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The four slowly pulled away and turned around to see Aslan, breathing on a statue.
Lucy let out a small grin before grabbing her cordial off the floor where she'd left it.
The others stared at her with frowns on their faces before she dashed off.
"I suppose I'll go and help her." Susan said, looking back to her brothers.
Peter nodded. "See you later." He said, his voice still tight.
Edmund turned around slightly, wincing a little as he did before he wrapped his arms around Susan's neck, burying his face against her shoulder.
Susan swallowed hard and hugged him back, glancing a sad look over his shoulder at Peter, who was staring at them both, tears still in his eyes.
"I'll see you later Ed." Susan whispered, slowly pulling away.
Edmund didn't say anything but just nodded, watching her as she carefully stood and rushed off after Lucy.
Swallowing hard Edmund slowly turned back to his brother, who was just staring at him. Edmund said nothing as the two sat there, staring at each other.
After a while Peter took a deep breath and slowly removed the red glove from his right hand, placing it on the floor, nearly throwing up as he saw the grass was stained red. Looking quickly back up at his brother he slowly raised his hand and placed it flat against the side of Edmund's face. Edmund just sat there, slowly closing his eyes to try and stop the tears that threatened to fall. He felt Peter's thumb brush against his cheek and then his temple, and could also feel his hand shaking.
After a long while Edmund slowly opened his eyes, to be met with his brothers shining blue ones as he stared at Edmund. Edmund took a deep breath and moved his head slightly to the left, further into Peter's hand.
Two tears rolled down Peter's cheeks as his thumb brushed along Edmund's cheek.
Peter took a deep shaky breath, his hand slowly moving upwards before it tangled itself in Edmund's hair. Edmund stared at Peter, who was unable to look away from him, and was quite clearly still shaking. After a quiet sob from Peter, Edmund was pulled into his lap.
Edmund bit back a groan and instead let Peter have his way.
Peter wrapped one arm around him and kept his hand placed on his head, playing with his hair.
Edmund rested his head against Peter's chest, pain shooting through his side, but he ignored it and just let Peter hug him, he let him reassure himself that he was actually alive, he knew that was what Peter was doing, and it caused tears to appear in his eyes.
Peter turned slowly to Aslan, still holding Edmund tightly. "Y - Yes?" He choked.
"Why dont you take Edmund back to camp?" Aslan suggested, a sad look on his face as Edmund glanced up at him.
Peter swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
"I'll tell your sisters where you've gone and they'll come and join you when you're ready." Aslan said softly.
Peter nodded again. "Thanks." He choked, his voice cracking which caused Edmund to glance worridley up at him from where he still sat in his brother's lap. Peter gave him a watery smile before taking a deep breath. "Come on." He barely whispered.
Edmund slowly shuffled off of Peter's lap and let his brother help him to his feet.
Peter immediately had to catch him though as his legs buckled beneath him, causing Edmund to let out a half strangled gasp.
"Sorry." Peter choked as Edmund stood properly and leant against him, taking a deep, shaky breath.
Edmund didn't say anything but only nodded, causing Peter to frown a little. "Ed, you okay?" He asked.
Edmund shook his head, but his mouth remained closed.
Peter bit his lip as he slowly led Edmund back to, first collect his sword and then off the battlefield.
"Here." Peter said, bending down and grabbing Edmund's sword off the floor.
Edmund slowly took it and, his hands trembling, placed it back in his sheath.
He then looked behind him, and stopped breathing.
Peter followed his gaze and he sighed, finding himself staring at the witch, dead. "She's dead Edmund." He said reassuringly. "She can never hurt you again."
Edmund nodded slowly before he quickly turned away, closing his eyes for a second before he opened them again.
Peter began walking, helping Edmund along beside him. Edmund didn't speak or didn't really do anything, which had Peter worried.
"Please say something Ed." He sighed.
Edmund slowly shook his head, burying his face against Peter's side as they continued to walk.
Peter sighed, but decided not to push his brother, if he didn't want to say anything, then he didn't have to.
It took a long while to get back to camp, and by the time they did, Edmund was struggling to stay standing and his breathing was heavy.
Peter quickly helped him into their tent and sat him down carefully in his hammock, sitting beside him.
Edmund's head fell against his shoulder as he took a deep breath.
"Alright now?" Peter said, hoping beyond hope that Edmund would answer with a word.
But Edmund shook his head, and that was it.
Peter sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked gently.
Edmund looked up at him for a moment before shaking his head and burying it into Peter's chest.
Peter swallowed hard, placing his arms around Edmund's shoulders and hugging him tightly.
After a few minutes Edmund quickly pulled away, slapping a hand over his mouth.
Peter, guessing what he was going to do, quickly grabbed a bucket and gave it to his brother.
No sooner had he done that, Edmund threw up, gasping as he gripped the bucket with one hand and gripped his side with the other.
Peter gently rubbed a hand up and down Edmund's back. "It's okay." He whispered over and over again.
Once Edmund was finished Peter slowly set the bucket aside and once again pulled Edmund into his lap.
He lay down in the hammock, Edmund still in his lap and slowly lay down.
Edmund lay on top of him, but knew Peter wouldn't want him anywhere else.
Slowly closing his eyes Edmund let out a sigh. Despite still having his armour on - which was extremely uncomfortable to lye down in - and despite the pain shooting through his stomach, he was still absolutely exhausted, and within seconds had fallen asleep.
Peter took a deep breath, holding Edmund close. He stayed like that for what seemed like hours, not going to sleep (although the idea sounded rather appealing) and not moving at all, that is, except to place his hand flat against Edmund's chest, feeling his steady heart beat as he slept.


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