Try not to wander off

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Peter sighed slightly as he stepped out of his tent the next morning, squinting slightly in the sudden light.
Taking a few steps he spotted Orious, walking past a few metres away. The centaur turned to face him, a small frown on his face.
Peter swallowed hard, staring at the centuar, silently asking. "How is he?"
Orious, guessing the look on Peter's face gave him a small smile followed by a nod before he turned around and looked up at a small hill.
Peter followed his gaze and spotted Aslan, sat up on the hill. But it wasn't Aslan that caught his attention. Stood in front of the lion was his brother, awake, head bowed and hands in his pockets.
Peter couldn't help the relieved sigh that escaped him as he took a few steps forward, hearing Orious leave.
He stared at Aslan and his brother for a moment, watching as Edmund slowly nodded his head, still looking down at the ground before he heard his sisters exiting their tent.
Turning to Susan Peter took a deep breath, biting his lip gently.
Susan frowned at the look on his face, and followed his glance when he looked back up at Edmund. Her eyes went wide when she saw her brother, and she couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
Lucy though was maybe a bit more enthusiastic. As soon as she saw her older brother stood up on the rocks talking to Aslan her eyes went wide and she gasped.
"Edmund!" She cried out happily and went to run up to him, that is until Peter quickly grabbed her.
Lucy frowned up at her brother as Peter placed a firm hand on her shoulder. Getting the fact that Aslan and Edmund were talking she slowly nodded her head. Peter gave her a small smile before letting her go and looking back up to his brother.
He held his breath when he realised that Edmund was looking at them, as was Aslan.
After a few moments Edmund turned back to Aslan, and with a few nods turned and began walking towards him, Susan and Lucy.
Peter sighed sadly as Edmund walked, or more like limped, towards him and the girls, hands still buried deep in his pockets and his head down.
It wasn't until he got closer did Peter catch a glimpse of his face, and had to force back his tears when he did.
The bruises covering Edmund's left cheek were alot worse than they had been last night, his lip had scabbed over, and the cut by his eye looked even more painful.
He stayed where he was though as Edmund stopped a few steps in front of them, Aslan coming up and standing beside him.
"What's done is done." He said softly but firmly. "There is no need to speak to Edmund about was is past." And with that he turned and left.
Peter watched as Edmund stared after the lion for a moment, a look of almost fear in his eyes before slowly turning back to him.
He seemed to ignore Susan and Lucy completely and just stared up at his brother.
Peter stared back, an almost disappointed frown on his face.
Edmund bit his lip gently, a look of shame covering his face before sighing and looking back down at the floor.
"Hello." He mumbled, casting a quick glance up at his siblings before looking back down at his feet again.
Lucy let out a delighted laugh and ran forward, wrapping her arms tightly around Edmund's waist, resting her head on his chest.
Peter took a deep breath, pretty sure that Edmund had flinched, but he still - surprisingly - returned the hug, resting his cheek on the top of Lucy's head.
Peter just stood there, unsure of what to do as Susan walked over to Edmund and Lucy, gently placing a hand on her brothers shoulder.
Edmund hesitantly let Lucy go, and with a small smile wrapped his arms tightly around Susan's neck.
Peter felt the tears sting his eyes, but forced them back as quickly as he could as he watched Susan slowly let go, but keep her hand on Edmund's upper arm.
"Are you alright?" She asked gently with a small laugh.
Peter could clearly see Edmund hesitate, but in the end he answered with: "I'm a little tired."
Peter sighed, Edmund looked absolute exhausted. "Get some sleep." He said, trying to get his voice to sound gentle, but seeming as he was trying his hardest not to cry it came out alot harder than he was intending.
Edmund glanced at his brother, that looks of shame appearing on his face again.
His hands returned to his pockets as he slowly walked past his brother and towards the tent he'd nodded at.
Peter froze as he walked by. He wanted to pull him into a tight hug then and there, but he couldn't. Peter sighed, couldn't or wouldn't?
"And Edmund?" He said quickly, spinning around to watch his brother turn around, a look of both hope and fear in his dark brown eyes.
Peter swallowed hard, and then attempted a smile. "Try not to wander off." He said.
Edmund smiled back at him, a real actual smile before he turned away and entered the tent.
Peter sighed a little and hesitantly turned back to his sisters, who were both staring at him. "What?" He whispered, although he hadn't meant it to be a whisper.
Susan sighed. "Go and talk to him." She said softly.
Peter frowned. "But I just told him to get some sleep." He said.
Susan gave him an unimpressed look. "He's not going to be able to sleep for a long while yet Peter." She said. "Not with the amount of pain it was obvious he was in."
Peter took a deep breath. "Fine." He mumbled. "I'll go talk to him."
Susan gave him a small smile before placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Why don't you show me what you can do with that dagger of yours?" She said.
Lucy glanced hesitantly back at the tent Edmund was now in, biting the inside of her cheek.
"Ed will be fine Lu." Susan said. "We'll come and see him when Peter's finished talking with him alright?"
Lucy sighed but nodded before following Susan towards the training area.
Peter took a deep breath, turning around and stopping outside the tent.
After a few minutes of just standing there he slowly lifted the flaps and stepped into the tent.


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