His blood is my property

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"Come on Ed!" Peter laughed. "Sword point up, like Orious showed us!"
Edmund did as Peter had said, laughing.
"Now block!"
"Peter, Edmund!" Mr beaver shouted, running up to them, panting.
Edmund's horse let out a noise of fright before standing up on its hind legs, causing Edmund to grip tightly on the reigns to stop himself from falling off. "Whoah horsey!" He said.
the horse returned to all four legs and gave Edmund an unimpressed look. "My name is Philip." It said.
Edmund, who was even now still trying to get used to the fact that animals could talk in Narnia, swallowed hard. "Oh, sorry." He mumbled, and was pretty sure that out of the corner of his eye he saw Peter chuckle.
The two turned back to Mr beaver, who was still trying to catch his breath. "The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan." He panted.
Edmund froze.
"She's on her way here." Mr beaver added.
Edmund's heart started to pound in his chest. Jadis. The white witch. Here? He took a deep breath, glancing over at Peter who was already climbing off of his unicorn.
Walking over to Edmund he placed a hand on his knee. "Come on Ed." He said.
Edmund shook his head, a look of terror on his face.
"Edmund let's just go see what she wants?" Peter said.
"What's wrong?" Susan asked as she and Lucy ran over to her brothers.
"Jadis wants a meeting with Aslan." Peter answered. "She'll be here in a minute."
Susan's eyes went wide as Lucy gasped slightly.
"Come on Ed." Peter said quickly. "She won't touch you, I promise."
Edmund hesitated but slowly climbed off his horse.
"Alright?" Peter asked.
Edmund nodded slowly but said nothing.
"Come on then." Susan said, running off back to camp.
The others followed, Edmund staying as close to Peter as he could. The running made pain shoot through his back, but he ignored it and stopped dead when his siblings did.
"Jadis! The Queen of Narnia!"
Edmund swallowed hard as he stared at the dwarf, the dwarf who'd had great fun mocking and torturing him the night before when he'd been tied to the tree.
But looking past the dwarf his eyes went wide and he took a step back.
Jadis was being carried on some sort of throne by four of her followers. He head was held high but the crown on her head seemed to be melting, and she didn't have her wand with her.
As soon as Jadis was put down everyone stopped their whispering.
The witch walked slowly towards Aslan, but kept her eyes glued on Edmund.
Edmund took a deep breath, trying to keep his breathing under control. No matter how hard he tried he was unable to look away from her.
Jadis finaly stopped and turned to Aslan, before talking. "You have a traitor in your midst Aslan." She said, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Peter sighed sadly as he looked down at his brother, who was looking down at the ground, a look of complete shame and guilt on his face.
"His offence was not against you." Aslan said calmly, causing Peter to look back to the witch.
"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She asked.
"Do not sight the deep magic to me witch!" Aslan growled. "I was there when it was written." He added darkly.
Jadis smirked. "Well then, you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me."
Peter frowned, his eyes going slightly wide as Edmund took a deep breath. "His blood is my property." Jadis said.
"Try and take him then!" Peter said firmly, drawing his sword and pointing it directly at the witch. He took a step forward, holding his hand out behind him as if to further protect Edmund.
But the witch only laughed. "Do you really think that mere force will deny me my rights?" She said, looking amused. "Little king."
Peter slowly lowered his sword, returning it to his sheath as he took a step back. With a sinking heart he realised that there was no way that he could protect his brother. But maybe Aslan could?
"Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law commands." Jadis said. "All of Narnia will be overturned, and perish in fire and water. That boy-" Here she turned and pointed directly at Edmund, causing Edmund to look up at her. "-Will die, on the stone table."
Edmund's heart pounded in his chest as he took the smallest of steps towards Peter before looking up at him, fear spread across his face.
Peter wore the almost exact same look as he looked down at his brother.
Edmund looked back at the witch when she spoke again, tears in his eyes.
"As is tradition." The witch said, turning to Aslan. "You dare not refuse me!"
"Enough!" Aslan said. "I will talk to you alone." And with that he turned and entered his tent.
The witch clearly hesitated but she followed him anyway.
Once the two were in the tent Peter turned to Edmund, who looked like he was about to throw up.
"Ed?" He said.
Edmund paid him no attention as he stared at the entrance to the tent.
Susan sighed and wrapped her arms around Edmund's shoulders, pulling him into a hug.
Edmund rested his head on her shoulder, but other than that seemed frozen to the spot.
Susan tried to calm him down by rubbing her hand up and down his back.
Edmund hardly even felt the pain but was rather relieved when Peter removed her hand and placed it instead on the back of his head.
Susan frowned at Peter, who just slowly shook his head.
Susan sighed and kissed the top of Edmund's head. "It's gonna be fine." She whispered.
Edmund eventually came out of his daydream, and pulling from Susan's grasp slowly sunk to the floor.
The other followed him, Lucy sat beside him, Susan knelt beside her and Peter sat opposite his brother.
And there they stayed. Edmund ripped up bits of grass as he sat there, trying to think of anything else but the witch. But when you've just been told that you're gonna be killed by her that was probably easier said than done.
Hours seemed to pass as they all sat there, until finaly Jadis stepped out of the tent.
Peter was the first to stand, and heard his siblings do the same.
Edmund stared at the witch as she walked slowly towards him. His breathing got heavier as his heart pounded.
At the last minute Jadis turned and walked back to her chair.
All eyes turned to Aslan, who'd come out of the tent after Jadis.
Edmund stood frozen to the spot as he waited for Aslan's answer.
"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood!"
Edmund let out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding as a smile lit up his face.
All his siblings turned to him with matching smiles, Peter placing a hand on his shoulder.
He wasn't going to die. It took a while for this to sink in, and when it did it left him dizzy with relief.
"How do I know your promise will be kept?!" Jadis said suddnely, catching everyone's attention.
Aslan suddnely roared loudly at her, making Edmund jump slightly and Jadis sit down quickly in her chair, only to immediately be carried away.
Lucy let out a laugh as she wrapped her arms around Edmund, who returned the hug and lifted her off her feet.
He wasn't going to die and he'd never felt so relieved in his entire life.


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