Love you

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"I don't think I should've eaten so much." Edmund mumbled as he and Peter entered their tent after a long evening of celebration.
Peter sighed as his brother sat in his hammock, swinging his legs back and forth. "You didn't eat that much." He said.
Edmund bit his lip. "And yet it was still too much." He mumbled. "I feel sick."
Peter sighed and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You'll be fine." He whispered.
Edmund nodded but was unable to hide a flinch as pain all of a sudden shot through his stomach.
"You okay?" Peter asked quickly, his voice full of worry.
Edmund sighed. "No." He muttered. "It really hurts."
"Can I check?" Peter asked hesitantly. "Cause to be honest neither of us want the wound to get infected."
Edmund hesitated but nodded after a while, slowly removing his tunic and placing it on the pillow beside him.
Peter swallowed hard as he stared at his brother, and it was no surprise he was in pain all the time. His chest was covered in bruises, and even though some of them had started to fade they were still a rather dark shade of black. He could see some of the whip lashes curling up onto his shoulder, one actually ending on his collar bone. But the wound from the witches wand was by far the worst. It was still bruised and swollen, but to Peter's relief it had stopped bleeding. Even though he'd seen all the injuries before he still couldn't help the tears that appeared in his eyes. "Oh Ed." He couldn't help but choke.
Edmund sighed a little, grabbing the blanket and covering his chest with it, attempting to hide the bruises.
Peter swallowed hard. "What did she do to you?" He choked.
Edmund stared at Peter for a moment before curling into his arms, dropping the blanket and wrapping his arms around his waist. "You don't wanna know." He whispered, his voice cracking.
Peter nodded slowly. "Okay." He mumbled. Even though he was dying to know what happened he knew that Edmund didn't want to talk about it, not yet anyway. And besides, Aslan had told them that there was no need to talk to him about what was past.
After a while Peter gently pushed Edmund away and looked down at Edmund's stomach. "Well that's alright, for now." He said in barely more than a whisper. "Turn around."
Edmund took a deep breath and did as he was told, swallowing hard.
Peter held his breath as he stared at Edmund's back. "They're healing." He choked. "Slowly."
Edmund nodded a little, turning back around to face Peter. "It just hurts." He mumbled.
"I know Ed." Peter whispered, before he sighed. "Would she of stopped if you had told her where we were?" He asked after a while of complete silence.
Edmund hesitated. "Probably." He mumbled. "Yeah." He said suddenly. "She said she'd stop if I told her."
Peter sighed. "You should've just said." He said.
Edmund immediately shook his head. "There was no way I was gonna tell her." He said firmly.
"But - But you told her eventually?" Peter asked, trying not to sound as though he was angry.
Edmund looked away guilty. "Not when she was t - torturing me." He said. "But yeah, eventually I told her."
"Why?" Peter asked.
Edmund slowly closed his eyes. "Please, don't make me feel any worse than I already do." He said, looking down.
Peter sighed. "I just wanted to know what made you tell her." He said, so quietly Edmund hardly heard him.
Edmund bit his lip. "I - I tried to save someone's life." He muttered.
Peter frowned. "What?" He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "There was a fox, and Jadis asked him where you were. But he wouldn't tell her, so she went to turn him into stone, so - I stopped her." He told Peter.
"The fox helped us escape the wolves." Peter said.
Edmund nodded. "She turned him into stone anyway, after I'd told her where you all were."
"We'll have to let Aslan know." Peter said quietly.
Edmund nodded. "It was by the river." He said. "By the waterfall."
Peter nodded back. "Alright." He said. There was a while of silence before he spoke again. "We're heading for Cair Paravel tomorrow." He said slowly.
Edmund said nothing and only nodded, grabbing his tunic and pulling it on, flinching as he did, causing Peter to sigh.
"How far is it?" Edmund asked suddenly.
Peter hesitated. "I think they said about a days journey." He said.
Edmund sighed. "Course." He mumbled.
"What?" Peter asked, frowning at the tone in Edmund's voice.
"I just feel-" Edmund paused, looking for the right word. "Weak." He said eventually. "Really weak."
Peter hesitated. "You - You lost alot of blood." He choked. "That's possibly why."
Edmund looked slightly alarmed but nodded his head, swallowing hard.
"But I'm sure we'll have plenty of stops." Peter told him.
"Yeah." Edmund nodded. "Hopefuly."
Peter smiled sadly. "Get some sleep." He whispered, standing from the hammock.
Edmund nodded slowly and lay down, letting Peter pull the blanket over him.
Peter watched him as he slowly closed his eyes. He waited for atleast half an hour, just standing there and watching Edmund, until he thought he was asleep.
Stepping forward he knelt down beside the hammock, placing a hand on the top of his head and placing a kiss to his forehead. "Love you." He whispered before standing and turning around to walk over to his own hammock.
"Are you gonna make a habit of this?"
Peter turned around to see his brother propped up on his elbow, very much awake and staring at him.
Peter let out an embarrassed laugh. "Take it you were awake last time." He said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He said slowly. "I was awake."
"I'll - stop doing it then." Peter said quickly.
Edmund hesitated. "You know - you don't have to." He said, going as red as Peter.
Peter stared at him for a moment before walking over. "Budge up." He said softly.
Edmund did as he was told and watched as Peter climbed into the hammock beside him, wrapping the blanket back around them both.
Edmund hesitated but after a nod from Peter curled into his arms.
"Glad you're alive." Peter all but whispered, placing another kiss to his brothers forehead.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Me too." He mumbled.
Peter sighed and tightened his grip around Edmund. "Love you." He said.
Edmund smiled, slowly closing his eyes. "Love you too." He whispered.


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