When are you gonna learn to do as you're told?!

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Peter was about to run over to Edmund when he stopped dead. That dwarf, he recognised him. That's it! The one that was with the witch when she came to camp, also the one that Edmund stared at with a scared expression on his face, and Peter didn't even need telling that that dwarf had great fun probably mocking or torturing Edmund when he was with Jadis.
The dwarf was walking up behind Edmund, grunting as he held an axe in his hand. Peter's heart once again stopped as he realised what he was about to do.
He went to dash forward, but before he'd even taken one step Susan drew her bow and arrow.
"Edmund!" She screamed, before she shot the dwarf, straight in the chest, causing him to let out a half strangled scream and fall to the floor with a thud.
After that Peter wasted no time. He ran over to his brother, and as he got closer he almost threw up. There was so much blood, and Edmund's gasping made tears appear in his eyes.
Falling to he knees beside his brother he placed a hand gently on his chest, tears starting to roll down his cheeks as he did. He felt Edmund's slow heart beat, felt his chest rise and fall, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly as he gasped for air.
Peter swallowed hard as he started to tremble, his little brother was fighting for breath... fighting for life, and he'd never been so worried in his entire life.
Moving his hand from Edmund's chest to instead grip his arm (rather tightly) he waited as Lucy took the top of her cordial.
Peter stared into Edmund's face - which showed nothing but agony as his breathing became even more desperate. And he also sounded, scared? Peter's heart was breaking into tiny pieces as Lucy leant forward.
Tipping her cordial up she let one drop fall into Edmund's open mouth, before sitting back, staring at her older brother.
Peter held his breath, waiting. Edmund's gasping stopped, his mouth closed and his face relaxed. He lay there, not moving and not waking up.
Tears streamed down Peter's cheeks as he stared at his brother's pale face.
Please wake up!
He screamed silently, his heart breaking into tiny pieces as his breathing became heavy.
He saw Susan glance worridley up at him but didn't look at her, he didn't take his eyes off his brother.
Ed please wake up!
That's all he wanted, be couldn't live without his brother, he loved him more than anything, without Edmund... life just wouldn't be worth living.
As he sat there, watching his brother, memories flashed before his eyes.
Of when he and Edmund had been younger, they'd been so close. Always doing things together, never alone. Playing games and just having fun, Edmund laughing and screaming playful as Peter tickled him.
Running inside after playing in the snow and snuggling up together on the sofa, wrapped in blankets and drinking hot chocolate.
They'd been so close when they were young... what an earth had happened?
Peter pushed the thoughts from his head, letting out a quiet sob as he gripped his brothers arm as tightly as he could, and if Edmund was wake he probably would've been complaining he was squeezing way to hard. But Peter couldn't release his grip, not even by the slightest. He just wanted his brother to wake up, he wanted him to open his dark brown eyes. He wanted to see him smile again, hear him laugh, hear him talk. He wanted to have the chance to tell him...
Peter heard Lucy let out a heartbreaking sob as he stared at Edmund, watching as Susan played with his sweaty hair.
He sat there for what felt like an eternity, his heart breaking as he begged silently for Edmund to wake up.
He hardly noticed when Edmund's mouth opened slowly, but he did notice when his little brother let out a small cough.
Peter's eyes went wide as Edmund coughed, swallowing hard as his eyes flickered open.
Peter stared at his brother, his alive brother. Edmund was alive.
Edmund stared at Peter for a moment before glancing over to his sisters, a frown making it's way slowly onto his face.
Peter's breathing got heavier as he glanced at Lucy, who was beaming from ear to ear as she looked over at Susan, who wore the same expression as her younger sister.
Turning back to Edmund, Peter watched as he turned back to him, a weak smile making it's way onto his face, his eyes half shut and his breathing heavy, it was quite clear that Edmund was glad to be able to breath again.
Peter couldn't handle it any longer, and with a loud sob he pulled Edmund off the floor and into his arms, wrapping his arm tightly around Edmund's back as tears rolled steadily down his cheeks.
He let out another quiet sob as he felt Edmund's hands land on his back and as he buried his face into his neck.
Peter held Edmund tightly, not wanting to ever let go. His brother was alive, he'd never felt so relieved in his life.
After what seemed like an eternity of pure happiness Peter slowly pulled away and stared Edmund in the eyes.
"When are you gonna learn to do as you're told!" He exclaimed in a choked voice, unable to stop the flow of tears.
Edmund looked down at the ground, a small smile making it's way onto his face. Peter gave him a small shake before Edmund once again looked up at him, and this time he was beaming.
Peter let out a choked laugh, still gripping his brothers arm tightly as Lucy flung her arms around Edmund's neck.
As she did Peter pulled his brother back into his arms, feeling Susan wrap her arm around all three of them.
They all sat there bundled together for ages. Peter gripping his brother as tightly as he possibly could. He took a deep breath as he listened to Edmund's even breathing, still trying to completely reassure himself Edmund was alive and was safe.
The witch was dead, and could never hurt his brother ever, ever again.


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