The Treehouse

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"What movie are we going to watch?" Erick asks.
"Mmm how about 5 Feet Apart?" Erick likes romantic movies and so do I.
"Will that make me cry?"
"I don't know I haven't watched it but Lisette tells me that it's good," I say.
"Ok. Let me put it on." He says.
Throughout the movie he gives me looks and I pretend not to see. At one point in the movie me and Erick start to cry. So we hug each other. It isn't awkward because that is how we get along. When the movie ended it was 10:00 PM.

"Are you going to stay over?" Erick asks me.
"Sure." I always keep some of my clothes and my toothbrush at Erick's house since I stay over a lot.

"Is it cold outside?" I ask
"I don't think so. Why?"
"Can we go to the treehouse?" I ask.
Erick has a treehouse behind his house. When we were little Lisette, Diego, Erick and I would go to the treehouse and play in the treehouse. There were a lot of memories. I remember that we would meet up in the treehouse every Friday and play board games.
"Yeah that would be fun."
We brought blankets and pillows. When we get there we put the blankets down and the pillows. We lay down and relax.
"Erick do you remember when we went matching as Micky and minnie mouse? And people thought that we were a couple?"

 "Erick do you remember when we went matching as Micky and minnie mouse? And people thought that we were a couple?"

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(Imagine it was like that)

"Yeah! It was fun. Well fun matching not the couple part." He was getting nervous so I thought of another story.
"Do you remember when we were taking a bathroom break in 6th grade and when I was reaching for my lunchbox when I got out everybody was laughing at me because I had toilet paper stuck inside my pants? And it was sticking out?" He started laughing so hard that for a second I thought that he was not breathing. But I was laughing too.
"I remember that perfectly," he said catching his breath.
"That's why now I always check."
"Hey Erick Porque el tómate no toma café?"
"Porque toma te"
He starts laughing so hard and so did I.
"Ok yo tambien tengo uno. Un señor le dijo al otro, cuánto cuesta esta estufa? El otro dijo, cinco mil dólares. El señor que preguntó por la estufa dijo, pero, oiga, está es una estafa! El otro le dijo, no señor es una estufa. I started laughing so hard that I started to cry.
"This is why I love you." I said outloud. Oops I messed up.
"Emmm.." he said.
"NO! NO NOT LIKE THAT! Erick tu sabes que eres mi mejor amigo" I said quickly.
"Si, si ya se. Yo también te quiero mucho amiga" He said. Then there was a silence.
"Veronica are you happy?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you happy with Mario?"
"I mean I guess."
"Ok. As long as your happy I'm happy."
We smiled at each other. There was a silence after that when he began to sing.

Si me dejas sin una razón, y lo nuestro fue una ilusión
¿Qué va a ser de mí?
Si te llevarás mi corazón

¿Y qué va a ser de mí?
Si tú te vas
¿Y qué va a ser de mí?
Si no te dejo más
¿Qué va a ser de mí?
Si tú te vas
¿Qué va a ser de mí?
No aguanto un día más

Sin tu calor, sin tu olor
Si tú no estás no sale el sol
Si yo no tengo de tu amor, me moriré
Sin tu calor, sin tu olor
Si tú no estás no sale el sol
Si yo no tengo de tu amor, me moriré

While he was singing I was staring at him. He was also staring at me. It was like his eyes were hypnotizing me. He had an angelic voice. I forgot about everything else and I just focused on these song. The words were powerful. He looked like he was giving it his all. And like he meant every word. This boy kept on surprising me. I admired him.

"Woow Ojitos! (That's what Veronica called him) Que bonita canion! Pero no la he escuchado," I said after he finished singing.
"Es que yo lo escribí."
"Ay si. Mentira." But when I looked at him I could tell that he wasn't lying.
"No te estoy mintiendo. Yo la escribí hace unos meses"
"NO MANCHES! MI AMIGO ERICK BRIAN COLON ESCRIBIÓ UNA CANCIÓN PERO BIEN BUENÍSIMA! Pero porque esas palabras? Se la estás dedicando a una chica?"
"Nada más escribi lo que sentí. Y no te voy a decir para quien."
"Ok fine but whoever it was for she is a lucky girl." And he just smiled at me. A couple months ago he said that he wrote the song.. the song said, Y lo nuestro fue una ilusión. ¿Que va ser de mi si te llevaras mi corazón? I began my relationship with Mario a couple months ago.. And I felt like he was dedicating the song to me. What if it was for me? No wait what am I thinking? He doesn't like me like that. And I'm with Mario now. This is all very confusing. I like Mario but I have stronger feelings for Erick and when I told him about Mario asking me to be his girlfriend he told me I should do it. I don't know what to do..

Note: I know that Que Va Ser De Mi was the new song in the new album but in this story Erick wrote the song before he was in La Banda. Ok bye 😂😁

When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now