Chapter 21: Appointment Time

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** 3 Months Later **

Its been 3 months into our pregnancy, me and Sammy have been together a 1 year already. Crazy how time flies.

Nate found a girlfriend, she's a blonde with greenish brown eyes. I believe her name is Tori. Anyways, the baby is growing so fast. I can't wait till I find out the gender of our little loved one. Everyone is excited; my parents still aren't that sure, but I know they will love the baby. You just have to have faith...

*** Jasmine's Apartment ***

"So!," Cathy says happily and sitting down on the other side of me. I look to her smiling, "What's up?" She grins, "I, well Shawn, bought some things for the baby." I laugh, "What, why? He didn't have too."

She runs to her room, then runs back with a bunch of wrapped boxes. She hands me one, "Open! At least one! He feels bad he hasn't been here Jas. He wanted to Mame up for it!". I smile and rip off the patterned paper, "Oh my god, Cathy its beautiful, thank you guys!" In my hands is a gold bracelet with diamonds. "He's says when we know the gender and what his or her name will be, he's gonna take the bracelet and carve the babies name in it." She smiles.

I get up and hug her, "I'm gonna call him and tell him 'Thank You.'." She hugs back, "Oh there's a lot more presents. Where do you want me to put them?" I think, "Just leave them wrapped, and I'll have Sam and Nate pick them up." She nods and heads back to her room. I have an appointment today, can't wait to know the gender though. Hopefully they can tell me now. We already have the names figured out!

*** Doctor's Office ***

Me and Sam sit down and wait. We've been here for quite awhile. But I enjoy all the little toddlers running around. Their little feet tip tap against the carpet.

"Uh Mr. And Mrs. Wilkinson, the doctor is ready." Sam chuckles and I hit him lightly. "We aren't married.." I say. "Not yet at least." Sam says grabbing my hand in his. I blush at the thought of Sam in a tux. He'd probably look stunning.

"Lay here" Mr. Holland says. I struggle so he lifts me. Sam looks at him but doesn't say anything. "Thanks." I say laying down. He nods and pulls my shirt up. Sam stands, "Wait, what are you doing?" Dr. Holland smiles, "I'm going rub some gel on her tummy then run this," he says gesturing to the wand like object, "over her." Sam loosens up and takes a seat.

"Now, as you can see on the screen, the baby is getting big. Its quite unusual but she's healthy!" He says smiling. "She? Its a girl?" Sam questions. I look to the doctor, he smiles. "Yes, you have a girl!" He chimes. Sam's eyes light up and he kisses me.

"Can we get the picture on the screen? Please." Sam insists standing. The doctor nods and hits a button, then out comes 3 slips of paper in black and white. I eye the pictures in 'Aw' its so amazing, beautiful, and just the most wonderful thing ever. Our baby will soon be born. My stomach is not that big but when it gets huge I heard it hurts your back a lot. But I'm prepared for this, we're prepared for this. Me and Sam are in this together, and I'm glad I have him.

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