Chapter 18: Confrontation

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Today is Sunday and these last two days have been quite tiring. Everyone has been calling me stupid for believing Sam on him not being with Ashley. I still kind of disbelief it, but he said he wasn't so I have to be trustful.

We are together so why be together if you can't trust? A relationship like that doesn't make sense. "Hey you okay?" Michael asks. I nod "Yeah I'm fine.." he nods and hands me tea, "Drink this, you'll feel better." I take a sip letting it run down my throat. It feels so soothing. "I got you in trouble didn't I?" He asks. I sigh and turn to him. "No Michael, it wasn't your fault. I promise." I assure him. He nods and looks at my arm. His eyes furrow "What the hell is that?" He says pushing my sleeve up.

There's giant hand print marks on my wrist. I pull my hand back, "Its Nothing..." his eyes are now full of anger. "Did that ass put his hands on you?" He asks. I look to the floor. "What's going on?" Cathy asks walking in the kitchen. "That Sam dude hurt her." Michael says and Cathy runs to me, "Jas, is that true? Don't lie." Tears start coming out my eyes and she hugs me. "Fuck." Michael says hitting the counter. He looks to me catching eye contact as if saying: Imma kill him.

He runs out the front door down the hall. And I get up to yell for him, but he's already down the hall. Cathy looks to me "I'll go, you stay." She walks out the apartment.

A/N: I'm going to do Cathy's P.O.V.

*Cathy's P.O.V*

I start down the hall and make a left. Michael and Sam are arguing at the door. I hide so I can hear what's being said. "How dare you fucking put a hand on her!" Mike yells pushing Sam. Sam recovers and steps forward, Sam is way taller, towering Mike's 5"9 figure with 6"1. "Don't put you hands on me Mikey, I don't wanna hurt you." Sam says slowly. Michael laughs and steps closer, "Oh really? Cause the high adrenaline is kicking in, bet I could kick your sorry ass." He spats.

Sam looks to me, then back at Michael. "Guys!" I say walking up, "Look we all know you guys both have a thing for her. Fighting isn't going make things right. How about I take Sam in the house and we talk," Michael steps up, "Alone Mike." I say. He sighs and heads down the hall.

"So what happened?" I ask. He tenses up. "Cat...I really don't wanna talk about it." He looks down and closes his eyes. I set my hand on his shoulder, "Sam, she's my best friend, and believe me I'm trying my best not to kill you right now, but ya gotta let me know so I can help her." He looks up at me then to the door, then back at me. "Fine..." he says. Then he continues his story...

-1 Hour Later-

"You particularly raped her Sam!" I yell to him. He has tears in his eyes and looks at the floor. "It was an honest mistake! I was pissed. Cathy I love her so fucking much. I've fucked up. I just really don't wanna loose her." He spills, laying back on the couch. "I know Sammy, I know. But when you keep doing it and doing it. She's gonna get tired of your shit, and eventually break it off. For good." I say. He sighs and looks at the ceiling.

"I know, I know." He finally says. "I'll make it up to her...soon." he adds. I nod and get up, "I gotta go back to the house, but don't'll be okay." I say before leaving out the door.

*Sam's P.O.V*

I have fucked up so many times, and Cathy's right. If I don't straighten up now. There won't be anymore 'Me and Jasmine'. I need to step it up and show her I can be what she wants and what she deserves.

No one needs to get in my way. But I still feel she can't control herself for Michael. To be honest he's the only guy I'm actually jealous of. He's clean cut. A good boy. I on the other hand am known for my "lady reputation". That's how people see me. No one chose to get to know me, but she took the time. She was there, when no one was. Why the fuck can't I be like that in return!?

I'm making music but none of it really comes out yet. I am in the middle of a song right now. Called "Could You Be The One?". I'm hoping to get it down soon. But I can't really think of anything. There's no motivation, no inspiration.

My mind is all mush, I can't think clearly anymore. She's the better half. I'm her worst half. I mean, opposites do attract... Right? Of course that's not always true, because the other gets tired of having to pick the other up when they're in a bad situation. I can't expect her to catch me when I fall. But, to do my part, I'll do whatever it takes to earn her trust. After that shit with Ashley, if I'm being real here. I was with her. But not to flirt. She followed me there when I was getting Starbucks for Jas, then go take it to her in class.

She was all over me, I wasn't going to push the bitch off in public. She asked me to sit, so I did... Other details can't be said. It was nothing. So that's that.

If no one believes me they can get the hell over it. Its life, nobody's fucking perfect.

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