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Peter sighed as he watched his brother sleep, keeping a hand firmly on his shoulder the whole time and watching his chest rise and fall, listening to his deep breaths. He was hoping beyond hope that his brother wouldn't have a bad dream, because not only would it make him absolutely terrified but would probably cause him alot of pain. But he knew that wasn't to be when Edmund started muttering in his sleep.
Sighing slightly he leant forward a bit. "Ed." He whispered.
Edmund turned onto his back, letting out a small whimper as his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
"Edmund it's okay." Peter said, a little louder this time. "Wake up."
Edmund let out a quiet sob as his eyes flickered open and his hands clamped around the blanket covering him.
"Ed?" Peter asked, moving over to sit on the side of the hammock.
Edmund looked down at him and swallowed hard. "Peter?" He choked.
Peter smiled a little, nodding. "How you feeling?" He asked, helping Edmund as he tried to sit up.
Edmund finaly managed to sit up and hesitated at Peter's question. "Tired, weak, sore." He mumbled quietly.
Peter nodded, he was glad Edmund was talking now, but his heart was still breaking. "Why did you do it?" He whispered. "Why didn't you leave like I told you too?"
Edmund sighed. "There was no way I was letting her turn you into stone Pete." He said, his voice cracking.
Peter swallowed hard. "But you almost - almost died." He choked.
Edmund looked down at his lap, taking a deep breath. "I know." He managed to force past his lips.
Peter sighed, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "But - But you didn't." He said, taking a deep breath.
Edmund's eyes filled with tears. "I thought I was going to though." He whispered.
Peter sighed. "So did I." He mumbled before pulling Edmund into a hug.
Edmund hid a wince and wrapped his arms around his brothers waist, resting his head against his chest.
"Gosh you scared me so much." Peter muttered.
Edmund sighed. "I scared me too." He choked.
Peter nodded a little. "But - But you saved so many lives." He said. "Including mine." He added in a whisper.
"I-" Edmund said but then stopped, swallowing hard.
"But please." Peter said quickly. "Promise me that you'll never do it again."
"I can't promise that Peter." Edmund choked.
"Why not?!" Peter exclaimed. "Ed, I can't lose you! I won't lose you!"
Edmund slowly shook his head. "And I can't lose you." He mumbled. "I wont lose you." He copied.
Peter sighed. "Just be more careful in future." He mumbled.
Edmund nodded. "I'll try." He said.
"Try?" Peter said. "Don't you mean you will?!"
Edmund managed a small smile. "You're so overprotective." He muttered.
Peter smiled too. "That's me." He said.
Edmund nodded. "And I wouldn't want it any other way." He mumbled before burying his face against Peter's shoulder.
Peter swallowed hard, tears appearing in his eyes as he pulled Edmund close. "Love you." He whispered.
"Love you too." Edmund mumbled.
After a while Peter took a deep breath. "How come you weren't talking earlier?" He asked. "I was worried."
Edmund sighed a little, but didn't pull away from Peter. "I was just rather shaken I suppose." He mumbled. "I didn't think she'd - she'd stab me."
Peter's grip tightened around his brother. "I understand." He mumbled. "But what did you think was gonna happen?" He asked, looking a little shocked.
Edmund shrugged. "To be honest." He sighed. "I didn't really think about what would happen."
Peter sighed, kissing the top of his head.
"Peter, Edmund?"
The two boys looked up to see Susan pop her head through the tent flaps.
"Hey Su." Peter said, smiling a little.
"Hey." Susan replied. "Can we come in?" She asked. "It's just, I've got Lucy out here and... well-" She cut herself off, letting out a small laugh.
Peter chuckled. "Sure." He said with a nod.
No sooner had the word left his mouth did Lucy burst through the tent flaps, a worried look on her face. The moment she spotted Edmund she ran over and jumped up onto the hammock, resting a head gently on his shoulder.
Edmund swallowed hard and rather reluctantly pulled away from Peter and pulled Lucy into a hug, which she gladly returned.
"How you feeling?" Susan asked her younger brother as she sat on the chair beside the hammock.
Edmund shrugged a little. "Been better. He choked before he buried his face into Lucy's hair.
"Pete can I have a word?" Susan whispered as she stood up and left the tent.
Peter took a deep breath and glanced quickly at Edmund and, satisfied that he'd be alright for the time being he snuck out after his sister. "What?" He asked when the two were a safe distance away from the tent so that they wouldn't get overheard.
"What - happened?" Susan asked slowly, sighing a little.
Peter swallowed hard. "He - He got stabbed." He choked quickly.
Susan sighed. "I mean - what, exactly happened?" She said.
Peter took a deep breath, knowing that Susan needed to know. "He - He." Peter sighed. "Edmund broke the witches wand." He mumbled.
Susan frowned, a look of shock on her face. "He broke her wand?!" She asked.
Peter nodded. "He - He faced the witch, and smashed her wand." He choked.
"Then what happened?" Susan asked after a while.
"Then-" Peter paused. "She, disarmed him, and to be honest, I was extremely surprised that she didn't, dislocated his shoulder or something." He sighed a little before taking a deep breath. "Then she, she stabbed him."
"With her sword right?" Susan said wearily, but she had a feeling that wasn't true.
Peter shook his head, swallowing hard.
"Then what did she use?" Susan asked.
"Her - Her wand." Peter choked. "Well, what was left of it." He added quietly.
Susan stared at Peter, tears in her eyes. "She used her wand?" She whispered.
Peter nodded, wiping his eyes quickly as he sniffed, letting out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding.
"Peter!" Came Lucy's scream from inside the tent.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Ed." He whispered before running back into the tent, only for his heart to break.
Edmund was leaning over the side of the hammock, tears rolling down his cheeks, and by the looks of it hard thrown up, all over the floor.
Peter walked across the tent in three steps and sat beside him, pulling him upright as Edmund wiped his mouth with a handkerchief Lucy had given him.
Susan quickly poured a cup of water and handed it to her brother, who gladly took it and took a sip. "Thanks." He managed to choke.
Peter sighed, his hands on Edmund's arms tightening just a little bit. "You okay?" He couldn't help but ask.
Edmund shook his head, taking a deep breath, followed by another one, and another.
"Breath Ed." Peter said quickly as Susan sat back down in the chair. "Breath."
This didn't seem to work though as Edmund was soon gasping for air, and Peter had no idea what to do.
After a while Edmund's eyes closed and he collapsed against Peter, dropping the cup of water in his hand onto the floor as he passed out.
Peter sighed and when Lucy moved out of the way he gently lay Edmund down in the hammock, pulling the blanket up tightly around him.
"He - He passed out." Lucy whispered, going over to sit in Peter's lap.
"I'm sure he'll be fine." Susan said, taking a deep breath. "Won't he?"
Peter shrugged. "Let's just hope he will." He whispered.


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