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"No, please. Leave me alone."
Peter woke quickly to these words, to immediately feel Edmund moving around in his arms. Looking down, even though it was dark even with the fire lit, he saw a look of terror on his younger brothers face and tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.
"Ed." Peter said quickly, trying not to wake anyone else. "Edmund wake up."
"Please." Edmund gasped.
"Ed it's just a dream." Peter said desperately, shaking his brother's shoulders.
Edmund's eyes snapped open a second later, his eyes going wide as he panted.
"Ed?" Peter whispered.
Edmund swallowed hard and slowly looked around at his brother, a sigh of relief escaping him as he did. "Peter." He breathed, before collapsing against his brother.
"You alright?" Peter asked, wrapping his arms back around Edmund.
Edmund shrugged. "Suppose." He muttered.
"Feeling any better than yesterday?" Peter checked, keeping his voice down.
Edmund shook his head. "Not exactly." He sighed.
Peter nodded slowly. "Just go back to sleep." He suggested. "You won't feel any better if you stay awake."
Edmund hesitated, wrapping one arm around his stomach. He tried to do it without Peter seeing but that didn't work. "What's wrong?" Peter asked quickly, his heart skipping a beat.
"I don't feel well." Edmund mumbled, knowing there was no point in trying to hide anything from his older brother right now.
"In what way?" Peter asked gently, placing the back of his hand to Edmund's forehead.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I just feel sick." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Do you feel like you're gonna be sick?" He asked, carefully sitting up and pulling Edmund into a sitting position.
Edmund hesitated, but then his eyes filled with tears. "Yes." He choked.
Peter quickly helped Edmund over to the bushes surrounding the clearing they were camping in, where once there he helped Edmund kneel and sat beside him, a hand placed securely on his shoulder.
Edmund sat there for a moment, swallowing hard before he eventually threw up.
Peter gently rubbed a hand up and down his back. "Okay." He whispered comfortingly. But to his worry Edmund didn't seem to be throwing up anything but spit. As he sat there coughing and choking Peter remembered that he hadn't eaten since before Beruna. And since then had already thrown up three times, so - there was nothing left for him to throw up. "Shh." Peter whispered as Edmund let out a quiet sob. "It's okay."
After a while Edmund leant back against his brother, letting out a shaky breath as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"You really need to eat Ed." Peter sighed.
Edmund shook his head. "But what if I throw up again?" He choked.
Peter but his lip. "Atleast then you'll have something to actually throw up." He muttered.
Edmund sighed as he felt his eyes drooping. " 'm tired." He mumbled.
Peter nodded and he helped Edmund back over to where they'd been sleeping, him leaning against the tree and this time actually pulling Edmund into his lap.
Edmund made no objection and just buried his face against his older brothers chest, letting out a small sigh.
"Go to sleep." Peter mumbled. "And as soon as you wake up you're having something to eat."
Edmund quickly shook his head.
"Ed you've hardly eaten at all since you came to Narnia." Peter sighed. "You didn't eat anything when you were with Jadis."
Edmund swallowed hard. "I asked for food." He mumbled. "But she said no."
"Why?" Peter couldn't help but ask.
Edmund shrugged. "I suppose she knew I'd get weaker if I didn't eat." He said sleepily.
"She gave you water though, right?" Peter asked.
Edmund nodded. "Once a day." He mumbled.
Peter nodded slowly. "Right." He mumbled. "Sleep." He added quickly.
Edmund didn't need telling twice, he closed his eyes, snuggled further into Peter's lap and within seconds was asleep.
Peter sighed as his arms wrapped themselves around Edmund before he to drifted off to sleep.


"Are we nearly there yet?" Lucy grumbled as she walked beside her brothers.
"I'm sure it's not too much further Lu." Peter said, and he really hoped he was right, he could tell that Edmund was struggling to keep up and was starting to get worried.
"We'll be there within the next half an hour." Aslan said, walking up behind them and making Edmund almost jump out of his skin.
Peter nodded slowly, giving Edmund's shoulder a quick squeeze. "There you go Lu." He said, turning to his sister. "Only half an hour."
Lucy nodded and ran ahead to tell Susan, causing Peter to chuckle a bit.
After a quick glance at his brother he reached into his bag and passed him an apple.
Edmund stared at him, the very thought of eating anymore than what Peter had made him eat that morning made him feel sick.
"Ed seriously." Peter sighed. "You're gonna make yourself ill."
Edmund sighed but took the apple, nibbling on it and looking away from his brother.
Peter sighed and placed his hand back on Edmund's shoulder as they continued walking.
And just like Aslan had said, within half an hour they came to the end of the woods and there, towering above them was Cair Paravel.
Lucy stared at in in shock, her eyes wide and full of excitement. Susan looked a little taken aback, but still couldn't help the happy look on her face. Peter smiled a little glancing at Edmund who to his worry looked almost, scared?
"Ed you okay?" He asked.
Edmund looked over at him and nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
They began walking towards the huge entrance to the castle and Peter fell back, pulling Edmund back with him. "What's wrong?" He asked.
Edmund sighed and looked down. "It's silly really." He mumbled.
"Ed." Peter said firmly, both hands securely on his brothers shoulders.
Edmund bit his lip. "The castle's really big." He mumbled. "What if we get separated or I get lost or something?"
Peter sighed. "You don't like being by yourself?" He guessed.
"Not since-" He trailed off, looking up at Peter before sighing.
"We wont get separated alright?" Peter said. "I won't leave you, I promise."
Edmund hesitated but nodded slowly.
"Come on." Peter said with a small smile, taking Edmund's hand and leading him after the rest of the group.


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