The journey begins

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Peter groaned slight as he woke, squinting at the light pouring into the tent. Looking down slowly he smiled, Edmund was curled up in his arms, sleeping peacefully. Peter stared at him for a moment before quietly slipping out of the hammock, being extremely careful not to wake his brother.
It worked, and after straightening his clothes and grabbing a drink, he slowly slipped out of the tent, letting Edmund sleep for a little longer.
In all honesty he didn't want to leave him at all, but he was hungry, and told himself that he'd only be just outside the tent.
Stepping outside he saw Susan and Lucy already sat down at the table eating breakfast.
"Peter!" Lucy beamed as he sat down beside her.
"Morning Lu." Peter smiled, grabbing a piece of toast.
"Sleep well?" Susan asked.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He said.
"Where's Ed?" Lucy asked, staring at her brother with widened eyes.
"He's still sleeping Lucy." Peter said softly.
"Is he - is he alright?" Susan said in barely more than a whisper.
Peter sighed. "He could be doing better." He admitted. "He's tired, and sore but-" He sighed, trailing off.
"He'll be fine." Susan said firmly, but she still looked a little weary.
"Course he will." Lucy nodded, taking a bite out of an apple.
Peter gave her a half hearted smile before he went back to his food.
"P - Peter."
Peter froze, hearing his name barely whispered from the tent behind him.
Lucy gave Peter a worried look. "It's alright." He said. "I'll go check on him."
Lucy nodded as Peter quickly stood and ran into the tent, pushing back the flaps on his way.
What he saw made his heart skip a beat. Edmund was stood in the middle of the tent, tears in his eyes. He didn't have his tunic on and had his hand pressed flat against his stomach.
"Ed?" Peter questioned, taking a step towards his brother.
Edmund sighed and slowly removed his hand... his blood covered hand.
Peter's eyes went wide as he saw the bleeding wound on Edmund's stomach. He quickly grabbed a cloth and wet it before gently pressing it against Edmund's stomach. Despite how carefully he did it though Edmund still gasped and flinched away slightly, eyes squeezing shut.
"Sorry." Peter whispered, sitting Edmund down on the side of his hammock.
After around five minutes Peter removed the cloth, relieved to see that the wound had stopped bleeding. Placing the now slightly red cloth back on the table he slowly turned back to his brother. "You okay?" He asked gently.
Edmund shrugged. "I suppose." He mumbled.
"Ed?" Peter said as Edmund looked down.
Edmund swallowed hard. "Why is it still bleeding?" He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "I don't know Ed." He whispered. "But hey - it'll heal soon, I promise."
Edmund nodded a little. "When are we leaving?" He asked, slowly looking up at his brother.
"I think once the camps been packed up." Peter replied. "They've already started by the sounds of it, so we'll probably be leaving after lunch?"
Edmund nodded a little. " 'k." He mumbled.
"Fancy some breakfast?" Peter asked after a while of silence.
Edmund hesitated. "I don't feel too good." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Alright." He choked. "Wanna just come out and sit with us?"
"Can I - Just go back to sleep?" Edmund asked hesitantly.
"Of course." Peter said without hesitation, smiling a little at his brother.
Edmund nodded and lay down, climbing under the covers.
"I'll have to wake you up when they start taking down the tent." Peter said.
Edmund chuckled. "You better." He mumbled.
Peter laughed. "See you in a bit." He said.
"See ya." Edmund mumbled.
Peter sighed before turning to leave. But at the last minute he turned back around and placed a gentle kiss to Edmund's forehead.
Edmund smiled, eyes flickering open. "Thanks." He whispered before he turned onto his side and closed his eyes again.
Peter smiled, watching Edmund for a second before slowly ducking out of the tent.


"You all ready?" Peter asked his siblings as they all stood ready to leave.
"Yep." Lucy nodded, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.
Susan smiled. "Think so." She said, taking hold of Lucy's hand.
"Ed?" Peter asked, turning to his brother who was stood beside him.
Edmund nodded, his eyes drooping before snapping back open again.
Peter sighed. "You sure?" He asked.
Edmund rubbed his eyes quickly. "Yeah." He said.
Peter sighed, placing a hand gently on Edmund's shoulder. Edmund looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.
"I think we're going." Lucy said, nodding at everyone else who had began walking.
"Come on then." Susan said, leading Lucy after them.
Peter stayed behind with Edmund, walking at his pace, which he hated to admit was rather slow. He didn't take his hand off his shoulder and with every minute took a little step closer to him.
They walked on for around an hour, Peter keeping a close eye on Edmund and his sisters, who were walking ahead, Lucy chatting happily to Aslan.
After a while though Peter was starting to get worried. Edmund's pace was slowing, he looked rather pale and it was clear that he was forcing his eyes to stay open.
"Ed shall I ask if we can stop?" Peter asked.
Edmund looked up at him. "You don't have to." He said, before yawning.
Peter sighed. "Well I quite clearly do." He said. "Aslan?!"
Aslan turned around and stopped, waiting for Peter and Edmund to catch up. "Yes Peter?" He asked.
"Would it be possible to stop for a bit?" Peter asked, nodding at Edmund, who looked as though he were about to fall asleep standing up.
Aslan smiled sadly. "Of course Peter." He said softly before announcing to the rest of the Narnian's that they were to stop.
Peter thanked Aslan and gently took hold of Edmund's shoulders, forcing him down onto the floor as he leant against a tree. Peter pulled Edmund into his arms where Edmund shuffled closer to him and laid his head on his chest.
"Get an hour of sleep Ed." Peter whispered, placing a kiss to the top of his head as he heard Susan and Lucy sit down opposite them.
Edmund nodded, too warn out and exhausted to even manage a smile, before his eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.


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