I will do anything I can to protect you

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"Tired?" Peter asked as he and Edmund walked slowly back to their tent.
"Hmm." Was Edmund's reply as he tried to keep his eyes open.
Peter sighed sadly. "Come on." He mumbled, lifting up the tent flaps. "Into bed."
Edmund only nodded and entered the tent, climbing into his hammock and pulling the blanket tightly around him.
Peter smiled a little as he sat on a chair beside Edmund. "Sleep tight." He said.
Edmund bit his lip. "But-" He said before stopping.
Peter frowned slightly. "But what?" He asked.
Edmund sighed. "I don't want the nightmares." He mumbled.
Peter sighed sadly.
"I know." Edmund said. "It's silly really."
Peter shook his head. "No Ed, it's not." He said sadly. "I'm not going anywhere okay? I will wake you up if you start dreaming."
Edmund stared at him for a moment before slowly nodding. "Thanks." He mumbled as he lay down.
Peter smiled and placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder as he turned on his side with his back to him. "Night Ed." He whispered.
"Night." Edmund said.
Peter waited until he was absolutely sure that Edmund was asleep before standing and walking across the tent to sit on his hammock. He sat there for what seemed like forever, just staring at his brother, eyes full of tears.
Everything changed though when Edmund turned over in his sleep and let out a quiet whimper, squeezing his eyes shut.
Sighing, Peter stood and slowly walked over to his brother, kneeling beside the hammock. "Ed." He said gently, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
He hadn't expected Edmund to wake up so easily but the second his hand landed on his brothers shoulder his eyes snapped open and he immediately pulled away.
"Hey, it's only me." Peter said quickly.
Edmund's head turned to face his brother and after a few minutes of just staring at him, a look of fear in his eyes, he slowly started to relax. "Pete." He sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.
"You okay?" Peter asked.
Edmund shrugged. "Suppose." He mumbled, looking down at his lap and not at Peter.
"Ed?" Peter questioned, knowing something was up.
Edmund sighed, not looking up at his brother.
"Edmund what's wrong?" Peter asked, looking rather worried.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I'm just - scared is all." He choked. "What - What if she comes back?! What if - during the battle - she - she-"
"Edmund." Peter said quickly, cutting him off. "Everything's gonna be fine."
Edmund just shook his head. "You don't know what she's like Peter." He said, panicking. "She won't stop until she gets what she wants - I know that for sure - and the one thing she wants more than anything is me dead!"
"Edmund that's not going to happen." Peter sighed sadly.
"You don't know that!" Edmund said. "You know what happened to me in her dungeons because I wouldn't give her something she wanted!"
Peter sighed and couldn't help but cringe slightly.
"She gets what she wants Peter!" Edmund said. "She got the information on where you all were, didn't she?"
Peter sighed. "Aslan sorted it Ed." He said.
"But how do we know that'll stop her from coming back?!" Edmund said.
"Look Edmund." Peter said, raising his voice just slightly. "She's not coming back. And even if she does she's gonna have to go through me before she ever touches you again!"
Edmund stared at him, eyes slightly wide. "Do you really mean that?" He choked in barely more than a whisper.
Peter frowned slightly. "Of course I do Ed." He said softly. "You're my brother, and I will do anything I can to protect you."
Edmund's eyes filled with tears that very soon made their way down his cheeks.
Peter sighed sadly and wrapped his arms tightly around his brother.
Edmund buried his face into Peter's chest and sobbed, holding onto him as if his life depended on it.
"Shh." Peter whispered. "Everything will be fine. One day this will all be over."
Edmund gripped Peter even tighter, crying harder as Peter kissed the top of his head.
"I promise you Ed." Peter said. "Everything's gonna be fine."
Edmund jumped violently when Lucy all of a sudden burst into the tent, Susan following quickly behind.
The two brothers pulled apart to stare at their sisters.
"Edmund!" Lucy beamed before running over and jumping up to sit beside him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.
"Hey Lu." Edmund said as he bit back a groan and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"You two not in bed yet?" Peter asked as Susan walked over and stood beside him.
"We were just going." Susan replied. "But Lucy insisted on saying goodnight." She added, staring at Lucy.
"I said that you two would probably be asleep but turns out I was wrong."
"Well, Edmund was asleep..." Peter muttered, trailing off.
Susan stared at her younger brother for a moment before sighing and nodding a little, understanding.
Edmund shrugged slightly at her as Lucy finally let him go, sitting up properly and resting her head on his shoulder instead.
"Come on Lucy." Susan said after a while. "Let Edmund sleep."
Lucy hesitated but nodded anyway, jumping off the hammock and quickly giving Peter a hug. "Night." She said as she pulled away.
"Night Lu." Peter said with a small smile before the two girls left. Sighing he looked back to his brother, who had a look of pain on his face. "Maybe we should tell the girls about your back Ed." He said sadly.
But Edmund immediately shook his head. "No way." He mumbled.
"But you're getting really hurt." Peter mumbled.
"It's fine." Edmund said. "And anyway, could you imagine what Lucy would do if she found out?"
Peter bit his lip. "You're right." He mumbled.
Edmund nodded slowly.
"Okay, we won't tell them." Peter said. "Now come on, back to sleep."
Edmund didn't argue and just lay down, closing his eyes.
Peter waited once again until he was pretty sure that Edmund was asleep before standing.
But before he returned to his own hammock he bent down and placed a kiss to Edmund's forehead. "Love you." He whispered before walking across the tent.
But what he didn't know was that Edmund was still awake, and now had a small smile across his face.


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