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(I thought of this song while writing it 😂)

"Are we going to split into two teams?" Yoandri asked.
"Yeah. If you want to be part of the winners team join me!" Christopher said. Zabdiel, Johann, and Richard joined him. So I was on Joel, Erick, Lisette, Yoandri's team. I was good at bowling since Erick, Lisette, Mario, and I would always go bowling. But Lisette was really bad I'm not going to lie. She always aimed the wrong way. And I try to help her but she says, "No I got it. I'm a professional." I would always crack up but I didnt argue. Once she rolled the ball three lanes to the right.
"Are you good at bowling?" Yoandri asks me.
"A little." I smile. "How about you?"
"Yep. I would always win when I played with my friends." He says. I could tell that he wasn't bragging. He seemed nice.
"Then why didnt you go with the 'winning team'?" I ask
"Because I wanted to prove them wrong." He gives a mischievous smile.
"Then let's prove them wrong." I say with the same expression. Erick was first.
"Ok you can do this man." I say slapping his back a little aggressively.
"Ouch!" He says.
"Sorry," I say laughing while rubbing his back. He goes up and almost knocks them all except for two other cones.
"NO! DONT DO THAT! MISS IT!" Christopher yelled. Lisette, Yoandri, and I laughed. But Joel closed his eyes halfway glaring at Christopher.
"You trying to distract my teammate Velez?" Joel said.
"No..." Christopher says innocently. Erick comes up to get another ball. Before he leaves to roll the ball again I grab him by the shoulders and say, "You can do it Ojitos just follow Joel's advice. Knock them all like you used to do when we would go bowling in the past." He smiles and I put my hands on his cheek and pat them lightly with the palm of my hand.
"Dont worry. I got this." He leaves and he rolls the ball. It hits both of the cones. We all cheer for him. The other team claps slowly.
"What was that Velez?" Erick says.
"Yeah ok just watch me do it in one try." Christopher says. He grabs the ball and knocks half of them.
"Its ok its ok. He will knock them down next time." Richard says. Christopher gets the ball and knocks down 2 other pins.
"Bro what is going on?" Johann says.
"Yeah Bro." Zabdiel says.
"Yeah Bro what is wrong with you?" Yoandri says with a smirk.
"I was just warming up that's all." Chris says. It was Joel's turn. He knocked almost all of them. In his second time he knocked all of them except for one.
"Its fine." Lisette says. It was Zabdiel's turn. Lisette pulls my hand.
"You know I cant knock not even one down. What am I going to do?" She says worried.
"But you didnt want me to help you back then right?" I say laughing.
"Ok ok sorry." She says. Erick comes up to us.
"What's wrong?" He says.
"I cant knock even 1 and now I have to impress Joel!" She says. Me and Erick give each other a look.
"What's up?" Joel says with Yoandri by his side.
"Nothing!" Lisette says quickly. I give her a look telling her just tell the guy. She rolls her eyes. Fine she mouths.
"I'm not good at bowling. Like at all." Lisette said.
"I'm sure you're not that bad." Joel said. Me and Erick exchange glances smiling.
"Once the ball went three lanes to the right!" Lisette said. Yoandri gave an expression that said yikes. Joel smiled and said, "I'll teach you." Zabdiel finished and he got all of them down by the second try. Joel helped Lisette and it was really cute. Lisette seemed really nervous because her back was against his chest. His hand was holding hers as he swung her arm back and then they let go of the ball. She got all of them except for one in the corner. It was the most she had ever gotten. Joel let her try by herself for her second time. It seemed like it was going well but then it ended up going the other direction.
"Its ok." Joel said as he smiled at Lisette. 
"Yeah I ship it." Erick said. We were a distance away from them so they didnt hear.
"Yeah." Me and Yoandri said at the same time. The other team went. Then our team did. Yoandri was pretty good. He knocked almost all of them and on the second try he knocked all of them. The other team went and then it was my turn. I concentrated so I could try and knock the most down as possible.
