I don't know if I want you fighting

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Edmund was awoken with a start when Peter drew his sword and pointed it at something in the tent.
Following his gaze he was surprised to see a women made of... flower petals?
"Be still, my princes." The women said softly.
Peter glanced at Edmund who glanced back with a shocked frown on his face.
"I bring grave news from your sisters."
Peter slowly lowered his sword, a look of worry immediately covering his face.
"Don't worry." The women said. "They aren't hurt."
Peter swallowed hard. "What's wrong then?"


Peter ran all the way to Aslan's tent and burst through the flaps, only to be met with a completely empty tent. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, tears appearing in his eyes.
That boy will die on the stone table
Peter froze, a look of realisation appearing on his face. Aslan saved Edmund. He saved his brothers life.
Peter took a deep breath, wondering whether he should tell him, but in the end he decided against it.
Taking a deep breath he left the tent to see Edmund and Orious both stood beside a table with a map on it.
"She's right." He choked. "He's gone."
There was a long while of awkward silence before Edmund finally broke it.
"Then you'll have to lead us." He said.
Peter swallowed hard, not answering.
"Peter, there's an army out there!" Edmund sighed. "And it's ready to follow you!"
"I can't!" Peter said, still not looking at his brother.
"Aslan believed you could." Edmund argued.
Peter sighed. How an earth was he supposed to lead a whole army into war against the white witch?! It was impossible! He-
"And so do I."
Peter froze for a moment before slowly looking up at Edmund, who nodded slightly at him.
Peter smiled a little and nodded back.
"The witches army is nearing sir." Orious said. "What are your orders?"


"Edmund?" Peter said as the two entered their tent to get ready for the battle.
"Yeah?" Edmund asked as he spotted his armour laying across his hammock.
He gently picked it up and stared at it, waiting for his brother to continue.
"I - I don't know if I want you fighting." Peter said quietly.
Edmund frowned and turned to face him. "Why not?!" He asked.
"I don't want you to get hurt Ed!" Peter replied, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.
Edmund swallowed hard and looked down at the floor. "I won't." He mumbled.
"You don't know that though." Peter sighed. "Look, you said yesterday that the one thing Jadis wants is you dead."
Edmund took a deep breath.
"Ed, we're fighting a battle against the white witch!" Peter sighed. "I don't want her hurting you again."
"I have to fight Peter." Edmund said, looking up at his brother. "I'm practically the cause of this war. No Peter-" He said when Peter went to interrupt. "I told Jadis about the army and that Aslan was preparing for war. And I need to redeem myself." He added quietly.
"No you don't." Peter said, shaking his head. "Lucy forgave you, Susan forgave you and Aslan forgave you." He swallowed hard and I forgive you those were the words he wanted to say, but he couldn't force them past his lips.
Edmund stared at him, a look of hope in his eyes.
Peter took a deep breath. "You don't need to redeem yourself." He mumbled. His heart broke when a sad look flashed briefly in Edmund's eyes and he looked down at the floor. "I - I don't want you getting hurt that's all."
Edmund sighed. "I'll be careful Peter." He said quietly, his voice cracking. "I promise."
Peter stood there, clearly hesitating.
"Peter please." Edmund nearly begged. "I have to do this!"
Peter stared at his brother but in the end slowly nodded his head. "Okay." He sighed. "But you're to stay up with the archers."
"No buts Edmund." Peter said firmly. "You want to be part of the battle you stay up with the archers, and that's final."
Edmund sighed but didn't argue anymore. Turning away from his brother he grabbed his armour again.
Lucy forgave you, Susan forgave you, Aslan forgave you...
Course Peter hadn't, why would he? Edmund has betrayed him, he understood completely why he couldn't forgive him. But another part of him was crying, all he wanted was his brothers forgiveness. His big brothers forgiveness meant more to him than anyones.
"Ed?" Peter questioned.
Edmund swung around to face him. "Yeah?"
"Are you alright?" Peter said, frowning.
Edmund swallowed hard, hesitating. "Yeah."


Peter's heart was pounding as he sat staring across the field at the witches army. There was thousands of them! How an earth were they supposed to win?
Glancing behind him and up at the rocks he searched for his brother. When he spotted him Edmund gave him a small nod and a reassuring smile.
Swallowing hard he turned back to the witches army and raised his sword.
Not long after the gryphons flew through the air, dropping rocks on the witches army who were now heading towards them, killing dozens of them at a time.
Taking a deep breath he turned to Orious. "Are you with me?" He asked, his voice shaking.
Orious stared at him. "To the death." He said.
Peter gave him a small nod before turning back to face the witches army, who were getting closer to them by the second.
"For Narnia! And for Aslan!"

I dont want write the next chapter 😭 we all know what happens during Beruna 😭😭💔💔

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