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Peter held his breath as he felt Edmund shift from where he layed on top of him, groaning slightly as his eyes flickered open.
Peter had sat there for maybe half an hour to an hour, making sure that his brother was indeed alive and safe, and he'd never once moved his hand from where it lay flat against his chest.
"Ed?" He whispered after a while of Edmund laying there doing nothing.
Edmund slowly turned onto his side and buried his face against Peter's chest, wrapping his arm tightly around his waist.
"You okay?" Peter asked worridley, his arm tightening around Edmund's shoulders.
Edmund shook his head against Peter's chest, letting out a small sob.
"Hey." Peter whispered softly, carefully sitting up and placing Edmund in his lap.
Edmund let out another sob and buried his face back into Peter's chest, now leaning against him to actually stay sat up, he felt too weak to sit up by himself.
"Shh." Peter soothed, running a hand through Edmund's hair repeatedly, his arm wrapping tightly around him. "What's wrong?"
Edmund took a deep breath, opening his mouth for just a second before it closed again and he started sobbing into Peter's chest.
Peter's heart broke into tiny pieces as he listened to his brother crying, whispering reassuringly in his ear as he tried to calm him down. "It's okay." He choked. "It's alright. It's over. Everything's gonna be okay."
After a long while Edmund's crying slowly stopped and he literally collapsed against Peter, exhausted and in pain.
"Ed please." Peter whispered, looking down at him. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
Edmund, with great effort, managed to pull away from his brother and look up at him, but remained sitting in his lap. He stared at Peter for ages, his mouth opening slightly at times but then closing straight away afterwards.
Peter sighed sadly. "It's alright." He said with a small nod. "You can talk to me."
Edmund sighed, swallowing hard. "I-" Was all he managed to choke before his mouth closed again as he took a deep breath.
Peter bit his lip. "Shall we get you out of this armour?" He asked gently.
Edmund hesitated, and Peter saw his hand absent-mindedly grip his stomach. "I'll be careful Ed." He choked. "I promise."
Edmund stared at him but eventually nodded, slowly shuffling off his brother's lap to sit on the hammock.
Peter sighed as he stood and knelt in front of Edmund, taking hold of the end of his battle tunic. "Let's get this off first eh?" He said, forcing a smile.
Edmund let out a shaky breath as he raised his arms, allowing Peter to slide the tunic over his head. He let out a half strangled gasp as the material was peeled away from his wound, causing it to throb angrily and start stinging.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled quietly as he placed the battle tunic on the floor behind him.
Edmund held his breath for a moment as he shook his head a little, squeezing his eyes shut.
"I suppose I'll have to clean up all the - the blood." Peter choked out, tears appearing in his eyes.
Edmund slowly looked down at his stomach, only to find it covered in blood. The very sight made him feel sick and just like earlier he clamped a hand over his mouth.
Peter immediately leapt to his feet and grabbed a different bucket this time, handing it to his brother just before he threw up.
Sitting on the hammock beside him he rubbed his hand gently up and down Edmund's back, very gently that is.
After a while Edmund slowly straightened up, taking a deep breath a swallowing hard.
"Wanna drink?" Peter asked, taking the bucket.
Edmund nodded a little, giving Peter a grateful look.
Peter bit his lip as he poured Edmund a cup of water before handing it to him and once again kneeling in front of him.
Edmund brought the cup to his lips and took a few sips, taking a deep breath before placing the cup on the small table by the hammock.
Peter sighed. "You want me to do this now?" He said, grabbing a bowl of water and a cloth from the table.
Edmund slowly nodded, biting his lip gently.
Peter nodded hesitantly back as he dunked the cloth in the bowl, before wringing it and bringing it up to Edmund's stomach. "You know what." He mumbled. "Why don't you lay down? It might be a little easier."
Edmund nodded before he did as Peter had suggested, laying his head in the pillows as he took a deep breath.
Peter began to clean up the blood that had covered Edmund's stomach, but he didn't touch the wound, not yet.
When all the blood was cleaned away he wet the cloth and wrung it again, causing Edmund to let out a sigh and slowly close his eyes.
"This might sting." Peter muttered sadly.
Edmund nodded a little but other than that did nothing.
With a sad sigh Peter gently pressed the damp cloth to the wound on Edmund's stomach, causing Edmund's eyes to snap open as he let out a gasp.
"It's okay." Peter choked as he hesitantly continued. "It's alright."
By the time Peter was finished Edmund had tears rolling down his cheeks and his breathing was rather heavy.
"All done." Peter finaly muttered, placing the bowl and cloth back on the table.
Edmund took a deep breath before struggling to sit up. He managed it eventually and leant against Peter the minute he sat beside him.
Peter sighed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close.
Edmund swallowed hard, opening his mouth. "I- It h- hurts." He choked out, his voice cracking.
Peter took a deep breath, tears appearing in his eyes. "I know." He whispered. "I know it does Ed. Let's just get you out of ths rest of this armour.
Once they were done and Edmund was dressed in more, comfortable clothing they both sat back down on the hammock, well, Edmund more collapsed. He let out a choked noise before burying his face into Peter's chest.
Peter placed a kiss to the top of his head as he pulled him close. "Go back to sleep." He whispered. "We'll talk when you're not so weak."
Edmund nodded and pulled away from his brother, lying down in the hammock. Peter pulled the blankets up tightly around him, forcing smile. "Sleep tight." He managed.
Edmund nodded a little before closing his eyes, turning onto his right side and burying his face into the pillows.
After two minutes Edmund was fast asleep, and as Peter sat there, gently strocking the hair out of his brothers eyes, he slowly let the tears fall.


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