You deserve this

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"Ed?" Peter asked as he knocked on the door to his and his brothers room.
"Yeah?" Came a quiet voice from inside.
Peter frowned slightly as he entered the room, closing the door behind him as he spotted his brother, sat on the edge of his bed. "Just to let you know Aslan wants us downstairs for the coronation in-" He trailed off, seeing Edmund's coronation outfit laying across the bed beside him, and him dressed in a simply tunic and trousers. "Ed, why aren't you dressed yet?"
Edmund stared at him for a moment, looking as though he were about to say something, but just looked down at the floor instead.
"Edmund?" Peter questioned, walking over to stand in front of him. "Why aren't you ready? We need to he downstairs in fifteen minutes."
Edmund said nothing.
"Edmund?" Peter tried again, only to receive absolute silence from his brother. "Ed look at me." Peter said sternly but still softly.
Edmund sighed, looking up at his brother. "What?" He mumbled.
Peter frowned a little at the tone of his voice, looking confused. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Why aren't you dressed?"
Edmund hesitated.
"Ed seriously." Peter said, getting worried.
Edmund sighed. "I don't deserve it that's why." He muttered.
Peter frowned. "What do you mean you don't deserve it?" He asked.
Edmund glared at him. "I betrayed you all!" He almost shouted, tears appearing in his eyes. "And yet Aslan still wants to crown me King! Who would make someone King of a country they betrayed?!"
Peter swallowed hard, kneeling on one knee in front of his brother. "Ed look." He sighed. "You made a mistake, everyone does."
"I didn't make a mistake Peter." Edmund muttered. "I knew what I was doing, deep down I knew."
Peter bit his lip. "Ed you're the most deserving of any of us to be crowned." He said gently.
Edmund stared at him in shock. "You've got to he joking." He exclaimed. "You're way more deserving than me! You all are!" He took a deep breath, tears in his eyes once more. "Lucy definitely, she found Narnia! She's happy and funny and everyone loves her! She definitely deserves to be a Queen! And then Susan, kind and gentle, she of course deserves to he Queen! And then you! You're brave and courageous, kind and caring, who wouldn't crown you King!?"
Peter sighed. "And then there's Edmund." He said. "The boy who risked his own life to save so many Narnians and me." He said simply but firmly.
Edmund stared at him, mouth shutting quickly.
"The boy who will do anything to make up for his mistakes." Peter continued. "The kind, brave, bright boy. The best brother anyone could ever ask for. The king. My King."
Edmund swallowed hard, looking down at the ground as he took a deep breath. "I-" He said but then stopped.
Peter smiled sadly, placing a finger under Edmund's chin and tilting his head up gently so that he was looking at him. "You deserve to he a King Edmund." He said. "More than any of us. You've grown and changed so much since you first stepped foot in Narnia. And I don't think I've ever been prouder."
Edmund stared at Peter before two tears slowly rolled down his cheeks and he knelt on the floor, curling into Peter's arms. "You really mean all that?" He choked from where he had his face buried against Peter's shoulder.
Peter smiled, placing a hand on the back of Edmund's head. "Every single word." He replied.
Edmund, after a short while, slowly pulled away, swallowing hard as he looked up at Peter. "Thank you." He whispered.
Peter smiled. "You're welcome." He said. "Now, you need to hurry up and get changed." He added.
Edmund nodded as the two stood from the floor and grabbed his silver tunic. He stared at it for a while, eyes shining with unshed tears.
Peter placed a hand gently on his shoulder. "You deserve this." He whispered into his ear. "And never, ever forget that."
Edmund took a deep breath and nodded, slipping his plain blue tunic over his head and replacing it with the sliver one.
Once he was ready Peter pulled him into a hug, holding him close and kissing the top of his head. "I love you so, so much Eddy." He whispered.
"I love you too." Edmund choked, wrapping his arms around Peter's waist.
"And I promise you." Peter said, taking a deep breath. "I will do everything I can to prove it to you."
Edmund glanced up at him. "And I promise that I will do everything and anything to prove how sorry I am." He whispered, a look of guilt appearing briefly in his eyes.
Peter shook his head. "You don't need to do that." He said. "Because you already have."


"Peter, Edmund." Lucy beamed as the two boys joined her, Susan and Aslan outside the throne room around five minutes later.
"Hey Lu." Peter smiled as he stopped beside her, Edmund standing beside him.
"You two okay?" Susan asked, taking a deep breath.
"We think so." Peter said, letting out a small laugh.
Susan smiled.
"Are you ready children?" Aslan asked.
Susan, Lucy and Peter nodded.
"Susan, Lucy on my right." Aslan said. "Peter, Edmund on my left."
The four children took their places, Edmund taking a deep breath as he did.
Peter heard and reached out to grab Edmund's hand. Edmund looked up at him only to see him mouth the words. "You deserve this."
Edmund swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as he nodded his head.
Peter smiled and hesitantly let go of his hand, just as the doors opened.
Edmund stared ahead of him, his heart pounding in his chest as he caught sight of everyone in the room. Swallowing hard he slowly closed his eyes.
You deserve this
Peter's words echoed through this head, and with a small nod he opened his eyes and followed Aslan and his siblings into the room.


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