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Stepping into the tent Peter caught sight of his brother, sat on his hammock slowly taking his shoes off. Peter frowned slightly as Edmund flinched when he bent down, but decided not to say anything about it.
It took Edmund a while to realise that Peter was there but when he did he bit his lip and looked down at the floor, hands ever so slowly making their way back towards his pockets.
Peter bit his lip gently as he crossed the tent and sat down in his hammock, avoiding looking at his brother completely. What in the world was he supposed to say?!
"You're mad?"
Peter's head snapped up to look at his brother. Edmund still had his head down, his hands in his pockets but he was looking up at Peter.
Peter hesitated. "I'm-" He sighed, unsure of what to say. "I'm disappointed." He managed to choke.
Edmund nodded slowly, and Peter didn't miss the fact that his eyes filled with tears.
Peter sighed and slowly stood up again, walking over to Edmund and sitting slowly down on his hammock instead, but as far away from his brother as he could. "But - But I think I know why you did it." He said, taking a deep breath.
Edmund frowned, finaly looking at Peter, a look of confusion and guilt in his eyes. "You do?" He whispered.
Peter nodded. "I haven't exactly been the best brother." He said. "I was too hard on you."
Edmund sighed. "It wasn't your fault." He mumbled.
Peter hesitated but said nothing else. After a while he sighed, he couldn't stay here! He had no idea what to say a and it was getting awkward to say the least. Taking a deep breath he quickly stood and went to walk out of the tent. He'd barely taken three steps when he heard his brothers voice:
"Please, don't go. Please." Edmund's voice shook dangerously, and he sounded so - scared?
Swallowing hard, Peter ran a hand over his face before turning back around and sitting on the hammock again, this time a little closer to his brother.
"I'm sorry." Edmund whispered, his voice cracking. "I'm so, so sorry."
Peter stared at him, taking a deep breath. "I know." He whispered.
"I didn't know all that would happen." Edmund choked.
Peter sighed. "It's alright Ed." He mumbled. "Aslan said what's done is done."
Edmund nodded slowly, sighing. "Why did you even come in here?" He asked almost hesitantly.
Peter bit his lip. "I had to see if you were alright." He said quietly. "Do - Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked after a while.
Edmund frowned a little. "I remember when Orious and the others rescued me, but after that everything just went black." He said slowly. "But then I have some memory of seeing Aslan and-" He paused. "And you."
Peter sighed but nodded. "Yeah." He said. "I - I couldn't sleep last night and stayed awake until you got back. You sorta woke up after a while and panicked, twisting out of Orious's arms and falling onto the floor, passing out again not long after. And then Aslan said that they had to clean your injuries-"
Edmund's eyes went slightly wider. "You didn't-" He swallowed hard.
Peter sighed and shook his head. "I wasn't aloud to go with you." He reassured his brother. "Aslan said it was up to you if I knew about your injuries."
Edmund nodded slowly. "I don't exactly want you to know about them." He mumbled.
Peter hesitantly nodded. "I understand." He mumbled.
There was silence for a long while before Edmund spoke again. "But Peter?" He mumbled.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, staring at his bother with a slight frown on his face.
"I - I think they might've missed something last night." Edmund whispered.
Peter swallowed hard. "Orious said that your injuries would probably need cleaning more than once." He forced out.
"Oh." Edmund whispered.
"Why, what's wrong?" Peter asked wearily.
"I-" Edmund sighed, and Peter saw as he absent mindedly played with the sleeve of his jumper, his hands now out of his pockets.
"Ed?" Peter questioned worriedly.
Edmund sighed before slowly pulling up his jumper sleeve.
Peter swallowed hard when he saw the rope burns around his little brothers wrist, red and swollen, and - by the looks of it - bleeding. "Oh Ed." He choked, eyes filling with tears.
Edmund sighed and bit his lip. "It's just - really irritating me is all." He mumbled almost guiltily.
"I'd say it's more than irritating you Ed." Peter said sadly.
Edmund sighed.
"Um-" Peter said quitely before walking across the tent and grabbing a bowl of water and a cloth from the table.
Edmund watched him wearily as he sat down beside him and dunked the cloth into the bowl, before slowly wringing it.
"Do you want me to-?" He asked, nodding at Edmund's wrist.
Edmund hesitated but slowly nodded his head. "Just - get rid of the blood, that's all I want." He mumbled.
Peter nodded back and reached out to take hold of Edmund's hand, which to his shock was still as cold as ice.
Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath Peter placed the damp cloth to his brothers wrist, causing Edmund to flinch and quickly shut his eyes.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled as he hesitantly continued. "Is your other one the same?" He asked once he'd finished.
Edmund nodded his head, lifting up his other jumper sleeve.
Peter stared at the rope burns for a while before he quickly cleaned away all the blood, swallowing hard so that he didn't throw up.
Once he'd finished he placed the cloth back in the bowl of water - the bowl that Edmund was staring at, and had been staring at for quite some time.
"Ed are you alright?" Peter asked.
Edmund slowly looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Peter frowned. "Ed?" He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "I just - haven't had a drink since yesterday morning." He muttered quietly.
Peter frowned even more. "Didn't you have one this morning or something?" He asked.
Edmund only shook his head, sighing a little as he did.
Peter once again stood, placing the bowl back on the table and grabbing a cup. Grabbing the jug he filled it with water and handed it to his brother.
His heart literally broke when Edmund downed it in five seconds flat, taking a deep breath once he'd finished. "Thanks." He mumbled.
" 's alright." Peter choked, placing a hand on Edmund's back.
Edmund quickly pulled away, hissing slightly as he did, his eyes squeezing shut.
Peter frowned, immediately removing his hand as Edmund slowly opened his eyes. "Ed what's-"
"I'm fine." Edmund said quickly but quietly.
Peter hesitated but sighed, nodding his head before Edmund let out a yawn. "Get some sleep." Peter mumbled. "You look like you need it."
Edmund nodded slowly and climbed under the covers as Peter quickly stood. "Sleep tight." Peter managed to force out as Edmund lay down and closed his eyes.
Peter never got an answer, because the second Edmund's head hit the pillow he was fast asleep.
Sighing sadly Peter sat on his own hammock, sitting there and just watching his brother, reluctant to let him out of his sight.


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