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2 days past and I still felt weak and tired. At first my mom thought that it was the flu but I didnt have a sore throat, coughing, sneezing, ect. But I did lose appetite and I had a lot of nose bleeds. My mom got really worried so she took me to the doctor.
"I bet its nothing," I say trying to calm her down.
"Y si es algo malo? Ojalá que no pero nadie nunca sabe." She says. She does have a point there.

We go to the doctor and of course we wait for a long time. It's funny because when you go early you wait for a long time but when you get there late they usually cancel your appointment.
"Veronica Guzman?" The nurse calls. We get up from our seats and walk towards the nurse.
"Hello how are you guys doing?" The nurse says.
"Good how about you?" My mom asks the nurse.
"Good. Ok go to room 7 the doctor will be there in a second." The nurse says as she leaves. We go to room 7 and we wait there for about 20 minutes for the doctor. We here a knock on the door and the doctor sticks her head out.
"Hi guys. I'm doctor Martinez. How are you?"
"Good," we say in unison.
"So what brings you here?" Doctor Martinez said looking at me.
"I've been feeling a little weak and I'm always tired but I think it's the flu or something," I say.
"Weak where?" She asks.
"In my bones."
"Hmmm. Amy other symptoms?" She says facing my mom.
"She has a lot of nose bleeds and she doesn't want to eat that much anymore." My mom replied.
"Why dont you want to eat?" She asks me.
"I just dont have the appetite." I say.
"Since when did this start to happen?"
"2 days ago," I say.
"There is a couple things that I have in mind for what you have but I don't have nothing to prove it yet. Let's get some blood work and then I'll call you when we get the results," The doctor says.
"Ok," I say. I've never been scared of needles so I'm not worried.
"Alright then I'll call you in a few days. Bye guys." She smiled.
"Bye Doctor Martinez," my mom says.
"Bye," I say. She leaves and after awhile the nurse comes in.
"Ok I'm going to inject you in the arm." She said. She injected me and she got 2 tubes of my blood.
"Ok that looks like its everything. Bye guys. Have a good one." The nurse said as she smiled.
"Thanks you too." My mom said. We went home. I got a call from Yoandri.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hi Veronica," He says.
"What's up Yoyo?"
"Nothing. How did it go in the doctor?"
"Fine. Although they needed some bloodwork."
"Mmm." He hummed.
"Did you cry?" He asks laughing.
"No I didnt but you did cry in the rollercoaster," I laugh.
"No I didn't!"
"Yea ok."
"My mom is calling me I have to go."
"Ok bye Yoyo."
"Bye Veronica." Then he hung up.

The next day

"Veronica the doctor called. She says that she has the results but she wants to go over them with us in person. We are leaving in 20 minutes." My mom said.
In person? Why would she want to go over them in person? I got a bad feeling. I started to get worried.


Hey guys! What do you think is wrong with Veronica?

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When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now