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"When do you reckon he'll wake up?" Lucy mumbled, still sat in Peter's lap and staring at Edmund, who was still unconscious.
Peter sighed. "I don't know." He said, pausing for a moment before saying: "That's the third time he's thrown up."
Susan swallowed hard. "I suppose it's understandable." She said quietly. "He was - was stabbed." She added even quieter.
Peter nodded a little. "Why would she even think of doing something like that?" He whispered in disbelief. "He's only a kid!"
Susan sighed and placed a hand gently on Peter's shoulder. "She's dead Peter." She said firmly. "She can never hurt him again."
Peter took a deep breath. "I know." He choked. "I think I should check his wound." He mumbled after a while. "Just incase." He added at Susan's frown.
Susan nodded slowly. "Yeah." She breathed as Peter gently pushed Lucy off his lap. Lucy sighed sadly as she glanced at Edmund before climbing up into Susan's lap instead.
Peter held his breath as he pulled back the blankets before pulling up Edmund's tunic a little. Even though Edmund was unconscious he still flinched, causing Peter to freeze for a moment before lifting it up further to look at the wound.
All three of them took a deep breath when they saw it, Lucy actually letting out a small sort of whimper.
The wound on Edmund's stomach was bruised, swollen, red and bleeding.
Peter sighed, tears appearing in his eyes as he reached for a bowl of water and a cloth, wetting the cloth and wringing it before placing it against the wound.
"Do you reckon it'll scar?" Susan whispered as Peter carefully cleaned away the blood.
"I don't see how it can't." Peter muttered, after a while placing the bowl and cloth back on the table and pulling down Edmund's tunic, wrapping the blankets tightly around him.
"Will he have it - forever?" Lucy asked worridley.
Peter nodded a little. "More than likely." He sighed.
"Has he - has he told you anything of what happened when he was with the witch?" Susan asked after a long while of silence.
Peter hesitated. "Yeah." He choked. "But I found out, he didn't exactly tell me as such." He added quickly.
"How did you 'find out'?" Lucy asked.
Peter once again hesitated, taking a deep breath. "I saw his injuries." He mumbled.
"What injuries?" Lucy asked, her voice full of panick.
Peter shook his head. "He doesn't want you to know." He said. "He didn't even want me to know." Susan nodded a little. "But-" Peter said quickly. "Can you two just be careful when you hug him?" He asked.
"Why?" Susan asked wearily.
"Just-" Peter sighed. "Just because, please?"
Susan sighed sadly and nodded. "We will." She mumbled.
Peter nodded. "Thanks." He choked, taking hold of Edmund's hand and running his thumb across his knuckles, feeling the scabs that were still there.
"I feel like we should go help." Susan muttered after what felt like an eternity of silence.
"Help with what?" Peter asked, frowning.
"They're having a sort of celebration tonight." Susan said. "Because we won and defeated the witch."
Peter nodded a little. "You can go if you want." He said. "I'm staying with Ed, so-" He glanced at Edmund, not finishing his sentence.
Susan nodded. "I'll come straight back." She said. "Lu, you coming?"
Lucy hesitated.
"I think it would be best Lu." Susan whispered.
Lucy bit her lip but nodded. "I'm coming." She mumbled as the two stood.
"We'll see you in a minute" Susan said.
Peter nodded. "Come and get us when everyone's ready for this, celebration, yeah?" He asked.
Susan nodded. "Sure." She smiled before her and Lucy left the tent.
Peter sighed and turned back to his brother, who was to his extreme relief opening his eyes.
Edmund stared at Peter, not moving, not speaking, not even blinking.
Peter frowned a little. "Ed?" He asked, squeezing his hand a bit.
Edmund continued to stare at him before he took a deep breath. "What happened?" He managed, his hand wrapping itself around Peter's.
Peter sighed. "You passed out." He mumbled.
Edmund swallowed hard, nodding. "Oh." He choked. "Where are the girls?"
"They've gone to help everyone get ready for the celebration they're having tonight, because we won." He replied.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Okay." He said.
"You feeling up to it?" Peter asked quietly.
Edmund hesitated. "I suppose so." He said, nodding a little.
"Alright." Peter said. "But I want you to take it easy." He added quickly and firmly.
Edmund smirked. "Yes dad." He muttered as he slowly sat up.
Peter smirked back. "But seriously." He said. "I mean it. I really don't want you hurting yourself. Or passing out again."
Edmund nodded. "I'll 'take it easy' as you put it." He agreed.
Peter smiled. "Alright." He said quietly.
Edmund nodded and swung his legs over the side of the bed, going to stand.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked, putting out a hand to stop him as he raised an eyebrow.
"I need a drink." Edmund said.
Peter sighed and stood up, walking over to the table and pouring Edmund some water.
Edmund sighed. "I could've done it you know." He said as Peter handed him the cup. "I'm quite capable of walking."
"Hmm." Peter sighed as Edmund took a few sips of the water before putting it down on the small table beside the hammock. 
Edmund looked back at his brother and after seeing the look on his face curled up into his arms, burying his face against his chest.
Peter's arms wrapped themselves around Edmund as he kissed the top of his head.
"Can we go outside?" Edmund asked after a while. "I need some fresh air."
Peter nodded. "Course." He said, slowly pulling away from Edmund and pulling him to his feet.
Edmund stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before walking towards the tent flaps, Peter following.
"You alright?" Peter asked, reaching out to grab Edmund's arm as he swayed.
"Yeah." Edmund said, nodding a little. "Come on."


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