At lunch

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Peter looked to his right when Susan and Lucy left their tent, obviously coming out for lunch too.
Lucy beamed when she saw Edmund and ran towards him, flinging her arms around his waist.
Peter bit his lip when he saw Edmund wince and bit his lip gently, but he still returned the hug.
After a while Peter placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder and gently pulled her away from Edmund. His brother gave him a grateful nod and Lucy just looked confused.
Peter shook his head gently. "Let him eat." He said.
Lucy glanced at Edmund before looking back at Peter and slowly nodding her head.
Lucy took hold of Edmund's hand and led him over to the small table set with all sorts of different food.
Susan grabbed Peter's shoulder before he began walking. "How is he?" She whispered as she watched Edmund slowly sit down on the floor, Lucy sitting beside him.
"Tired, sore, hungry." Peter muttered, sighing slightly. "He hasn't eaten a thing since he left the beavers." He added.
Susan sighed. "I thought he looked rather thin." She mumbled.
Peter took a deep breath. "Which is why he's not leaving that table until I'm satisfied that he's eaten enough." He said.
"Have you two talked then?" Susan asked.
Peter nodded. "Yeah."
"And you've forgiven him?" Susan said warily.
Peter said nothing.
"Peter." Susan sighed. "Have you not seen how sorry he is?"
Peter sighed and nodded slightly.
"And by the looks of it he's more than paid for what he did." Susan said.
"When you two are done whispering do you wanna come and have some lunch?" Came Lucy's almost unimpressed voice.
The two older siblings looked up at her. "Right yeah." Susan said before walking over to the table and sitting beside Lucy.
Peter took a deep breath and walked around to sit beside Edmund, giving Lucy a small smile.
They sat in silence for a while, nobody doing or saying anything.
"Eat Ed." Peter said so suddenly he made Edmund jump.
Edmund stared at him for a while before slowly grabbing a piece of toast.
Peter watched him as he took a small bite, followed by another and then another. Within a minute the piece was gone and he reached for another piece.
Peter sighed sadly and reached for his cup, taking a sip of his drink as he watched his siblings eat.
After a few minutes he slowly stood and walked a little way away, leaning against a rock, not taking his eyes off of Edmund.
"Narnia's not gonna run out of toast Ed." Lucy grinned as she watched Edmund eat.
Edmund gave he a small smile before he began eating again, only to stop when Peter spoke.
"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." He said.
They all turned to face him, identical frowns on their faces.
"We're going home?" Susan said.
Peter sighed. "You are." He said as he sat beside Edmund again. "I promised mum I'd keep you three safe, but that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."
"But they need us!" Lucy exclaimed, and after a look from her brother added. "All four of us."
Peter bit his lip. "Lucy it's too dangerous." He said. "You almost drowned. Edmund was almost killed!"
Lucy sighed and looked down at the floor.
"Which is why we have to stay." Edmund said suddenly.
Everyone stared at him, Peter frowning a little.
"I've seen what the white witch can do." Edmund said quietly. "And I've helped her do it." Peter sighed at the look of shame that made its way onto his face, but it was gone within a second. "And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." He said firmly.
Peter couldn't help the proud smile that made its way onto his face as Lucy gripped Edmund's hand tightly.
"Well I suppose that's it then." Susan said as she stood and walked towards where her bow and arrow was.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked.
Susan smirked. "To get in some practice." She replied before walking off.
"I'm coming too!" Lucy exclaimed, making sure she had her dagger before running off after her sister.
Peter saw as Edmund glanced down at the sword hanging from his belt before he went to stand.
"Not so fast." Peter said, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder, preventing him from getting up. "You're not leaving here until you've eaten enough."
Edmund stared at him but nodded his head and began eating again.
Once Peter was satisfied that he'd eaten enough the two went off towards the training grounds.
"Ed." Peter said suddenly, stopping. "Your back."
Edmund swallowed hard. "Can we not do it right now?" He almost pleaded.
Peter sighed. "You know we're gonna have to do it at some point right?" He said sadly.
Edmund slowly nodded. "I know." He choked.
"Does - does it hurt?" Peter asked.
Edmund nodded. "Really badly." He mumbled.
"Edmund?" Peter asked quietly as they slowly began walking again.
"Did you tell her?" Peter said wearily. "Where we were whilst she was, well - you know."
Edmund shook his head. "I didn't tell her no." He mumbled.
Peter swallowed hard.
"Not then anyway." Edmund added quietly.
"You mean you told her?" Peter asked, his eyes wide.
"I tried to save someone's life!" Edmund said quickly, tears in his eyes. "The fox wouldn't tell the witch where you were, she went to turn him into stone but - But i stopped her and told her."
Peter frowned. "The fox, he helped us escape the wolves." He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "She - She turned him into stone anyway." Edmund said. "After I'd told her you were all at the stone table."
Peter's eyes went slightly wider when Edmund said this.
"I'm so sorry." Edmund choked. "I thought I could save him."
"Hey." Peter whispered, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "It's alright."
Hug him, hug him, hug him!
Peter sighed, turning away and walking again, Edmund following slowly behind.
Why couldn't he just give his brother the hug he so clearly needed? Why was it so hard for him?
Sighing he walked ahead of Edmund, heading towards the training grounds.
Edmund followed silently behind, head down and tears in his eyes.


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