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"I would've preferred if you had eaten more than that Ed." Peter sighed as he and his brother entered his room after dinner.
Edmund sighed. "I know." He mumbled. "But seriously, if I ate anymore I would've thrown up."
Peter bit his lip as he sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling Edmund down to sit beside him. "I talked to Aslan about the whole room thing." He said. "He said that's it's fine and completely understandable. He said that someone would get another bed in here tomorrow, but we'll have to share this bed tonight, which is absolutely fine, there's more than enough room."
Edmund nodded slowly. "Thanks." He mumbled.
Peter smiled a little. "No problem." He said softly.
Edmund swallowed hard and rested his head on Peter's shoulder. Peter sighed sadly and pulled Edmund into his arms, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
They sat like this for Aslan knows how long before Peter heard deep, steady breaths coming from his brother. Looking down he saw Edmund's eyes closed, his head resting against Peter's chest, fast asleep.
Sighing slightly he layed Edmund down in the bed. Edmund let out a groan, eyes opening partly. "Shh." Peter said quickly. "Go back to sleep."
Edmund frowned a little but nodded and closed his eyes again, drifting back off to sleep almost immediately.
Peter sighed as he wrapped the blankets around his little brother, placing a hand on his knee as he sat and watched him.
He sat there for what seemed like forever before Edmund let out a small whimper and buried his face into the pillows.
Peter held his breath, waiting and hoping that Edmund wouldn't have a dream, but when Edmund let out a small sob from where he had his face buried against the pillows Peter knew that wasn't going to happen.
"Ed." Peter whispered, leaning over and placing a hand gently on his brother's shoulder. "Ed wake up, it's just a dream, it's not real."
Edmund let out a choked gasp and rolled onto his back, causing Peter's hand to get pushed off his shoulder.
"Edmund." Peter said quickly, only now realising that it was dark, and must've been rather late. "Ed come on, wake up."
Edmund let out a quiet sob, followed by a small gasp as his eyes snapped open.
Satisfied that Edmund was awake, Peter turned and lit a candle, which lit up most of the room, placing it on the bedside table beside him before turning back to his brother, who was staring up at the ceiling, looking scared and confused. "Ed?" Peter asked warily.
Edmund swallowed hard and moved his head to look at Peter, eyes filled with tears.
"Ed you alright?" Peter said, placing his hand back on Edmund's shoulder, only for him to flinch away quickly. Peter sighed. "Ed it's me, Peter."
Edmund stared at his older brother, frowning a little before he seemed to relax, enough so, that he let Peter place his hand back on his shoulder. "There you go." Peter whispered.
"Pete?" Edmund choked.
"Yeah." Peter nodded.
After a few seconds Edmund's face crumpled and two tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Hey." Peter whispered gently, climbing into the bed beside him and pulling him close. Edmund buried his face against Peter's shoulder, his arm wrapping tightly around his waist.
"It was just a dream." Peter whispered gently.
But Edmund shook his head. "It wasn't." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Memories?" He questioned.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He breathed, moving closer to his brother and resting his head on Peter's chest.
"It's all over." Peter said quickly but gently. "She's dead."
"I know." Edmund whispered. Peter nodded slowly. "What time is it?" Edmund asked.
Peter glanced at the small clock on the desk, frowning a little as he saw what the time was. "It's eleven o'clock." He mumbled. "Hmm, you must've been asleep for longer than I thought."
Edmund nodded a little and shuffled even closer to Peter, pulling the blanket tightly around him.
"How you feeling?" Peter asked.
Edmund glanced up at him. "Honestly?" He asked.
Peter sighed. "I'd prefer that, yeah." He said.
Edmund bit his lip. "Tired, sore, worn out." He said.
"Do you feel sick anymore?" Peter asked worridley.
Edmund shook his head. "Not really." He said, getting a relieved sigh from Peter. "That's good." He mumbled. "You want a drink?" He asked after a while, mainly just to start up some sort of conversation.
Edmund shook his head. "No thanks." He mumbled.
Peter nodded. "Anything else you want?" He said, not looking at his brother.
Edmund swallowed hard. You're forgiveness. He managed to keep the thought to himself though and just shook his head. "I'm fine." He sighed, playing with a lose thread on Peter's tunic.
Peter nodded slowly. "So," He mumbled. "Coroantion in a few days."
Edmund seemed to freeze for a moment before nodding. "Yeah." He breathed.
"It's all sounds a little strange, doesn't it?" Peter said with a small smile. "That, this time next week we'll both he kings."
Edmund swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. "Strange." He muttered, but said nothing else.
Peter frowned, looking down at him, only to see just how close he was to him, and even then he was trying to get closer. "Ed are you okay?" Peter asked.
"I'm cold." Edmund replied quietly.
Peter glanced around and spotted another blanket folded up at the end of the bed. Gently sitting up he crawled over and grabbed it before laying back down beside his brother, who immediately crawled back into his arms.
Peter smiled sadly and wrapped the blanket tightly around Edmund, who pulled it up and wrapped the end around his neck.
"Why don't you go back to sleep?" Peter suggested. "I'm not going anywhere." He added quickly at the look of fear that made it's way onto Edmund's face. "I promise."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before nodding and resting his head on Peter's chest, letting out a sigh as his eyes slowly closed.
Peter pulled the blankets over himself as well, wrapping his arms tightly around his brother before he too slowly closed his eyes, only to drift off to sleep five minutes later.


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