Unexpected Encounter

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One Year Later, 2017 

(Yes one year later since the last chapter was around January 2016. Sorry guys  😬 Don't come after me😅😂)

The year went by quick. I was still at the hospital. I turned 16 two months ago. I felt myself worsing. I knew I wasn't getting better but you never know. What if it works? But from what I could tell it wasn't. And that scared me. Sometimes I would sleep all day non-stop. Christopher and Joel had visited me three times the past year. They were really busy and they dropped their album a couple months ago. Juan was getting older and he had a normal life now. As for me and Erick? Well we still talked sometimes. He would tell me how he was doing and I would tell him that I was fine. I saw his interviews and he seemed happy. You could tell that he improved with his singing. Not that he didn't sing good at first but he got better. I wish we had the same relationship as before. Even if it was when we were friends in 5th grade but it's not like that anymore. It's kind of awkward but at least he is talking to me and I know what he is doing. He tells me about his adventures and crazy fan moments that make me laugh so hard. Whenever I get to talk to him I feel better.

I was sleeping and I was dreaming about me and Erick when we were younger.
"Come on Veronica!" Young Erick said to me. He was laughing.
"Where are we going?" Younger me asked. I giggled. I was happy running after him.
"Its a surprise." He lead me to the blacktop outside our elementary school. It was where I first met Erick. There was a picnic blanket with pillows.
"Come sit," he said. I sat next to him.
"Why can't you ever tell me the truth?" He asked me.
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"Why don't you tell me that you have leukemia? Why didn't you tell me that Mario kissed you?" He looked at me.
"I-I didn't want to hurt you. And I dont want to hurt you right now." I felt hot tears coming out of my eyes.
"But if you never tell me the truth you are going to end up hurting me even more." He got up and walked away.
"Wait! Where are you going? Erick!?!" I followed him but he disappeared. I wasn't outside anymore. I was in a building with white halls. Thats weird. How did I get here? There were other people there but they didn't seem to see me. It looked like a hospital. Then I saw a room with a window. The blinds were up so I could see inside the room. There was a girl laying down in the hospital bed with no hospital equipment on her. Her eyes were closed. There was someone else kneeling besides her holding her hand. He was crying. I think she died. I walked up closer to see the two people. Huh? That was me! I was the girl laying down in the bed. And the guy besides me was Erick. I watch them, well us and I touch the glass window. I want to go in and hug him. I didn't like seeing Erick cry. Without realizing it I was crying.
"You see how sad he is?" said younger Erick. He was standing next to me. He didn't look at me he was looking at dead me and future him. I was really confused.
"What's happening?" I say hardly audible.
"If you don't tell him the truth there may be a chance that he will be there too late if you do happen to die. Hopefully not, but no one ever knows. He might blame himself."
"Is this my future?" I ask.
"The future always changes." He said simply. He walked away.
"Wait Erick!" I say yelling after young Erick. Then I felt shaking.
"Veronica!" I hear someone say.
"Veronica wake up! Come on! Please!" I open my eyes slowly. Dang it. I had a lot of questions I had to ask young Erick.
"Oh thank God." Yoandri said.
"What happened?" I ask.
"You didn't wake up and I got worried." He said in one breath.
"Oh. I'm sorry." I say sitting up.
"It's ok. Oh and guess what?" He said excitedly.
"The guys are here. They came for promo. Christopher called me saying if you, me, him, and Joel, Johann, and Lisette wanted to do something fun in the hospital today. He said that he called you but you didn't answer so I came to check up on you and to ask you if it was ok." I got excited. Joel and Chris hardly ever came so when ever they came it would be like a gift.
"Yep I dont have anything I have to do today."
"Ok great. How are you holding up?" He asks.
"Umm well the usual. Nosebleeds, bruises, feeling weak, and very tired. But whenever someone visits I'm happy so thank you for always visiting Yoyo." I say grabbing his hand.
"It means a lot that I make you feel better. I don't like seeing you in pain." He puts pouty lips. I laughed. And then we both start laughing uncontrollably.
"Well I have nothing to do so is it fine if I stay with you while we wait for the others?" He asks me.
"Yep!" Then nurse Gabriel comes in. We have a good relationship between nurse and patient. Sometimes he talks about his family and I listen carefully.
"Good afternoon Veronica. Hello Yoandri." Gabriel says. Since my parents, Johann, Yoandri, and Lisette visit a lot he knows them.
"Hey Gabriel," I say.
"Hi Gabriel," Yoandri says.
"Here are your pills Veronica." He hands me the pills and I grab my water. I swallow them.
"Ok. How are you feeling?" Gabriel asks me.
"I'm fine just a little tired."
"Ok great. I'll check on you later. Bye guys."
"Bye," me and Yoandri chorus. He smiles and leaves.
"So you want to watch something?" Yoandri asks.
"Sure." I grab the remote control and we scroll through the channels.
"Wait stop!" He says.
"You up for some caso cerrado?" I wiggle my eyebrows up and down.
"Duh!" He says and I laugh. It was about a little girl 'suing' her mom. It was more like trying to convince her mom of something. The girl said that she saw a man coming up to her and telling her that if she didn't leave the US and go back to Columbia then her brother would die. They didn't move and he did die. Then he appeared to her again and he predicted something again. And it happened. Then he told her that if she didn't go back by the time she turned 11 then she would die. (Actual episode called Premoniciónes
It was really good.)
I wondered if what younger Erick told me in my dream would happen.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks me.
"I had a weird dream that's all."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Yoandri asked. I knew I could talk to him about it and he wouldn't tell anyone. I trusted him so I told him my crazy dream.
"Wow. Well I don't think you should worry about it too much. You aren't going to die. It was just a dream you'll be fine." He said. I nodded.
"It just seemed real." I said.
"We all have dreams like those. When we feel that its real." He said.
"Yeah." I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey guys!" I hear Johann's voice.
"Hi!" Lisette says coming in right after him.
"Hey guys!" Me and Yoandri say. We all say hi and we make space so they could sit on my bed.
"Look what we brought," Johann said.
"What?" I say. Lisette takes cacahuates from the corner store that we would go to.
"Yum!" I say. I open them and I share with the others.
"What are we going to do when Joel and Chris come?" I ask.
"We were wondering if they would give you permission to go outside and go to the park near here." Johann said. My eyes got wide.
"Hopefully!" I said. I haven't been outside in awhile. Sometimes they would let me go outside to get fresh air but I haven't in awhile because I've been so tired and I didn't have any energy. In that moment Gabriel came.
"Oh hey guys." He said.
"Hi," the others said.
"Gabriel would it be ok if I went to the park by the hospital?" I ask with pleading eyes.
"Maybe...how do you feel?" He asks.
"I'm fine."
"Ok just be careful."
"Thanks Gabriel!" I say. When he left Lisette said, "We might even get ice cream."
"Yay!" I say. Yoandri just smiled. Then I got from Christopher.

