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"Edmund!" Peter screamed across the field at his brother. Edmund's head whipped around. "There's too many! Get out of here!" Peter shouted at him. "Get the girls and get them home!"
Peter didn't have any time to see if Edmund had heard or even done what he said before a minotaur's axe came crashing towards his head. He only just had time to block it before staggering backwards a bit. He fought on for what felt like an eternity before a blue flash caught the corner of his eye. Frowning, he swung around to see what it was, and so did half the battle field.
His eyes went wide and his heart skipped a beat when he found out where the blue flash had come from. Edmund was stood in front of the white witch, sword in his hand and a terrified expression on his face. And Jadis was staring at him, her broken wand gripped tightly in her hand.
The blue flash, it was Edmund smashing the witches wand. Peter had to quickly block another blow from the minotaur, but he didn't take his eyes off his brother.
He could only watch as the witch disarmed Edmund in one move before bringing her wand forward.
Peter's eyes went wide as Jadis stabbed his little brother right before his eyes, causing Edmund to double over and his eyes to slam shut. "EDMUND!" Peter screamed, tears at once blurring his vision as he watched in horror as Jadis yanked her broken wand out of his brother. Peter stared at Edmund as his eyes fluttered open, hands over the now bleeding wound in his stomach.
Everything slowed for Peter down as Edmund fell to the fooor, landing with a hard thud.
Without even realising what he was doing Peter charged head long at the witch, who had a triumphant smirk spread across her face as she turned away from Edmund and grabbed his sword which stuck out of the ground.
Peter reached her and with a cry of anger swung his sword at her head. She blocked of course before swinging her sword at him, causing Peter to quickly lift his sword to block her.
Every stroke of the sword Peter tried to make his way closer to his brother, but Jadis just kept pushing him further and further away until they rounded a corner and Peter could no longer see his brother. With a quick glance at Jadis he threw his head back as her swords came towards his neck before he swung his sword at her again. He just wanted to get to Edmund, his brother was hurt, wounded, possibly even dead... he had to get to him.
Jadis seemed to be... mocking him? Giving him time to get up if he fell down, going rather easy on him, a smirk spread across her face.
After what felt like ages of fighting there was an almighty roar that almost echoed throughout the whole battle field, causing everyone to come to a complete halt.
Both Peter and the witch turned up to the cliffs where Aslan stood.
"Impossible." Jadis whispered in shock, her eyes wide.
Peter was rather shocked to, but had no time whatsoever to wonder on why Aslan was there and not dead.. as Susan and Lucy had said, for Jadis' sword slammed into his shield.
After that she did not go easy on him. Peter really struggled to defend himself after that, and the fight was no longer about avenging his brother but was now about trying to stay alive.
All of a sudden Jadis swiped her sword at his legs, causing him to fall onto his back on the floor.
He let out a cry of pain as the witch stabbed him in the arm with Edmund's sword, pinning him to the floor.
Bringing down her sword Peter quickly brought up his shield to block her, but she got rid of it easily before holding her sword above his chest.
Peter stared at her, his eyes wide and heart pounding. But even now all he could think about was his brother.
He held his breath as he waited for the witch to kill him, but all of a sudden someone leapt onto the witch, pushing her backwards and pinning her to the floor.
Peter pulled the sword from his arm with a gasp and jumped to his feet, just in time to see Aslan kill the witch. He stood there in shock as Aslan slowly turned to him, an unreadable expression on the lion's face.
Aslan stared at him for a moment before sighing. "It is finished." He said clearly.
Peter took a deep breath, visibly relaxing.
Peter quickly swung around to see Susan and Lucy running towards him, worried expressions on both their faces.
Peter held out his arm and Lucy immediately flew into it, gripping him so tight he thought she'd never let go.
After a short while Peter glanced at his other sister, who was glancing worridley around, taking deep breaths.
"Where's Edmund?" She asked quickly, her voice shaking.
Peter's heart literally stopped beating at the mention of his brother's name. The image of Jadis stabbing his little brother flashed before his eyes, causing them to fill with tears.
Without hesitation he ran in the direction that he'd last seen Edmund, hearing Susan and Lucy follow behind him.
He had to find his brother. He had to. He would. Running as fast as he could he rounded the corner, only to immediately stop, his eyes going wide.
Laying a little way away, flat on his back, one arm flung out to the side and his other hand gripping at a wound in his stomach, was Peter's little brother.
He was gasping for air, lying in a pool of his own blood. He was as pale as a piece of paper and had a look of pure agony on his face.


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