"Come on Chaparrita roll the ball already." Zabdiel said. Zabdiel was VERY tall. And compared to me I was a minion and he was a tall tree.
"Leave my partner alone! Let her concentrate!" Erick said. I roll the ball and all the pins fall down. I didn't even get a chance to turn around when I feel some arms around my waist.
"YOU DID IT HERMOSA!" Erick said. My teammates were all congratulating me.
"Wow you are really good!" Joel said.
"Dang you have talent," Yoandri said.
I look at the other team and they have their mouth wide open.
"YOU? HOW?" Christopher said in disbelief. I laughed. I hear them whisper something to each other. I hear Johann laugh. I see Richard head towards me. In the matter of seconds he carries me like a sack of potatoes. He runs to his team and me along with him.
"Hey what are you doing?" Erick said confused. I was confused too. Richard puts me down and Christopher, Richard, Zabdiel, and Johann surround me in a circle and I'm in the middle. They have their arms spread out. I tap Johann's shoulder. He turns his head but he stays in the same position.
"Yes?" He says like nothing is wrong.
"What are you doing?
"We are kidnapping you so you can be on our team. You are really good by the way," he says simply.
"WHAT?!?!" I yell.
"Owww. That hurt my ears." He says. Erick rushes towards me. He tries to grab me. But the guys dont let him.
"What are you guys doing?" Erick asks.
"We are kidnapping your girlfriend because she is really good at bowling." Christopher says like its nothing with a smile on his face.
"That is cheating!" Yoandri says.
"There is nothing in the rules about it right?" Johann says. My team has their mouths open.
"Is that Ricky Martin?" Joel says pointing in the other direction.
"Where?" They all say in unison. Then Joel pulls my arm hard and pulls me away from them. Erick carries me and runs away.
"Hey! Bring her back!" Christopher says.
"Naw she is in our team. New rule no stealing partners." Erick says.
"Fine it's not like we care." Zabdiel says. I give a hurt look.
"Sorry Chaparrita." Zabdiel says with a smile. We continue to play and I had a great time. And Lisette actually got better. Our team won and the other team bought us ice cream that they had at the bowling place.
"You really surprised me Veronica." Christopher says.
"Oh really why?" I ask.
"You fit 10 pieces of chocolate and you beat me, Christopher Bryant Vélez Muñoz at bowling." He says. Everyone laughs.
"Wait why are you guys laughing?" Christopher asks.
"No nada." Johann says with a smirk on his face.
"Yes well I'm full of surprises." I say. We all exchanged phone numbers. We go to the limo so we could go home. I sat next to Erick and Yoandri.
"What would happen if someone lost?" I ask them.
"Nothing really," Johann said.
"I mean we are still friends and we would be grateful that we even made it this far." Joel says.
"If I lost I would still be happy for whoever made it." Richard says.
"Yeah I wouldn't be jealous or anything. In fact it would be the opposite." Yoandri says. Christopher, Zabdiel, and Erick nodded agreeing. We talked for the rest of the ride.
"Te cayeron bien?" Erick whispers, his lips on my ear.
"They did. They are very nice." I whisper in his ear. I smile.
"Que bueno hermosa." He says. They drop me off at my house first.
"Alright. Bye guys." I say.
"Awww." Yoandri said in disappointment.
"We'll see you again right?" Johann asks.
"Of course. We'll see when we can hang out again." I say.
"Bye," they all say.
"Bye chicos," I say.
"Bye Ojitos." I say.
"Adios amor," he says. Wow that was the first time he said that. I open my mouth but he kisses it. It was slow. Someone clears their throat.
"Aww que románticos." Richard says.
"Do you guys need privacy?" Zabdiel says laughing.
"Naw. Bye guys." I say.
"Adios mi amor." I whisper in Erick's ear. He smiles. I walk to the door of my house. I turn back before I open it and smile and wave.

When You Were Mine •Erick Brian Colon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now