"Hello?" I say.
"Hey Veronica. We are on our way." He says.
"Ok see you in a bit."
"Byeeeee." I say and he laughs. Then he hangs up. We were talking while waiting for them.

Erick's POV

We were in Tampa, Florida and like always, Christopher and Joel mysteriously disappeared.
"Ok we will be back late at night." Joel says.
"Why do you both always leave to I don't know where, and then come back late. And only when we are here?" I ask.
"Are we not free to go mysteriously?" Christopher says. And then they just leave. I have a feeling that they go to the same place everytime we are here in Florida and that's really wierd. There is only one way to find out where they go. And it's for me to follow them. They got a taxi and shortly after they left but still in sight. I grab a taxi too.
"Where to?" The taxi man asked.
"Follow that taxi," I say pointing to the taxi that Christopher and Joel were at.
"Ok." He did as I said. Chris and Joel's taxi stopped at a flower shop. I told the taxi to stop for a second and he parked at a safe distance away from the store. After 5 minutes Christopher walks out with a teddy bear and Joel walks out with flowers. When they get inside the taxi we start to move too. After about 20 minutes they go inside a hospital. Huh? Why would they want to go to a hospital? More importantly who are they visiting? I pay the taxi driver and head inside the hospital. I follow them and I see a sign that says Cancer. They finally stop in front of a door. I hide behind a plant. They knock and I think someone let them in because they walk inside. Once they close the door I stop in front of the door. What if it's one of their family members? And I'm just here following them. But then I hear Yoandri's voice. What is going on!?!
I don't think that Yoandri has cancer. Then I just knock the door.
"Come in Gabriel!" I hear a girl say. But it sounded very familiar... I open the door and walk in. Then my mouth opens wide. I see.........


Yea I just did that 😏 Hahahaha. What do you think is going to happen next?

🌹 V O T E 🌹

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