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"There are the girls." Peter said once they'd left the tent, nodding across the camp to where Susan and Lucy were stood talking to Mr.Tumnus. "who's that?" He said, frowning.
Edmund took a deep breath. "Mr.Tumnus." He said.
Peter looked down, frowning at him. "How do you know that?" He asked.
Edmund sighed. "I met him in the witches - witches dungeons." He mumbled, looking down at his feet.
Peter sighed sadly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on." He said quietly, going to walk over to his sisters and Mr.Tumnus. But Edmund didn't follow.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked.
Edmund stared at him for a moment, not saying anything.
Peter sighed. "Look." He said slowly. "I'm sure Mr.Tumnus will forgive you."
"Why would he do that?!" Edmund exclaimed. "I'm the reason the witch found out that he helped Lucy! He was in those dungeons because I sold him out for sweeties." He forced the last word out of his mouth, cringing as he did.
Peter bit his lip. "Ed come on." He sighed. "You'll never know if you don't go over there." He added.
Edmund hesitated but eventually nodded his head. "Fine." He choked.
Peter nodded slowly, placing his hand back on Edmund's shoulder and leading him over to their sisters and the faun.
"Peter, Edmund!" Lucy beamed, spotting her brothers.
Peter smiled a little, stepping away from Edmund, who had attempted to hide behind him. "Hey Lu." He said.
Lucy smiled before turning to her friend. "This is Peter." She said, causing Peter to chuckle. "Nice to finaly meet you." He said, causing Lucy's eyes to literally sparkle.
"And you sir." Mr.Tumnus said quickly.
"And this is Edmund." Lucy said.
Both Mr.Tumnus and Edmund stared at each other, Edmund after a short while looking down at the floor.
"Is - Is everything alright sir?" Mr.Tumnus asked, but his voice was tight.
Edmund sighed, shaking his head. "Just - call me Edmund." He mumbled, swallowing hard as he felt Peter squeeze his shoulder.
Lucy stared at the two, a frown on her face. "Ed what's wrong?" She said, confused.
"Nothing." Edmund all but whispered.
"What King Edmund is trying to say." Mr.Tumnus said. "Is that we have already met."
Lucy frowned even more, and so did Susan. "When?" Lucy asked.
Peter sighed. "Lu." He said slowly, giving his sister a firm but soft look.
It took Lucy a moment but in the end a look of realisation made it's way onto her face. "Oh." She sighed.
Mr.Tumnus took a deep breath. "Look - Edmund. I forgive you for what happened."
Edmund stared up at him, a look of shock on his face. "Why?" He mumbled.
"What you did down in those dungeons, not telling the witch where Aslan was, that was very brave." Mr.Tumnus said firmly. "And we all know that her food was enchanted." He added.
Edmund sighed. "I still could've said that I wouldn't hand you or my family over to her." He said.
"You'd have to be extremely strong to resist the enchantment." Mr.Tumnus said. "And I mean really strong. Not many people at all have managed to resist it."
Edmund nodded a little. "Thanks." He mumbled.
"You're welcome." Mr.Tumnus smiled.
"Aslan!" Lucy all of a sudden shrieked, running over and wrapping her arms around the lions neck, burying her face into his mane.
Aslan chuckled a little. "Hello dear one." He said softly.
Edmund and Peter both stared at Aslan, unable to hide the looks of confusment on their faces.
Aslan smiled at them, walking over once Lucy had let go.
"How - How are you - what?" Was all Peter managed to force past his lips.
Aslan chuckled. "Jadis didn't know everything about the deep magic." He said.
"What didn't she know?" Edmund asked.
Aslan gave him a sad smile. "One day Edmund, you will understand." He said. "But not now, now may be.. too soon."
Edmund frowned a little bit, nodding his head.
"Peter can I talk with you?" Aslan said suddenly, turning to leave.
Peter frowned, and letting go of Edmund's shoulder went to walk after him, but stopped when Edmund's hand clamped around his tunic.
"I'll only be a minute." Peter reassured him. "Stay with the girls."
Edmund hesitated but let Peter go, allowing himself to be pulled into Susan's arms as he watched Peter follow Aslan.
"Yes?" Peter asked, walking beside the lion.
"The thing Jadis didn't know about the deep magic." Aslan began. "Is - that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery, is killed in a traitors stead, the stone table will crack, and even death itself will turn backwards."
Peter nodded. "You saved Edmund." He mumbled.
"You figured it out then?" Aslan said.
Peter sighed. "Yeah." He said. "But I don't want him to find out, he's already feeling guilty as it is."
"That's why I didn't tell him." Aslan said with a nod.
"Thank you." Peter choked. "Thank you so much."
"You're welcome Peter." Aslan said.
Peter spun around to look at Susan, only now realising how far him and Aslan had walked. "Yeah?!" He called back. But then he spotted his brother, held tightly in Susan's arms, eyes wide and tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared at him, a pleading look in his eyes.
"Go to your brother Peter." Aslan said as Peter looked questioningly down at him.
"Thanks." Peter mumbled before running off back towards his siblings.
The second he reached them Edmund flew into his arms, burying his face against his chest.
Peter sighed sadly and hugged him tightly. "Told you I wouldn't be long." He whispered into his ear, getting a nod from Edmund.
"Why don't we all get some food?" Susan suggested.
"Great idea!" Lucy said. "Come on." She led Mr.Tumnus and Susan away.
"Hungry Ed?" Peter asked.
"A little." Edmund choked.
"Come on then." Peter whispered, keeping an arm around Edmund's shoulders as they followed after their sisters.

I literally wrote this in the car so sorry for any mistakes! Xox 😂

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