Cair Paravel

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"This place is-" Lucy paused. "Huge!"
Peter chuckled as they were led through the corridors, the rest of the group except Aslan, a few fauns, Orious and his siblings having disappeared. "It is rather big isn't it." He said, his arm wrapping protectively around Edmund's shoulders.
Edmund rested his head on Peter's shoulder as the small group came to a halt outside four doors.
"These are your rooms." One of the fauns said politely, pointing at the doors.
Lucy beamed. "Which ones mine?" She asked excitedly.
The faun smiled at her and pointed to the nearest door. "That one." She said.
Lucy smiled even more and disappeared inside the room.
"Queen Susan, that one's yours." The faun said, pointing to the door next to it.
Susan thanked the faun with a nod and a smile before she too went to explore her room.
"King Peter, that one's yours and King Edmund that one is yours." The faun said.
"We'll leave you all to settle in." Aslan announced. "We'll send someone up to get you for dinner because I'm afraid if you tried to find the dining room by yourself you'll end up getting lost."
Peter smiled at him. "Thank you Aslan." He said.
Aslan nodded. "You're welcome." He said before he turned and left, the others following behind him.
Peter looked down at his brother, only to see a worried look on his face. "Ed?" He questioned.
Edmund looked up at him and sighed. "I'm fine." He mumbled. He went to head towards the door to his room but stopped when Peter grabbed his shoulder and led him into his room instead. "I can read you like a book Ed." Peter said as he shut the door.
"And that's a good thing?" Edmund said with a half hearted laugh.
"Sometimes." Peter replied. "Look, I'm sure we can talk to someone if you dont wanna room to yourself?"
Edmund sighed. "It's fine." He mumbled.
"It's quite clearly not Ed." Peter muttered. "I'm sure they'll understand if you want to share a room."
Edmund bit his lip and after a while nodded his head. "Unless you want a room to yourself?" He asked.
Peter shook his head. "I don't want you out of my sight, I'm definitely not gonna want you in a completely different room." He said firmly.
Edmund smiled a little before the two glanced around the room. "It's huge!" He exclaimed.
Peter nodded. "You could fit five people on that bed!" He said.
Edmund let out a chuckle. "You've even got a desk." He said, nodding over to the corner of the room.
Peter nodded and walked over to two doors. Pulling them open his eyes went wide. "And a balcony." He breathed.
Edmund rushed over to stand beside him. "With a view of the beach." He added with a nod.
The two boys stepped out onto the balcony, Peter leaning against the railing and Edmund soon following.
"It is rather beautiful isn't it?" Peter said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He breathed.
"I'm sure we could get used to it." Peter said.
Edmund nodded but didn't say anything.
"Did Aslan say how long dinner was?" Peter asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Don't think so." He said. "But I should think it's soon, it must be getting on, what, half five?"
Peter nodded before he pulled Edmund close, resting his cheek on the top of his head.
Edmund took a deep breath as he hugged him back, burying his face against his neck.
"How's the wound?" Peter couldn't help but ask.
"Sore." Edmund mumbled with a sigh. "It's still sore."
Peter swallowed hard. "What - What did it feel like?" He barely whispered.
Edmund took a deep breath, eyes squeezing shut for just a moment before opening again. "It was just - pain." He said, not looking at his brother and instead just resting his head against his chest. "Agony. Everything hurt. It was cold too, I was absolutely freezing." He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I couldn't breath, I- I felt like I was choking. Everything sounded so - distant, like it was underwater too. I was so scared, I thought- I thought I was gonna die. The second my sword fell from my hands, and I saw her bring her wand forward-" Edmund stopped, taking a deep breath. "The second she did it, all I could feel was pain. I could - could feel the wand inside me and it - hurt, to put it mildly. And I'm pretty sure she - she twisted the wand before she yanked it out. I could feel the blood pouring from the wound even as I opened my eyes to look at her. I'll never forget the look on her face, that triumphant smirk, that angry glare. And then I fell, it hurt so much when I hit the floor, almost like she'd stabbed me again. But I couldn't even scream, the pain was that bad. Everything after I fell is a bit of a blur. A blur of pain, light and sound-" Edmund trailed off and it was only then did he realise that he had tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. He quickly wiped the away, but then he felt a wetness on his hair. Looking up he found that Peter had tears running down his cheeks too, a look of pain on his face.
Edmund sighed sadly and reached up to wipe the tears from his brother's cheek, getting a watery smile from Peter. Edmund smiled hesitantly back before resting his head back against Peter's chest, letting out a shaky sigh. "Take it I scared you huh?" Edmund muttered slowly.
"You more than scared me." Peter choked, placing a hand on the back of Edmund's head and gently playing with his hair. "I thought she'd killed you."
Edmund took a deep breath before slowly nodding. "Sorry." He whispered.
"You don't need to be sorry Ed." Peter sighed. "It wasn't your fault."
Edmund nodded. "I'm not just sorry about that you know." He choked. "I'm sorry I - I betrayed you."
Peter held his breath. "I know you are." He whispered.
"Really sorry." Edmund added sadly.
Peter sighed. "It's okay." He mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard, slowly pulling away as there was a knock at the door. "Take it that's dinner." He said.
Peter nodded. "You gonna eat anything?" He asked as the two stepped off the balcony, Peter closing the doors behind them.
Edmund hesitated but in the end nodded his head. "I'll try." He mumbled.
Peter nodded slowly, giving Edmund a quick hug before the two headed out the room and downstairs.


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