The Feris Wheel

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When we get on the ferris wheel he began to sing.
Pues no sabes cuánto tiempo en mis sueños has vivido
Ni sospechas cuando te nombré

Yo, yo no me doy por vencido
Yo quiero un mundo contigo
Juro que vale la pena esperar, y esperar y esperar un suspiro
Una señal del destino
No me canso, no me rindo, no me doy por vencido

Tengo una flor de bolsillo
Marchita de buscar a una mujer que me quiera
Y reciba su perfume hasta traer la primavera
Y me enseñe lo que no aprendí­ de la vida
Que brilla más cada día
Porque estoy tan sólo a un paso de ganarme la alegría
Porque el corazón levanta una tormenta enfurecida
Desde aquel momento en que te vi

Yo, yo no me doy por vencido
Yo quiero un mundo contigo

Wow those last words really hit me. Why does he picks these types of songs? Is it for me?
"Wow. I have no words for how beautiful that was Ojitos." We looked at each other for a long time.
"Why do you pick these songs?" I ask. He shrugs and smiles. Almost an instinct and I just give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek.
"Gracias Ojitos." I don't know if he knew why I thanked him but he just smiled and said, "De nada chiquita."
For the rest of the ride we just look at the lights and cuddle. We get off and we were about to walk out of the carnival. I was holding his hand but all of a sudden I see.....

"Erick vámonos rapido!"
"Porq-" and then he sees them. But before we could do anything they catch us.
"Veronica!" I hear Mario say.
"What do you want?"
"I need to talk to you. I promise it's not what it seems."
"Yeah right "basketball practice" I already know. I don't want to talk to you. Come on Erick let's go." We were about to go but he grabs me by the arm.
"What are you doing with him?"
"I don't see how that's any of your business."
"It is because I'm your boyfriend."
"Not anymore." He opens his mouth wide open. We walk away. From far away I hear him say, "Yes I was cheating on you with Diamond and guess what? She is way better than you!"
That's it I was going to slap him but all of a sudden Erick walks to him furiously and punches him in the face that Mario ends up in the floor and there is blood coming out of his nose.
"VERONICA IS THE ONE OF THE BEST GIRLS OUT THERE YOU'LL EVER MEET. AND GUESS WHAT STUPID,YOU JUST LOST YOUR CHANCE WITH HER! DON'T EVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO  HER AGAIN!" He surprised me. Mario hit him by his mouth and now Erick was bleeding too. Quickly I grab Erick and we run out of there. We sprint to his house.

When we get there I finally say, "Estas loco?" I start laughing.
"I'm just protecting what's mine. I mean my best friend." He said quickly. I hug him and say, "Thank you Ojitos I don't know what I would do without you." We smile at each other. I realized that his lip was still bleeding so I asked him where he kept the cotton balls and the alcohol. He told me where it was so I went to get it. I grab the cotton ball and put some alcohol in it.
"This might burn," I say. I put it on quickly before he complains. He shuts his eyes tight and looks like he is in pain. When I finished I realized that our faces were really close to each other. It was really tempting to kiss those soft lips. I was gazing into his eyes and he was too. He puts his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. Then I kiss him. And he kisses back. It was a calm gentle kiss. His lips were soft and moist like I've imagined. It was really slow like we didn't want this moment to end. And like we were memorizing each others lips. When we were going to run out of breath we separate and put our foreheads together. He gives me a warm smile.
"I hope that helped fix your injury." I smile.
"It did. It really did." He laughs.

When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now