Chapter 41

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Chaeyoung stared at Mina who was sleeping peacefully, she caresses the girl's head and hums an unfamiliar tune.  She then looks at everyone in the room who was also sleeping, it's 11 in the evening and Chaeyoung was sure that they were tired.

Momo already went back to the university with Dahyun along with Seulgi— Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Irene decided to stay. They wanted to wait for the morning and have another brainstorm on what to do about Mina and Chaeyoung's situation.

Honestly, Chaeyoung feels guilty with whatever is happening right now. She's tagged a lot of them and brought them into her mess, she could've just handled it alone. Chaeyoung could've just dropped the lost memories and move on, but no, she wanted to look for them, she wanted to look for the memories that she cherished then.

If only this was easy, Chaeyoung thinks.

Chaeyoung's eyelids started to get heavier every second and she decides that it's time for her to sleep.


Chaeyoung hears a soft voice, she looks for the owner but sees nothing but darkness.

"I'm sorry."

Chaeyoung was confused, who owned this kind of voice? She's sure that she's never encountered such a gentle voice.

"If only I can turn back time."

"To when?" Chaeyoung decides to question the voice.

"Back to when we were still young." she hears a deep sigh, "If only I was still alive, things would still be normal."

"Normal?" Chaeyoung repeats, "Who are you?" She asks again and now she sees a red mist, guiding her to somewhere, she decides to follow it.

"Soon, you'll know why Eunji is aggressive and why Mina is hesitant."

"Are you.. Are you Minji?" Chaeyoung asks, now confident with her question.

"Does my voice sound like a woman's?" The answer came out as sarcastic and Chaeyoung did not like it. "Soon, all your questions will be answered."

"When exactly is that?" Chaeyoung asks again.

"You have so many questions, this is why not one is ever answered." She hears another sigh, "Be patient, that's not how I raised you."

Chaeyoung woke up in a haste, it was already morning and the sun was peeking through the curtains. Chaeyoung looked around and saw the others were still sleeping, but Mina wasn't beside her.

Chaeyoung stood up and carefully closed the door behind her, she walked down the white hallways of the hospital. It was awfully quiet and Chaeyoung felt deaf with the silence.

Still, Mina isn't around. Chaeyoung feels like she's in danger, but there's only one room that Chaeyoung knows Mina is.

Chaeyoung rides the elevator, pressing the highest floor and waits for the lift to stop. The door opens and she gulped when she hears someone shouting.

"It's all of your fault! That Chaeyoung thinks I'm the enemy!"

Chaeyoung's ears perked up when she hears her name, she sneaks towards the Director's office and sees a window beside the door, she peeks.

She sees Mina kneeling down and Eunji was in front of her, also kneeling to match Mina's level. The two of them were crying.

"I..I'm sorry, Eunji. I just.."

"No. Enough with your apologies, I'm tired of hearing them!"

"I didn't kill Minji! I didn't, I didn't!"

"It's not about her anymore, it's about your lies!" Eunji harshly pushes Mina to the ground, Mina tries to stand up but Eunji holds her shoulders to hold her in her place.

"I'm fucking tired with all the lies that has escaped your mouth!"

Mina cries, she holds Eunji's wrist, "Please.. Just.. If you want to kill me, please let Chaeyoung live."

"What makes you think that I'm going to let the girl who let my sister die, live?" Eunji asks, almost sounding crazy. "And you think that I'm going to let her use Minji's heart?! She's the one who killed Minji, why are you even defending her!?"

Mina cries and shakes her head, "No.. she didn't.. kill Minji." She looks into Eunji's eyes, pleading. "Believe me, you've got it all wrong. She didn't kill Minji.."

Eunji scoffs and stands up, she leans on her table and cries.

"You're such a fool for love."

Chaeyoung's eyes were wide the moment she eavesdropped on their conversation. Eunji told Mina that Chaeyoung killed Minji, but Chaeyoung doesn't even know if she killed someone!

The pace of Chaeyoung's heartbeat fastened, she clutched on her chest. She can't breathe, she couldn't! She collapses on the floor, she feels the coldness of the tiles against her body. Chaeyoung tries to catch her breathe, she tries to stand up but her body wasn't letting her.

She feels her eyes tearing up and darkness was consuming her vision but she did her hardest to stay awake. No, she can't die. No!

But death is inevitable and Chaeyoung knows that if it's her time, it's her time.


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