Chapter 33: He's Back

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I slowly open my eyes to Sam sleeping next to me. I smile to myself and get out of bed, trying not to wake him. I make my way to the closet to grab my rob.

I slip it on, then walk to Lori's room. I walk to her crib and look at her peacefully sleeping with her bunny. A smile is spread on her face and I smile down at her caressing her hair. I kiss her forehead then head downstairs. I ran down the stairs and then slipped on to the floor and fell, falling straight on my ass. "Ow!" I yell out and turn my head seeing all the people that work in the house stare at me. I stand to me feet rubbing my butt, "Uhm you didn't see that!" The smile and nod their heads and head back upstairs.

Sam rushes to me, "I heard you yell. Are you okay?" I laugh and shrug, "I was running and I fell straight on my butt!" He starts to laugh loud, "You fell in front of everyone? Oh Jasmine!"

I laugh and hit is arm. We walk down the stairs hand in hand and everyone eyes me. I smile, "I'm fine guys." They smile and nod, heading back to work. Sam laughs every now and then.

"I could have got really hurt Samuel!" I say drinking my tea. He shakes his head "But you didn't so it's funny!" I roll my eyes.

"So Sam?" I ask as he eats. He looks up at me, "What?" I to look to the floor, "I know you're going on tour...and Uhm I was wondering how long will you be gone?" He sighs facing me then pulling my hips closer. "Jas, only 2-3 months." He says as if that's a little bit. I frown, "Ugh..when do you leave?" He smiles, "Couple days..."

My eyes start to go super wide, "COUPLE DAYS? Why- Why the hell didn't you tell me!" His hands fly up in defense and he stands to his feet, "Calm down! Its not that serious! I was gonna tell you in 2 days." He could have gave me a fucking heads up. I shouldn't be mad i know but me and Lori will be on our own for awhile and I just thought Sam would want to spend a lot of time with us. "Two days? Oh so right when you fucking leave!" He sighs, looking to the floor then walking to the front door, "I'm going out." And with that he walks out the door. "Fuck." I say walking up stairs. The maid slowly follows behind, "HM Jasmine if you like you can go look for him...I'll watch the baby." I stop in my tracks to face her, "Could you?" She nods. I smile heading upstairs to get dressed.

I start driving around thinking of places he would go, which I've been driving for hours. I'm almost about to give up when I spot him stumbling on the streets near a bar. A girl trails after him in a skimpy blue dress. I park my car walking straight towards them. He's leaned against the wall and she's kissing his neck. Red flashes in my head and I pull her hair to the floor, kicking her stomach. She whines in pain, "oh my god what the hell!" Sam stands leaned against the wall still and someone grabs my waist it pulling me off her. "Jasmine! chill!" He yells. I turn around to see Kenny. Sam walks to help the girl up and she looks at me, "What is your problem!"

I try jumping at her again but Kenny has good grip on my waist. I look to Sam slapping him across the face, "Don't you fucking dare come home like that!" He flinches then stutters, "I- I- ju-just might n- not at a- a-all..." Kenny rolls his eyes, "He'll crash with me Jasmine he'll be fine." he assures me. Sam shakes his head, "Fuck no! You fucked my girlfriend! I should beat your fucking ass!" My cheeks heat up as the people around us stare at me. Kenny grabs Sam's arms walking him to the car. I sigh and the girl shoves me as she walks past me. I kick her in her legs and she falls to the floor. I snicker and walk back to my car. she cusses me out from a far and I get the urge to run the skanky bitch over but I'm not a retard like that.

I head back home, but decide to head to Starbucks first. I walk into Starbucks heading straight for the counter. "Can I get a Venti Green Tea and a strawberry yogurt." The lady nods and heads to the back as I swipe my credit card. "Jasmine?" I hear in back of me. Damn it. I know that voice, I turn around to exactly who I though it was. Nash. My Ex.

"Uhm Hey..." I say facing him with my tea in hand. "Hey, how ya been?" he asks smiling down at me. He's gotten taller and his hair is longer. "I'm getting better i guess.." I say sitting at the table. He takes aseat with his coffee, "Listen Jasmine, I'm like really sorry for all I did to you. I'm a total different person. I have a job now but no kids or girlfriends." i smile, "That's good Nash, I'm really proud of you."

He laughs, "Maybe I can come around more often...I mean its just to see Lori. she's a cutie." I smile then take a sip of my tea nodding. He smiles back then gets up, "I'm sure you still have my number, Just message me when the times right." I smile and he walks away, but I call after him, "Nash!" He turns around to face me and i run up to him, "It was really nice to see you.." He laughs then hugs me and a familiar scent feels my nose. Its comforting at a stressful time like this. We apart he walks out the doors. I smile to myself and head out the door myself.

* HOME *

I enter the house and head up to me and Sam's room. He isn't there but I lay on his side of the bed. His scent is on the pillow and I start to cry. Why do we always argue...This was the first time he decided to get drunk. it makes me pissed that i don't know exactly what that bitch was doing with him! I just really need to sleep. I pull the blankets up and get under in my clothes. i'm sure Lori will be fine.

Maybe I should just lay here and think till I fall asleep. The blankets wrap around my body securely and my mind fills with tons of thoughts. Like: What is Sam doing at this moment? Is he thinking about me? Does he feel stupid? Will he remember? I should have killed that nasty bitch. I may just call Nash to come over while Sam leaves. I was supposed to go with him but I guess he changed his mind. Oh my fucking god what If it was to cheat on me? Wait no! My brother will be there, he'd kill Sam.

I'm tired..I'm going to sleep. I close my eyes and I'm just hoping I dream of something sweet and not bitter. I'm way to annoyed for it. 


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