heart beats faster. "Lay down so I can take a sonogram." He rubs jelly on my stomach and it feels ice cold. I cringe from the touch of his hand near my hip bones. "Its fine, take a breath." He repeats. I breathe in then out. "You can open your eyes." He says laughing. I shake my head, "Uh-Uh...I don't wanna see what's on that screen.". He laughs again. "Well Ms. Roman, there's certainly a baby in your stomach." He says. "Fuck." I whisper. He smiles, "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." I look at the screen, "I'm 19." He nods, "Congrats...I'm sure the father will be proud." I close my eyes for a second. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I never planned this. I'm not ready. I don't even know how to put a damn diaper on. Fuck. "I hope so.." I finally say. He helps me up. "Just eat right, drink fluids, and try not to carry things more than 80 pounds. You'll be fine, I promise." He assures me putting his hand on my lower back leading me out. "How old were you when you had your first child?" I ask. He laughs and shakes his head, "I don't have kids, nor a girlfriend. But I'm 22!" I look down, "Oh, I'm sorry." He smiles "Its fine."

We walk out to the lobby, "Uhm thanks Dr. Holland..." I say walking away. "Anytime!" He replies. I smile walking out the door. I grab my phone to call Steph. "Hey! Did you find out anything?" She asks. "I'm pregnant." I whisper into the phone. She squeals, "Oh my fucking god! Yaaas!" She screams. My cheeks heat up "Not loud please." She laughs "Shit sorry, but I'm gonna be an aunt!" I chuckle getting in my car. "I got to go, I'm about to drive. See ya later." I say and hang up.


I walk to Sam's apartment, I guess I have to tell him. I knock at his door and Nate answers, "Oh hey! Come in, I was just about to leave!" He says excited. I laugh, "Got a hot date?" I ask winking. "Actually, yes, yes I do!" He replies grabbing his jacket. I laugh, "Wow you're quick, haha good luck!" I say. He nods walking out the door.

Sam comes out his room with only a towel. "Hey babe, what's up?" He asks hugging me. "We uhm like uh yeah." I stutter. He laughs, "talk to me Jas!" I smile, "I'm pregnant..." I say. His eyes light up. "WHAT?? YES! THATS AMAZING!" He says excited. He picks me up and kisses my face all over. I giggle, I did not think he'd be this happy. "You're happy?" I ask. He looks at me "Of course! We're having a baby Jasmine, I'm more than happy!" He says setting me down.

"I can't wait to tell everyone!" He says grabbing his phone. "Woah wait, Sam slow down." I say sitting down. "Its fine Jasmine, people need to know this amazing miracle." I laugh, "Alright, fine." He smiles wide. "Come here!" He pulls me on his lap and video records, "Hey everybody! Just wanted to let you know some amazing news! My girlfriend here, is pregnant! I'm so happy and excited! Here look!" He brings the camera to my stomach pulling my shirt up. "Inside there, is gonna be the most beautifulest, healthiest, spoiled, baby ever!" He smiles, kissing my tummy. I giggle "and this," he says putting the camera to my face "Is gonna be my beautiful gorgeous wife one day!" I laugh and he kisses me, "This family will be the best ever!" He says kissing me then turning the camera off. He pulls me closer, "I will be the best father babe, believe me!"

"Sam I love you!" I say kissing his forehead. "I love you waaaaaay more!" He laughs. I guess this turned out way better than I expected. His reaction was the best I've ever seen. I have never seen someone so happy. After a few hours we get tons of calls from family and friends, asking about the name, if its a boy or girl. And tons of over exaggerating people, like: my dad. He says I'm too young, and Sam isn't mature enough. My mother loves that I'm pregnant, she believes it will make me more responsible. I'd like to think so too.

"Ugh, I'm so tired!" I say laying on the couch. Sam smiles walking over to me sitting down. He starts running his fingers slowly through my hair. Its soothing and I fall asleep...


"Good morning baby! Oh and You Jas!" Sam says with 3 bags of McDonald's. "Oh thanks Sam, so nice." I say rolling my eyes. He laughs and hands me the bags. "There's 4 McMuffins, 2 Hash browns, 3 breakfast burritos, and I bought a gallon of orange juice!" I start laughing, "Sam you really don't need to do this." He chuckles laying his hand on my shoulder, "Sweetheart I did this for the baby, you my love just happen to be on the outside." I laugh again at his seriousness. I start eating and he drinks coffee.

"I want the baby to be strong! And a boy! God I hope its a boy! When do you find out? Hopefully soon!" He says fast. "Sam! Sam. Sam, please calm yourself. I go in next week." I say chewing my food. He smiles, "Yes! Can I come? Please!?" I chuckle at his excitement, "Yes babe." He walks to me sitting down, picking up and putting me on his lap. "I love you, you know that? Probably a bit to much." He says rubbing my tummy. "I love you too Sammy..." Its kind of our thing to say it everyday as many times as possible. So we know we're in this together. Never alone. Always have that special person to help you through things a friend or family member can't. Sam, well he's that person. Words can't explain how much we care for each other. We fight yeah, but in the end nothing can break us. You could try, but that'd only make us stronger.

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