What happend to you?

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Peter sighed as he sat down on the grass, overlooking the camp. It was the middle of the night but he was unable to sleep.
After him, he will lead you to Edmund
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. It had been almost six hours since Orious and the others had gone in search of the witch - in search of his brother, and ever since then he'd been nothing but worried.
Susan and Lucy had been too. So much so that Lucy had point blank refused to sleep until Edmund was back, that was until - She'd fallen asleep on Peter's lap not long after dark. Susan had offered to take her to bed and said that she'd probably get some sleep too, and told Peter that he should do the same.
Peter had tried of course, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't, he was far too worried.
What if Orious couldn't find the witches camp? Or what if he didn't make it in time and the witch had already-
He cut himself off, shaking his head. He absolutely refused to think that his brother was dead, in all honesty he didn't want to think that he was hurt either, but he had a feeling that wasn't the case.
He sat there for ages, just staring over the camp, specially at the entrance.
His heart skipped a beat when he spotted the flame of a torch, followed by another and then a few more followed. Orious and the others were back.
Peter seemed frozen to the spot as he watched the search party enter the camp. Swallowing hard he took a deep breath, hesitating. Should he go down there? If he did, what would he say to his brother? That's if - he was with them.
After a long while of just sitting there doing nothing but staring at the torches as they got closer, he let out a sigh and jumped to his feet, dashing off towards where the torches were.
He ran as fast as he could until he reached the search party, stopping in front of a faun.
"Sir." The faun said, bowing his head slightly. "You should be sleeping."
Peter - who was only just getting used to being called 'sir' or 'your majesty' - shook his head. "I couldn't." He mumbled slowly before taking a deep breath and asking: "Where's Edmund?"
The faun stared at him, the look on his face causing Peter's heart to start pounding. "Sir." He said. "We have rescued your brother."
Peter let out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding. "Is - Is he alright?"
The faun shook his head. "I'm afraid not." He said.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked hesitantly. "Where is he?"
"Orious has him." The faun replied.
"Where's Orious?" Peter said.
The faun turned around and the rest of the group separated to reveal Orious stood behind them all.
Peter's heart literally stopped when he spotted him, or rather when he spotted his brother. Edmund was curled up in Orious's arms, and by the looks of it, asleep.
Peter didn't know what to do, he stood, frozen to the spot, just staring at his brother.
Orious sighed a little before walking over and stopping in front of Peter.
Peter took a deep breath as he caught sight of Edmund's face. It was as white as paper, his left cheek covered in a yellow bruise. His lip was split and there was a small cut beside his left eye. His face was covered in dirt and blood, making Peter feel physically sick.
He took a deep, shaky breath before opening his mouth again. "Is he-?" He was going to say asleep, but Orious cut him off.
"He passed out when we untied him." He said.
Peter frowned, tearing his eyes away from his brother to stare up at Orious. "Un - Untied him?" He choked, his eyes going slightly wide.
Orious sighed but nodded anyway. "Your brother was kept tied to a tree, and gagged."
Peter's eyes went wide with horror before he looked back down at Edmund. He stared at him for a moment before extremely slowly and hesitantly reaching up and taking hold of his hand. He flinched slightly when he found it was ice-cold, but didn't release his grip, if anything it just got tighter. "He's so cold." He mumbled.
Orious nodded slowly. "I know - Peter." He said softly. "The witches camp was in one of the darkest and coldest parts of the woods-" He paused. "Poor thing must've been freezing." He whispered, looking down at Edmund.
Peter forced back his tears, taking a deep breath. "I - I take it the witch wasn't happy that he turned up without us?" He said, his voice shaking dangerously.
"It would appear so." Orious said.
"Did you see the witch?" Peter asked.
"I'm afraid not." Orious said. "There was a dwarf guarding your brother, the witch was no where to be seen."
Peter swallowed hard. "Guarding him?" He questioned, finding himself unable to look away from his brother. "How?"
Orious hesitated.
Peter bit his lip, finaly looking up at the centaur. "Please." He choked. "I need to know."
Orious sighed, nodding slowly. "Apart from being tied to a tree, the dwarf was threatening your brother with a knife." He said. Peter took a deep breath. "He was pressing it against your brothers neck."
Peter couldn't help but glance down at Edmund's neck, and was worried to see a small, thin cut going across the right of it, but not big enough to be bleeding, causing Peter to let out a sigh of relief.
"I've never seen anyone look as scared as your brother was." Orious whispered.
Peter bit his lip, His hand instinctively tightening around Edmund's, swallowing hard as he stared at the bruises on his face, and his split lip.
"Oh Ed." He whispered, his voice cracking as his eyes filled with tears. "What happened to you?"

New book! I've seen a lot of fanfics written about this so I decided to write one. This book will include a whole bunch of missing scenes that really should've been in the movie and will obviously include the parts that were actually in the movie (lol). Anyway, hope you like it! Let me know what you thought of the first chapter!
Nina xx
(Also I will probably change the description soon 😂)

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