Bad News

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On the way to the doctor I had butterflies all over my stomach. You know when you have that feeling when you know that something bad is going to happen? Well that's what I'm feeling right now. I was expecting the worst. I was fidgeting with my hands. It felt like 5 hours but we finally got to the doctor. My hands got sweaty as we got out of the car. Dont worry it'll be fine. I'm going to be fine, I thought.

We walked to the doctors office. As soon as we signed the paperwork that they always give you we waited for about 5 minutes.
"Veronica Guzman?" We stood up. That was the quickest wait ever.
"Room 3 please the doctor is already there." The nurse said and left. Already there? That's wierd. When we open the door she is sitting there. Wow she really is there. She looks serious and that scares me.
"Hello ladies. Sit please." She said half smiling. We sit down and she has papers in her hands.
"As you can see when we got the blood results we called you right away. And that isn't really common." We nodded.
"What's wrong with her doctor?" My mom said sitting straighter. The doctor pursed her lips together.
"Does cancer run in your family?" She asked. I felt my hands getting cold. My mom's eyes twitched. I remembered how she said that one of my tia's died of cancer. (Chapter: Blackmailing)
"Y-yes it does," stuttered my mom. The doctor took a deep breath. My heart was racing. I thought it was going to leave my chest. There was silence.
"I'm sorry to tell you Veronica and Mrs. Guzman but your daughter......your daughter has leukemia." My heart finally stoped racing and it stopped for a second. Chills ran up my spine. It didnt feel real. I stare blankly at her.
"What do you mean my daughter has cancer?" My mom said as her voice was breaking up. She was crying. I've never seen her cry. Tears were forming in my eyes.
"I know that it's not always easy to accept this but she does and we need to act quick. We need to send her to the hospital. They'll monitor her and start chemotherapy." Doctor Martinez said holding my hand and my mom's. My mom looked at me and hugged me. She kissed my hair.
"Everything is going to be fine Veronica. You just need to try to fight and beat this cancer." I nodded.

We went home so I could pick up some of my things. I would be staying at the hospital. I guess no more school. My mom called my dad and told him to come home right away. He didnt even ask why he just did. When he found out that I had leukemia he rushed to hug me. And I hugged back tightly. I felt safe in his arms.
"Todo va estar bien Veronica. Yo tengo fe en ti. Yo sé que tu puedes luchar para terminar esta pesadilla." My dad said with tears rolling down his eyes.
"Lo se papi. Lo se." I said crying too. We headed towards the hospital. I had the fear that maybe this wouldn't work. I didn't want to spend my life in a hospital. And I wasn't even there yet! The first person I called was Lisette.

"Lisette?" I said crying.
"Omg what's wrong?" She said worried.
"The blood results came back and I- I-I have leukemia. We are headed towards the hospital. We are going to start the treatments right away."
"No. No. No. Please tell me your lying. Please tell me this is a joke. Please-" I cut her off.
"Its not. I wish it was."
"Please Veronica... please." She said choking on her sobs.
"I wont go to school anymore." I say.
"That doesn't matter right now. Tell me when you can have visitors. I'll go as soon as I can."
"Ok," I whispered.
"Everything is going to be ok."
"I hope. I really hope." We got to the hospital.
"We are here." I say.
"Ok. I'll see you later. I love you best friend." She says.
"I love you too." I hang up.

The nurses take me in right away. We go to the cancer section part of the hospital. As we walk past I see little kids that dont have hair. Some were playing with their toys and others were with their families. I swallowed hard. They gave me a room and there was a hospital bed, a TV, a bathroom, and a window. It looked depressing. I felt my parents hands on my shoulders. I put my stuff down and sat on the bed. I got out Coco the bear that Erick gave me. The nurse was outside with my parents.
Then I did the thing that I should have done a long time ago.

When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now